Page 1 2 Dwarf's Guide to Debian GNU/ Linux 2001 Dale Scheetz 1 1 Page 2 3 Dwarf's Guide to Debian GNU/ Linux Copyright c 2001 Dale Scheetz Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/ or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being Chapter 1 Introduction, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with the Back-Cover Texts being "The early development of the material in this work was produced with the financial support of Planet Linux. This support was intrumental in bringing this project to completion." A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License" which can be found on page 271. Trademark Acknowledgements All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. The publisher cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. CP/ M is a registered trademark of Caldera, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc. MS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. X Window System is a registered trademark of X Consortium, Inc. ii 2 2 Page 3 4 dedicated to Linux users everywhere iii 3 3 Page 4 5 CREDITS First I want to thank Ian Murdock for writing the History section. His per-spectives on those early years have helped latecomers like Dwarf understand the founding principles upon which Debian is based. While Dwarf wrote much of the remainder of the book from his own experience, his fellow developers have always been willing to help resolve his ignorance. Without the fabulous mind-share of the development community, this book could never have been written. This release includes graphic snapshots of the actual screens presented by the current installation. These shots could not have been taken without the use of VMware TM Workstation software. VMware's support of this free software effort has included the donation of license to use it's MultipleWorlds TM tech-nology without fee. Dwarf is grateful for the quality of the presentation these screen shots bring to this book, and wishes to thank VMware for all their help in making this possible. Dwarf also wishes to thank Peter S Galbraith for making this book available as the Debian package dwarfs-debian-guide, and Anthony Fok for his patches to the layout, and for catching several typos. iv 4 4 Page 5 6 Typography Bold Bold type face is used to identify words that are name or titles, such as the names of headings on a display, the names of file formats or protocols, and even program names when the usage is pointedly the name and not the use or function of the program. Italic Italic type face is used to identify files, directories, and programs that reside on a file system, as well as their use in commands. The note Style Note: This style is used to deliver auxiliary information about the subject under discussion. Most often this is information that the reader may or may not understand, and is considers op-tional reading. The screen Style This style presents text that might be displayed on the screen of your computer. v 5 5 Page 6 7 vi 6 6 Page 7 8 Contents 1 Introduction 15 About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 A Short History of Debian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Debian Development Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What Makes Debian Different? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 What is in this book? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2 Package Management Tools 27 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 dpkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Running dpkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Options Recognized by dpkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Installation and Removal Options . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Available Packages File Management Options . . . . . 37 Package System Information Options . . . . . . . . . . 39 vii 7 7 Page 8 9 Force Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Miscellaneous Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 dselect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Using dselect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 0. [A] ccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1. [U] pdate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2. [S] elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3. [I] nstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 4. [C] onfig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5. [R] emove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6. [Q] uit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Upgrading with dselect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 apt-get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Selecting Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Updating Packages Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Installing Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Upgrading Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Removing packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3 Installation 67 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 viii 8 8 Page 9 10 Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Boot Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Partitioning the Hard Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 The Swap Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 The root partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Example #1: Simple partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Example #2: Complex partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Networking Information Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Preliminary Networking Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 PPP Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 What You Need to Know: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Stage One: The Base Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Task 1: Configure the Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Task 2: Partition the Hard Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Task 3: Swap Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Task 4: Initializing Linux Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Task 5: Install Kernel and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Task 6: Configuring Driver Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Task 7: Configure the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Task 8: Installing the Base System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Task 9: Configuring the Base System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 ix 9 9 Page 10 11 Task 10: Creating a Bootable System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Task 11: Finish Stage One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Stage Two: Package Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 General Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 PPP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Configuring Apt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 The Debian Task Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 X Configuration using anXious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Apt Package Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 4 Basic System Administration 189 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Managing many accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Adding a user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Removing a user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Managing passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Managing Root Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 su . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 sudo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 File Protection by Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 File Protection by Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Mounting and Unmounting File Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 x 10 10 Page 11 12 Monitoring System Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Process Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 top CPU Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 fuser: Who has it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Who is logged on? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Where is the printer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Finding knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Additional info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Finding packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Searching the file system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Building a Custom Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Building the Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Non-Debian Kernel Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Debian Kernel Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Disadvantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 5 Appendix 223 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 chgrp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 xi 11 11 Page 12 13 chmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 chown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 cp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 df . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 du . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 mkdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 mv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 rm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 rmdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Appendix 2: Text Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 ae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 vi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 emacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Appendix 3: The Loop Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Appendix 4: Multiple OS Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Appendix 5: Building Packages Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Appendix 6: Linux as a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Appendix 7: Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 SCSI device arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 xii 12 12 Page 13 14 SCSI argument list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Hard Disk Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Other CD-ROMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Floppy Drive Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Other Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Appendix 8: What is Free Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License . . . . . . . . . . . 271 GNU Free Documentation License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Applicability and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Verbatim Copying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Copying in Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Combining Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Collections of Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Aggregation With Independent Works . . . . . . . . . 279 Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Future Revisions of This License . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Index 282 xiii 13 13 Page 14 15 xiv 14 14 Page 15 16 Chapter 1 Introduction About the Author As Dwarf, the author began traveling the Information Super-highway in the early 1990's. Several years later he discovered Linux, when someone gave him a copy of the first edition of The Linux Journal. He purchased a CD from one of the adds in that magazine, and after only 3 or 4 tries, was successful installing Slackware on a PC that had previously only run DOS. He was almost immediately disappointed because many of the source packages that he was able to download off the net would not build because some library, or utility, appeared to be missing from the system. Being barely able to manage make provided none of the skills needed to resolve the problem. As Dwarf later discovered, the reason for these failures came from the nonstandard locations for libraries and utilities in a Slackware system. With that knowledge it is a pretty simple matter to edit the make file so the libraries can be success-fully found. Lack of this knowledge forced Dwarf to try another distribution. Software Landing Systems (SLS) was installed next, and it did a much better job of supplying everything necessary to build packages directly off the net. 15 15 15 Page 16 17 16 Introduction In fact, Dwarf used this system for all his network activities until he lost his computer to lightning two years later. Once a new machine arrived a decision had to be made. Although the SLS system had been more successful than Slackware, the success rate was still down around 3 successes for every 4 attempts. Searching the various CDs in his growing collection, Dwarf discovered Debian. Although the release available on that CD had no PPP support, what was provided was much more successful at building the collected source files than either of the previous distributions! Finding the debian-devel mailing list and upgrading his system to a version of Debian with PPP support got Dwarf working as a developer, and he has been working with Debian ever since. After that short history of the author, a short history of Debian seems to be in order. The following was provided by Ian Murdock, the creator of Debian: 16 16 Page 17 18 A Short History of Debian In late 1993, a college student and computer enthusiast named Ian Murdock was using SLS, an early distribution of Linux. He liked Linux but found himself disappointed that SLS had many problems and that, even worse, new releases of it failed to fix many of them. Convinced that this was mostly due to an overloaded, overworked maintainer, he decided to adapt the model used in the development of Linux itself and use it to create a new distribution with a decidedly different philosophy. He called the new distribution "Debian Linux", and it was to be developed by a distributed group of volunteers. This group was completely open and anyone was welcome to get involved. Ian posted his intentions to the Usenet in August of 1993 and immediately found outside interest in his idea, including that of the Free Software Founda-tion, the creators of much of the core software of all Linux-based systems. Ian credits this early interest as being pivotal to the acceptance of Debian into the free software world. Through the fall and winter of 1993, development of Debian proceeded through several internal releases, culminating in the public release of Debian 0. 91 in January of 1994. Debian 0.91 gave the world its first glimpse of the Debian philosophy in action. By this time, a dozen or so people were involved in de-velopment, though Ian was still largely packaging and integrating the releases himself. 17 17 17 Page 18 19 18 Introduction After the first public release of Debian, attention was turned toward developing the package system called dpkg. A rudimentary dpkg existed in Debian 0.91, but at that time was mostly used for manipulating packages once they were installed, rather than as a general packaging utility. By the summer of 1994, early versions of dpkg were becoming usable, and other people besides Ian began to join in the packaging and integration process by following guidelines that explained how to construct packages that were modular and integrated into the system without causing problems. By the fall of 1994, an overloaded Ian Murdock, now coordinating the efforts of dozens of people in addition to his own development work, transferred re-sponsibility of the package system to Ian Jackson, who proceeded to make many invaluable enhancements, and shaped it into the current system. After months of hard work and organization, the Debian Project finally made its first distributed release in March of 1995, Debian 0.93 Release 5. Debian 0.92 had never been released, and Release 1 through Release 4 of Debian 0.93 had been development releases made throughout the fall and winter of 1994. By this time, the Debian Project, as it had come to be called, had grown to include over sixty people. In the summer of 1995, Ian Murdock transferred responsibility of the base system, the core set of Debian packages, to Bruce Perens, giving Ian time to devote to the management of the growing Project. Work continued throughout the summer and fall, and a final a. out binary format release, Debian 0.93 Release 6, was made in November of 1995 before attention turned to converting the system to the ELF binary format. Ian Murdock left the Debian Project in March of 1996 to devote more time to his family and to finishing school; Bruce Perens assumed the leadership role, guiding the Project through its first ELF release, Debian 1.1, in June 1996. 18 18 Page 19 20 The Debian Development Team From its humble beginnings, with a mere handful of developers, the Debian Development Team has grown to nearly 400 active developers and enough additional help from regular contributors to bring the total list of participants to over 600 people. Most of these people have never physically met each other. Almost all of the communication between developers takes place via e-mail using the various mailing lists that the project supports through donor supplied hardware and bandwidth. All contributions to the project are completely voluntary, including the many fine people, businesses, and institutions that contribute hardware to operate those lists and disk space to store the archives. What little actual cash is necessary, has in the past been paid out of pocket by the person taking care of the issue. Software in the Public Interest now provides services that allow for the project to collect donations for such cash necessities. This vol-unteer organization, by its very nature, does not lend itself to the hierarchical structures usually found in development organizations. Control from a central location is ineffective, at best, and counterproductive in many cases. The rea-son this process works without those controls stems from the modular package scheme that was developed so early in the project. This allows an individual developer to take responsibility for a "known" piece of the distribution. The efforts of this diverse group are directed by the bug tracking system, and the set of Policy documents that define the construction of Debian packages, and to some extent by the Debian Project Leader. The combination of mailing lists and bug reporting system provides the only checks and balances needed to adequately control each individual developer. If developers have any questions about the proper way to deal with package responsibilities, the mailing list provides the access to other developers who will gladly assist them with suggestions and comments. If developers generate packages which are poorly formed, the bug tracking system allows anyone 19 19 19 Page 20 21 20 Introduction who notices the problem to bring it to their attention. With the recent rapid growth of the development group, this system became inadequate for dealing with the problems brought on by that rapid growth. This need has created multiple small teams within the larger structure, whose specific task has some narrowly focused agenda. Some of the current agendas include: Publicity; Documentation; Quality Assurance; and Testing. These subgroups operate on the same general principles as the larger group, usually with their own mailing list and a team leader. These teams have a far better chance of coming to closure on the issues that they deal with, than the larger group was ever able to accomplish. Within this loose structure, the driving forces come from the universal desire of all participants to create an exceptional product of the highest possible quality. This helps to quell personal agendas and keep people focused on the general goals. It is this development model, borrowed from the Kernel Development Team and modified to suit the needs of the Debian team, that has allowed Debian to become the powerful distribution that it is today. 20 20 Page 21 22 What Makes Debian Different? The major difference between the Debian distribution and other Linux distri-butions that are currently available is its open development model. This is not, however, the only difference between Debian and the other distributions. The second, equally important difference, is Debian's strict adherence to the "Free Software" ideal. It is quite impressive, when you think about it, that this distribution is composed of freely redistributable software, complete with source code. Now, most other distributions also supply source code and these same programs, but they will also put packages into their distributions that can not be redistributed under certain conditions, without any concern for the legal problems that they deliver to their customer. Users of the Debian distribution can be assured that what they find in that distribution will have no constraints on the free distribution and modification of that software, leaving them free to build "value added" systems from this Distribution without fear that they will find themselves in court for misuse of someone else's intellectual property. Debian provides areas within the archives for packages that do not meet these rigid standards, but are desired by the Debian community. Because of its free software status, the Debian packaging system can be used to package software that does not meet its own standards for free distribution. Packages that are not freely distributable are found in the non-free section of the distribution. An additional category, called contrib is for those pack-ages that would otherwise be free, except that they depend on some other package that is non-free. In this way, Debian provides a wide variety of soft-ware outside the distribution, in a way that protects its users from the legal ramifications of the non-free nature of that software. There are substantial technical issues that separate Debian from the other distributions available today. Debian is dedicated to a strict interpretation 21 21 21 Page 22 23 22 Introduction of the Linux File System Standards, soon to be known as simply the File Hierarchy Standards. It is this strict adherence to these technical guidelines that helps make Debian such a dependably useful system. Foreign packages brought to a Debian system are typically easier to integrate into the system than with other Linux distributions. As important as this standard is, the real technical superiority provided by Debian is its unique packaging system. This system allows for incremental upgrades of individual packages without the constant danger of ending up with a broken system. The modularity of the packaging system keeps each potential disaster localized within the narrow confines of the offending package. There are still plenty of ways to break the system, but the packaging system goes a long way toward protecting the system from such failures. Most of this protection comes from the dependency checking that is provided by this packaging system. Packages can declare their dependency on other packages and even declare that dependency to encompass a particular version of that other package. The installation software enforces these dependencies in a way that forces the dependencies to be satisfied before installation proceeds. This yields a functional package at the end of the installation, instead of one that will not operate for some strange reason. Even with Debian's high quality, the complexity of Linux systems provides many ways to confuse the unwary user. Although Debian attempts to create an installation default that will fit the most general needs of the user, there are many areas where knowledge and skill are required to get the most value from this operating system. Debian provides for these needs with mailing lists. The debian-user mailing list is an open subscription list. To subscribe you simply send an e-mail message to: debian-user-REQUEST@ lists. debian. org with the subject and message body containing the single word subscribe. This will bring you into contact with other users, potentially having had your 22 22 Page 23 24 What Makes Debian Different? 23 problem in the past, who can help reduce your confusion. The strength of this list is that developers lurk on the list as well as users, so there is the possibility of getting expert advice from someone who understands your problem. In addition, the debian-devel mailing list is also open to public subscription. Although its goals are far more technical in nature, much useful information can be gleaned from lurking on this list. As with the user list, a simple e-mail to: debian-devel-REQUEST@ lists. debian. org with the subscribe statement in the subject line will result in mail from this list being sent to your e-mail address. The volume of these lists is quite high at times, which tends to scare folks away who are new to the Internet, but the quality of response is usually quite high. This is in stark contrast to other distributions, many of which don't even supply any e-mail address for questions. Those which do manage user mailing lists tend to be more closed and less helpful to the average user. Much of the difference comes from Debian's open development model, which welcomes the synergy created by multiple points of view. The helpful nature of these lists is way above average for this type of mechanism and most users find it a happy place to be while learning the ins and outs of the Debian system. These differences have made Debian a competitive system with the other cur-rent leaders in the Linux community. The fact that Debian, without corporate sponsorship, has created a distribution that competes favorably against others with strong financial backing, is a surprising and remarkable achievement. 23 23 Page 24 25 What is in this book? The rest of this book is organized into three major chapters: Chapter 2: Package Management Tools Chapter 3: Installation Chapter 4: Basic System Administration Chapter 2 contains three major sections, covering the three principle tools used in managing packages. Starting with dpkg, the command-line utility that performs the principle package management tasks; the chapter continues with a discussion of dselect, the first user interface to the distribution archives; and finishing up with an introduction to apt-get, the newest package installing util-ity which provides a smoother handling of dependencies, among other useful features. These discussions are only intended to give the reader an introduc-tion to these tools, with enough examples to explain installation, upgrading, and removing packages with these tools. For a detailed understanding of the advanced features of these tools the reader must wait until they have a Debian system installed. A search for documents on these tools will teach the novice user many useful things. Chapter 3 provides detailed information about the installation of your own Debian system. The installation process proceeds in two major steps. After information intended to prepare the user and the machine for the upcoming installation, this chapter covers both stages of the installation, as seen from a CDROM installation. Debian provides many different methods of installation, both from local media as well as several network methods. While all of these methods are basically similar, there are minor differences that make it difficult to deliver a general description. Since most editions of this book will come with some kind of Debian CD, this method was chosen so that a straight forward description of the install process could be presented. Helpful alternatives are outlined at the end of this chapter. 24 24 24 Page 25 26 What is in this book? 25 Chapter 4 offers an introduction to the basics of administering your new Debian system. Many of the commands described in this chapter are also useful in daily user operations, so this chapter is useful information even when the target machine is a private workstation with no network connections. In addition, examples are provided for adding users, assigning group permissions and other rudimentary tools for administering a multi-user system like Linux. In addition to these three chapters there are several appendices, covering var-ious details useful to the installation process. Also contained in these appen-dices are several Debian documents of interest, as well as a copy of the license under which this book is delivered. Dwarf hopes the reader will find the material in this book to be useful in their discovery of the Debian GNU/ Linux operating system. Luck, Dwarf 25 25 Page 26 27 26 Introduction 26 26 Page 27 28 Chapter 2 Package Management Tools Introduction A package in Debian is delivered in a single file using the .deb extension to identify it as a binary package. This package file contains all the data and program executable files delivered by the package, as well as all the control information used by the package manager to install the files correctly on your system. While you can install packages without the tools, it is much easier to install Debian packages with the Debian Package Management Tools. This chapter covers the three primary package management tools found in the Debian distribution; dpkg, dselect, and apt-get. The following pages will cover the use of these tools to install, upgrade, or remove individual packages as well as groups of packages. In addition the use of these tools to provide administrative information about the packages installed on the system which will be described. Details about how packages are actually built can be found in the developers documents provided with the Debian system, and are not a part of the material covered in this chapter. 27 27 27 Page 28 29 28 Package Management Tools dpkg is a command line interface to the basic package management functions in a Debian system. This is the earliest tool provided for the system, and provides all the direct access to the package manager database as well as the direct manipulation of the packages to install, upgrade, or remove individual packages. In this section the use of dpkg to install packages, check on the status of packages, upgrade packages, check which packages are installed on the system correctly and which failed to completely install, and removal of the package will be discussed. Examples of each activity will be provided to make clear how each of these features can be used on your new system. While dpkg is the real workhorse of the package management system, the system maintainer will probably only use it on rare occasions to actually install packages. The first tool to provide features that allowed the installation of multiple packages in one pass was dselect. This tool is a full screen interface that allows browsing and choosing from all of the packages available in an archives. This section will cover such tasks as selecting an archival method, updating the available packages database, selecting packages for installation, dependency management, installation, and configuration. While this tool has some limitations, there are access methods for every conceivable archives type, and is often the tool of choice for installing several packages at once. The major deficit for dselect is that it is incapable of installing the packages in a preferred order. Sometimes this leads to packages that will not install on the first pass because some package that it depends upon has not yet been installed. apt-get understands the order requirements of the packages it is going to install, as well as automatically dealing with the dependencies on the packages specified. While apt-get is primarily a command line interface, it has many advantages when installing multiple packages, and works as well over the net as with a local archives. A complete description of how to set up and use apt-get will be presented in the last section of this chapter and will include a discussion of tasks packages as another way to install multiple packages in a useful group. 28 28 Page 29 30 Introduction 29 While you will most likely use apt-get for all your package installation and up-grade needs, a basic understanding of the other tools will help you make the most out of the package management system provided in the Debian distribu-tion. It is the goal of this chapter to provide you with this basic understanding of the package management tools. 29 29 Page 30 31 dpkg Introduction The dpkg program is the workhorse of the Debian packaging system. When run with root privilege, it installs and removes groups of software files called packages. For developers, it builds packages. For normal users, dpkg supplies information on specific packages, the contents of any particular package, or a list of the installed packages on the system. It does all of these package man-agement tasks and more. It is used by dselect, another application discussed in this chapter, to perform the actual installation of packages. Many Perl pro-grams and scripts make calls to dpkg as part of their operation. A familiarity with dpkg provides solutions to many general packaging problems. When all other installation methods fail, dpkg is often capable of resolving the problem. Dealing with the interdependence of packages is one of the major tasks of the Debian Package Management System. The dependency checking features of dpkg are well advanced when compared to other solutions available in the Linux community. What does this mean? It means that, if you use dpkg to attempt the installation of a package, and that package depends for its proper operation on another package that has not yet been installed, dpkg will complain and fail to install the new package. While this may, at first, seem to be a problem, it is actually the solution to the problem. It is far more unsatisfactory to be able to install a package that will not work after it has been installed. This dependency mechanism protects the system from such installations. As dpkg provides information on the package dependency that has not been satisfied, it is a straightforward task to install the dependent packages. Once the dependencies have been satisfied the package will install without problems, and run as expected afterwards. On some systems, one or more of these "dependent" packages might only be supplied by a "local" version of the software, unknown to the packaging system. There are ways to 30 30 30 Page 31 32 dpkg 31 force dpkg to install the depending package even when it does not know that the dependency is satisfied. These options should be used with extreme care, and an understanding of the consequences. All of these interdependency issues are dealt with by an interface to dpkg called dselect, described in the dselect section starting on page 47. The following discussion will cover all of the options that can be specified when using dpkg focusing on how to use them. All of the information contained here is available in "sparse" form by executing dpkg -h | less. Each of those options will be described in as much detail as possible in the following section. 31 31 Page 32 33 32 Package Management Tools Running dpkg dpkg can be run at two levels. Many of the information features of dpkg are available to an unprivileged user account. For tasks like removing and installing packages, root privilege is required. This root privilege may be obtained from tools like sudo or su if root login is undesirable. Scripts that use dpkg to install or remove packages must either be run with root privilege or have the facility to gain root access for the critical operations. sudo is provided as an alternative to logging in as root to obtain those priv-ileges. Entries in the controlling file (/ etc/ sudoers) determine the commands that a given user can execute with root privilege. In this way, individuals or groups may be given access to areas of the system which are normally off limits. What's with all this need for root access? Isn't it dangerous to use root for such a simple thing as package installation? Well, look at it from another point of view. Would you wish any user on your system to be able to install a potentially important package on your system? Those, hopefully, few people that are trusted to do the maintenance jobs that require root access are also those folks who should be trusted to install and remove packages. 32 32 Page 33 34 dpkg 33 Options Recognized by dpkg Installation and Removal Options -i | --install This option is the standard way to install an individual package. The is the file name of the .deb file containing the package and must contain an adequate path to the file. So if you are currently in the directory /usr/ debian and the archives are in /usr/ debian/ stable, you can either type: dpkg -i ./ stable/ binary-i386/ admin/ cron 3.0pl1-38. deb or: dpkg -i /usr/ debian/ stable/ binary-i386/ admin/ cron 3.0pl1-38. deb with the same results. Either of the above lines will install the cron package on your system from the given location. This is fine for installing packages one at a time, but an installation of all of the packages in a given directory tree is possible with the use of the -R option. This option causes dpkg to attempt installation of every .deb file that it finds while doing a recursive search of the declared directory tree. So, if you wanted to install the entire admin directory as given in the above example the command would look like: dpkg -i -R /usr/ debian/ stable/ binary-i386/ admin Because of dependencies between packages this approach will not always (or even very often) be successful. It is very useful if you have a nonstandard archive that contains all the packages you wish to install and all of their de-pendent packages as well. Constructing such archives using FTP to download only those packages that you need will create archives that dpkg can install as a group. If the packages are all found in the directory /usr/ local/ Debian/ archive, 33 33 Page 34 35 34 Package Management Tools then the command: dpkg -i -R /usr/ local/ Debian/ archive will direct dpkg to install all the packages found there. dpkg will install the packages in the order it finds them. This leaves open the possibility that dependencies will not be satisfied during the first pass. On large complex collections of packages this can potentially take several passes at the package files. A more general solution is to break the installation phase into two steps. The first step unpacks the package file, while the second step configures the unpacked files. Just which files are unpacked, and where they are placed after unpacking, is determined by a collaboration between dpkg and the package. --unpack Sometimes, as when dependencies get in the way of installation, it is desirable to break the installation into two separate steps. The --unpack option performs the first step of the installation. dpkg extracts files from the package and places them in their correct locations in the file system. The configuration of the package, including the installation of configuration files, known as conffiles, is postponed until a later time. Like install, this option will accept the -R | --recursive option. This allows for unpacking all of the packages in the given directory tree. Following up on the example discussed for --install, a large collection of packages gets unpacked by a command like the following: dpkg --unpack /usr/ local/ Debian/ archive 34 34 Page 35 36 dpkg 35 --configure This option is used in conjunction with the --unpack option to complete the installation of a package. This option may involve scripts specific to the pack-age that put the finishing touches on the package, or it may require that dpkg manage the installation of files known as conffiles. conffiles are files that have been declared by their package to require special handling during their installation. The passwd file, that holds the password information, is just such a file. dpkg provides the opportunity to replace the current password file with a new one whenever the package is updated. In the case of passwd this is usually not desirable, while with other packages, such as mimetypes, it may be perfectly appropriate. If you do replace an old conffile with a new one, the old file is backed up with the added extension .dpkg-old. If you reject the new conffile a copy is provided with the extension .dpkg-dist. This allows for recovery from mistakes, but it also provides the material from which a composite conffile can be constructed. Thus, with the password example, if major changes happened to the structure of the password file, the new file is accepted and the old data edited into the new file. This produces a composite password file with the new changes combined with the old user information. This --configure option causes these remaining details of configuration to be completed for a given package. To configure all packages that are unpacked but not configured the -a | --pending option replaces the package name. To complete the installation of packages previously only unpacked, the command looks like: dpkg --configure --pending and will complete the installation of any unpacked packages. 35 35 Page 36 37 36 Package Management Tools -r | --remove This causes the package to be removed but leaves the conffiles installed. When a package will be removed, but later replaced, it is sometimes desirable to keep the conffile. An extreme example would be the passwd file. The pass-word package could be successfully removed without damaging current system operations only if the passwd file remains intact after the package has been re-moved. This option provides that capability and allows for a package's removal and replacement without loss of the conffile. The -a | --pending option in place of a package name will cause dpkg to remove all packages marked for removal in the status file. This status file looks much like a Packages file with the addition of a Status: field. dselect (discussed in the next section) edits this file based on the choices selected using its interface. It is possible to edit the file /var/ lib/ dpkg/ status (where this data is kept), but it must be done carefully. As with all of the files in this "database" maintained by dpkg and dselect, disastrous results can come from improper changes. A reasonable amount of knowledge and understanding should be acquired before changes are attempted in these files. Use the tools provided to manage the package system. Only the most dire of circumstances will warrant abandoning the tools in favor of modifying the files directly. --purge Unlike --remove, the --purge option not only removes the package but also removes all the conffiles associated with that package. In this way all traces of the package are eradicated from the system. This option also supports the -a | --pending option in place of the package name. 36 36 Page 37 38 dpkg 37 Available Packages File Management Options dpkg and dselect both use the available packages information found in the file /var/ lib/ dpkg/ available. This file is constructed from the Packages file found in the binary, contrib, and non-free sections of these archives. There are several tools that dpkg provides, as options, for creating and managing this file. --clear-avail dpkg will clear the available packages file of all information when given this option. There are times when the current file has been corrupted or otherwise broken in some fashion. This can happen for a number of reasons. The most common reason is that it has gotten updated from a "broken" Pack-ages file. In extreme cases, changes to the file format have resulted in files that failed to work with the old version of dpkg. This requires that the new version be installed before the file can be fixed. Cleaning out this file allows the up-grade to go forward. Once completed the available file can again be updated with the new Packages format and the installation may progress unhindered. Executing the command: dpkg --clear-avail is a way to clean the slate and start over from scratch and will typically be followed by a dpkg --merge-avail command. -A | --avail This will add the package information, found in the .deb file pointed to by , to the available file. So the command: dpkg -A /usr/ local/ Debian/ archive/ joe 2.8-7. deb 37 37 Page 38 39 38 Package Management Tools will add an entry to the available file if there is not an entry there already. If the package has an entry, the entry will be updated with the information about this version of the package. --update-avail | --merge-avail When the --update-avail option is used, the old information about the packages in available is replaced by the package information contained in the . This file is found in the top directory of a binary distribution, so Pack-ages files can be found in binary-i386/, contrib/, and non-free/. Issuing the command: dpkg --update-avail /home/ ftp/ stable/ binary-i386/ Packages will replace the old available file with the contents of the Packages file found in /home/ ftp/ stable/ binary-i386. This option is intended for use when a new release archive is being used. The --merge-avail adds the Packages file from another binary tree to the list of available packages. The new information gets combined with the old list, adding information on new packages to the available file. The following com-mands: dpkg --clear-avail dpkg --merge-avail /home/ ftp/ stable/ binary-i386/ Packages dpkg --merge-avail /home/ ftp/ contrib/ Packages dpkg --merge-avail /home/ ftp/ non-free/ Packages will create an available file that re ects all three of these areas of the distri-bution archives. 38 38 Page 39 40 dpkg 39 Package System Information Options -s | --status This option delivers the status information, contained in the entry for the package named, from the status database. Much useful information about the package can be obtained from this display in addition to the installation status. Among them, the version of the package, its maintainer, and a brief description of the package. For instance, the command: dpkg -s mc will produce the output: Package: mc Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: utils Maintainer: Fernando Alegre Version: 3.2.1-1 Depends: libc5, ncurses3.0, ncurses-base Suggests: gpm Conffiles: /etc/ mc/ mc. ext 6e672da6b5961ba9125e11824fcb2fef /etc/ mc/ mc. ini d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /etc/ mc/ mc. lib fcdd319ffefa2a9cb4b7a5fa3ccad72d /etc/ mc/ mc. menu 4be9e09f0728f993fc468b98db403be0 Description: Midnight Commander -A feature-rich full-screen file manager. Midnight Commander is a feature-rich file manager. It has mouse support in a Linux console and in an xterm. It started as a Norton Commander clone but now it has new features on it's own. It does not use libncurses, but it uses the terminfo database. Support for XView and TCL/ Tk is available, but it is still experimental. It is not included in the current binary. 39 39 Page 40 41 40 Package Management Tools --print-avail Much the same information is provided by this option as by the --status op-tion. While the status information is not presented here, the installed-size and architecture and package size fields are given in this listing. Issuing the command: dpkg --print-avail mc produces the following output: Package: mc Priority: optional Section: utils Installed-Size: 890 Maintainer: Fernando Alegre Architecture: i386 Version: 3.5.17-1 Depends: libc5 (>= 5.4.0-0), libgpm1, ncurses-base Suggests: gpm Size: 371140 Description: Midnight Commander -A feature-rich full-screen file manager. Midnight Commander is a feature-rich file manager. It has mouse support in a Linux console and in an xterm. It started as a Norton Commander clone but now it has new features on it's own. It does not use libncurses, but it uses the terminfo database. Support for XView and TCL/ Tk is available, but it is still experimental. It is not included in the current binary. 40 40 Page 41 42 dpkg 41 -L | --listfiles All of the files that dpkg installed for are listed by this option. This does not, of course, include files created by installation scripts, as they are unknown to dpkg. Thus, the command: dpkg -L mc produces the following output: /. /usr /usr/ bin /usr/ bin/ mcserv /usr/ bin/ mc /usr/ lib /usr/ lib/ mc /usr/ lib/ mc/ icons /usr/ lib/ mc/ bin /usr/ lib/ mc/ bin/ create vcs /usr/ lib/ mc/ bin/ cons. saver /usr/ lib/ mc/ bin/ mcfn install /usr/ lib/ mc/ term /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ ansi. ti /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ linux. ti /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ vt100. ti /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ xterm. ti /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ xterm. tcap /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ xterm. ad /usr/ lib/ mc/ term/ README. xterm /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ zip /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ zoo /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ lslR /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ a /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ rpm 41 41 Page 42 43 42 Package Management Tools /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ deb /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ ftplist /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ extfs. ini /usr/ lib/ mc/ extfs/ README /usr/ lib/ mc/ mc. hint /usr/ lib/ mc/ mc. hlp /usr/ lib/ mc/ mc. tcl /usr/ share/ man /usr/ share/ man/ man1 /usr/ share/ man/ man1/ mc. 1 /usr/ share/ man/ man8 /usr/ share/ man/ man8/ mcserv. 8 /usr/ share/ doc /usr/ share/ doc/ copyright /usr/ share/ doc/ copyright/ mc /usr/ share/ doc/ mc /usrshare/ doc/ mc/ README /usr/ share/ doc/ mc/ FAQ /usr/ share/ doc/ mc/ NEWS /etc /etc/ mc /etc/ mc/ mc. ext /etc/ mc/ mc. menu /etc/ mc/ mc. lib /etc/ mc/ mc. ini listing every file installed by the mc package. -l | --list [< package name pattern>] Packages that match are listed by this option, along with their installed status, the version number and the short description. If no is supplied then the list is a complete list of the installed packages on the system. Following our example with mc the 42 42 Page 43 44 dpkg 43 following command: dpkg -l mc will produce the following output: Desired= Unknown/ Install/ Remove/ Purge | Status= Not/ Installed/ Config-files/ Unpacked/ Failed-config/ Half-installed | / Err?=( none)/ Hold/ Reinst-required/ X= both-problems (Status, Err: uppercase= bad) || / Name Version Description +++-===============-================================ ii mc 3.2.1-1 Midnight Commander -A feature-rich full-scr -S | --search The package containing the file described by is returned by this option. Both the package and the location of the file are displayed in the output. To deviate from our current example, with something a little more informative, the following command: dpkg -S whereis creates the output: util-linux: /usr/ bin/ whereis util-linux: /usr/ share/ man/ man1/ whereis. 1. gz providing the information that this program is available in the package called util-linux. Installing that package will provide the whereis program. 43 43 Page 44 45 44 Package Management Tools -C | --audit All of the packages that are not completely or correctly configured are listed by this option. Most often the correct solution is to run dpkg --configure ¡package¿ to complete the installation. Executing the command: dpkg -C will create a listing something like: The following packages have been unpacked but not yet configured. They must be configured using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect for them to work: svgalib1-bin SVGA display utilities ncftp A user-friendly and full-featured FTP client. statserial statserial -displays serial port modem status lines ftape QIC-117 (Floppy-tape) driver, in source code form. j1 J is a dialect of APL freely available on a wide variety tk40-dev The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 -Development Package. expect The expect/ expectk programs and libraries. tclX Extended Tcl (TclX). acct The GNU accounting utilities. The following packages are only half configured, probably due to problems configuring them the first time. The configuration should be retried using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect: xdevel XFree86 3.1.2 developer's toolkit 44 44 Page 45 46 dpkg 45 Force Options Force options are used to override the default behavior of dpkg. These options should be used with some forethought, due to the potentially dangerous nature of these commands. Each of these commands forces dpkg to perform in a way that is foreign to its normal behavior. This opens possibilities for damage to the system that are otherwise well contained. The force options have two actions: --force-< thing> which reduces errors on to warnings --refuse-< thing> stops execution on encountering errors on --no-force-< thing> == --refuse-< thing> thus each of the options in this section can be preceded by either of the above prefixes. downgrade Install the selected package even when the current installed package is a newer version than the one to be installed. This option is enabled by default. configure-any Configure any other packages, as well as this one, that this package depends upon, which is currently only unpacked and not yet configured. remove-reinstreq Even if the package has been marked for required re-installation this force option will allow its removal. It is understood that under some circumstances this will result in files being left behind without dpkg's knowledge. 45 45 Page 46 47 46 Package Management Tools remove-essential Removal of essential packages is not recommended because these packages are required for the proper operation of the system and removing them may break the system. In some rare cases, like the name change of a package, or the replacement of functionality by privately built software, it becomes necessary to remove one of these packages. This force option will allow that removal to proceed. Miscellaneous Options --print-architecture Outputs the architecture of the machine for package building purposes. --print-gnu-build-architecture Prints the gnu format architecture of the machine. --print-installation-architecture Same as --print-architecture, but used by installation programs. --license Prints license and copyright information --version Prints the version of dpkg --help Displays a list of the options that dpkg currently supports, with a brief de-scription of the options and their function. 46 46 Page 47 48 dselect Introduction dselect is both a very powerful tool and a very difficult one for the new user to work with. Some folks have problems with the interface because it is unlike anything else on the planet. Many of the keys used are not the "standard" keys used to perform these functions in other software. Others are surprised by some of the "unexpected" things that dselect will do for, and in some cases, to them. Yet, there are many satisfied dselect users, some who would complain loudly if dselect were to change in any way. This suggests that the tool does what it was designed to do. The following discussion is intended to help the beginner figure out how to make dselect work for them. In general, the principal rule when using dselect is: Pay very close attention to all the messages that appear on the screen before you press any keys. Even if you have seen the screen dozens of times before, you are cautioned to think twice before you initiate any key strokes. Read the help information that is available every time you use the program, until you are completely famil-iar with the information contained there. Take notes when odd behavior is noticed. dselect uses separate scripts to manage the access portion of its functional-ity. These scripts, called methods, deal with the task of mounting the device containing the archive. As such, they are referred to as, mountable methods. There is a package called dpkg-mountable that not only adds another mount-able method to dselect but also provides a log of all dpkg activity during the dselect session. This can be invaluable in determining just what went wrong with a particular installation attempt. This method is now a part of dselect and may be chosen from the Access menu option. 47 47 47 Page 48 49 48 Package Management Tools Using dselect When dselect is executed, the first screen is the main menu which contains the following seven options: 0. [A] ccess Choose the access method to use. 1. [U] pdate Update list of available packages, if possible. 2. [S] elect Request which packages you want on your system. 3. [I] nstall Install and upgrade wanted packages. 4. [C] onfig Configure any packages that are unconfigured. 5. [R] emove Remove unwanted software. 6. [Q] uit Quit dselect. These selections can be chosen by either using ^ P and ^ N ( ^ indicates the control key is pressed with the letter) to move up and down the list (up and down arrows work as well) and pressing enter when the highlight bar is on the option you wish to choose, or by pressing the key for the character found in square brackets at the beginning of the option name. 0. [A] ccess If no additional methods (like dpkg-mountable) have been installed then se-lecting [A] ccess will provide the six access methods: cdrom, nfs, hard disk, mounted, oppy, and ftp. Each of these "methods" needs slightly different information. The goal is to find the Packages file for the various pieces of the distribution. The top half of the screen, topped with the red title bar, shows the menu items. The list can be traversed with the arrow keys and enter selects the item under the highlight bar. The bottom half of the screen is bounded by blue highlight bars. The top bar names the access method currently highlighted. In between the bars is descriptive help information about the highlighted selection. The bottom bar 48 48 Page 49 50 dselect 49 indicates the percentage of text viewed, and the key that will change the current text position in the window. This is a common pattern in dselect. The upper portion of the window i s where the activities occur and the bottom half provides additional information to help make the choice. cdrom: What you need to know: ° Device driver name for CD-ROM if not yet mounted ° Is the CD-ROM image a "standard" distribution? ° Mount point if already mounted. The cdrom method will find an already mounted CD-ROM or will ask for the device driver that will mount the correct drive. All such drivers are found in /dev and thus, the specification of an sbpcd driver would be /dev/ sbpcd0 for the SoundBlaster Pro driver, /dev/ scd0 for the first SCSI CD-ROM, and possibly /dev/ hdb1 for an IDE ATAPI type drive that is the slave on the first IDE controler. Once the drive is mounted the next problem is finding the distribution on the CD-ROM. The standard archives, as well as the CDs, use the path debian/ dists for all the releases held in the archives. The release archives, called stable are pointed to by a symbolic link in this directory, so the path that dselect is looking for is: debian/ dists/ stable. dselect will append /main/ binary-i386 to obtain the complete path. If you have a nonstandard CD, look for the directory main/ binary-i386 and supply the path which leads to it. 49 49 Page 50 51 50 Package Management Tools It is safe to assume that the archive is standard, since dselect will notice if it is not and ask again for the location of the top of the archive. See the Notes section on page 53 for more details. nfs: During a fresh installation, when you first get introduced to dselect, there will only be an Internet connection available if the machine uses an Ethernet card and it is recognized by the installation kernel. Without this kind of configuration a PPP/ SLIP connection, typically through a modem, must be established before proceeding with this step. Note: There are several other ways to make a connection to another machine, local area net, or wide area net. Ethernet and PPP/ SLIP are the most common. By whatever method, once a connection to the desired host is available, this method can be used. What you need to know: ° URL to the NFS mount. ° Directory structure found on that mount. When this option is chosen, the first request is for the domain name of the NFS server. This can be a numeric IP address, or a fully qualified domain name, of the form something. someplace. net, which will be used to contact the server. The installation software will mount the NFS volume found at the declared IP address. Once mounted, the location of the "top level" of the distribution is re-quired. dselect is expecting the path to a directory called stable that contains main/ binary-i386. Some archives don't support this path structure. Under these circumstances it becomes necessary to specify each binary distribution 50 50 Page 51 52 dselect 51 individually, and the correct answer is "none". See the Notes section on page 53 for more details. harddisk Use this access method only when the hard disk device containing the archive is not yet mounted. What you need to know: ° Device name for the hard disk partition containing the archive. ° Path to the various archives. dselect will ask for the device name of the disk partition containing the archive. Once it has successfully mounted this partition it will request the path to the "top level" of the distribution. If you have a standard distribution this should be the path to the sub-tree, main/ binary-i386, otherwise the answer is "none". See the Notes section on page 53 for more details. mounted When the archive of the distribution is already mounted, this option only needs to know where the "top level" of the distribution is. This method does not care if the device containing the archive is a hard disk, a CD-ROM, or an NFS mount on another machine, so this method can be used to make a nonstandard CD-ROM or NFS mount "look" like a standard distribution. This can be done by constructing a subdirectory tree that will act as the "top level" of the distribution. Create a mount point (subdirectory) in the "top level" directory and mount the CD-ROM or NFS to that mount point. 51 51 Page 52 53 52 Package Management Tools Then create symbolic links for "stable", "contrib", and if available, "non-free". Make these links point to their respective places in the mounted archive. As an example: If the mount point is /mnt/ dist/ debian and the path on the CD-ROM to binary-i386 is /bo/ binary-i386, then the link would be made by the following commands: cd /mnt/ dist ln -s debian/ bo main with similar constructions for the contrib and non-free sections. Once the directory structures are in place then just give /mnt/ dist as the "top level" of the distribution. If this seems too complicated then simply answer "none" to the first prompt and then give the explicit path to each of the parts of the distribution being installed. (See the Notes section on page 53 for details.) oppy: This is not a recommended installation method. Floppies are notorious for their failure rates. If there is a machine with an archive and Linux, and oppies are going to be made on that machine for one that only has oppy drives, it would be far more successful to bring the machines close enough together to install a null modem cable between them and establish a SLIP connection between the two machines and proceed with an FTP installation. If this is impossible. . . , then the problem becomes one where you must have far too much idle time on your hands. CD-ROM drives are cheap. Buy one. If you wish to install the complete binary distribution, it rings in at just under 400 MB. Even on 1.44 MB oppies that's still around 280 oppies. For a limited number of packages this method has a reasonable chance of success. The best approach for this is to place all of the .deb files for the 52 52 Page 53 54 dselect 53 packages to be installed into one directory and build a Packages file for them. See Building Packages Files on page ?? for details. ftp: What you need to know: ° The domain name for the FTP site that is to be used. ° The path structure of the archive on that site. Selecting this method will result in a prompt for the domain name of the ftp site which will be used for the installation. As with the other access methods, the path to the archive must be known and supplied for the proper continuation of the installation. Notes Each of the above access methods will at some point ask for the location of the "top level" of the distribution. If the archive is in the "standard" form, pointing to this "top level" will be all that is necessary. dselect will find a Packages file for the binary-i386 portion of the distribution as well as contrib, and non-free. The path to the local distribution will be asked for separately, as well as any of the above that were not found in the "top level". If the distribution is in a nonstandard layout, dselect will notice this and complain that what was identified was not, in fact, the "top level". In this case simply answer "none" and each section will be prompted for separately. 53 53 Page 54 55 54 Package Management Tools Note: Switching VCs (see below) will allow an investigation of the distribution archive so that the path to binary-i386 can be found as well as contrib and non-free. Note: The Virtual Console (VC) is a method for sharing the con-sole monitor with more than one login process. Debian con-figures six Virtual Consoles. The left ALT key pressed along with a function key (F1 thru F6) will place the corresponding session on the monitor. It's like having 6 separate terminals! In addition to the three "standard" distribution collections, dselect offers the option of giving the location of the "local-distribution". This local distribution is for use at the direction of the local system administrator. Packages that have been created as .deb package files that are not available from the Debian archives are candidates for placement in the local archive. Although alternate packages that do exist in the archive can go here, the Packages file for the local archive must be "merged" by hand using dpkg --merge-avail before dselect will recognize them for installation. This is because dselect is unwilling to downgrade a package, so those packages must be the only ones in the available file for proper installation. If the intent is to operate in this fashion then the update of available will need to be done by hand and the "Updated Available file" option should not be executed. 1. [U] pdate Choosing this option will update the available packages file from the Pack-ages files available from the various distribution sections you identified in the "Access" section. If any custom construction of the available packages file has been done, then this option should not be executed. 54 54 Page 55 56 dselect 55 2. [S] elect This option delivers the main power of dselect as well as providing the greatest challenge. Here is where a thorough knowledge of the various keys used by dselect will provide major benefit. Novice use of [S] elect For those installing Debian for the first time with no experience with dselect, the choice of [S] elect should be considered an educational experience where no "real" actions will be taken. This should simply be considered to be a "look around" at what is available so a familiarity can be established with this complex and powerful section of dselect. No selections need be made here, since all "standard" packages are marked for installation at this time. This is a good starting point when configuring a new system. On first entry to the [S] elect screen it should be noticed that the top of the screen is the normal selection area with the bottom area of the screen for information display. Things to look at: ° Note the operation of the o key. ° Note the effect of the v key. ° Use the search key (/) to find a package in the list. ° Note the effect of the i and I keys here. ° Add a package to the install list. ° Dealing with depends screens. 55 55 Page 56 57 56 Package Management Tools On first entry into the select window a complex list of sections and packages is visible in the top section of the screen. The arrow keys will move the highlight bar up and down this list/ menu. The order of the packages on this list can be changed using the 'o' key. Press the key several times slowly and the display changes the order in which packages are displayed from the starting point, ordered by priority, to ordered by section, and finally to an alphabetical listing of all available packages. Further examination of the display will reveal, on the left edge of the display a cryptic set of symbols like * * or some other form of arcana. Pressing the v key will expand these symbols into their "English" meanings, each symbol described by one word on the display line. This results in the loss of the available and installed versions as well as the short description that was found on the line before pressing v. Press v again and return the display to the terse mode. Next, let's see if we can find a particular package among this information rich list. Midnight Commander (mc) is a nice package to have, but is not included in the "standard" packages, so it will not be currently selected for installation. Use the / key and enter mc when asked what to search for. Like any string search the package found will not necessarily be the one you are looking for. There are several other packages that start with mc and, unless the list is ordered in simple alphabetic order, these other packages are as likely to be found first as the desired one. To search for the next possibility, simply press the back slash ( \ ) and the next match will be found. Several repetitions of this action will eventually find the package in question. Once the mc package has been found, the bottom section of the screen will display the "long" description for this package. Pressing the 'i' key will provide several other informative screens. The first gives the installation status of the package. The next two give various control file displays which provide additional information about the priority, section, dependencies and package 56 56 Page 57 58 dselect 57 maintainer. Some of this information is helpful when tracing down various errors. The 'I' key removes this section of the screen all together, providing more space on the screen for listing packages. Pressing it again consumes most of the screen in the information section leaving only a few lines for the selection list. Thus this key cycles the display between these three different configurations. At this point the short tour is over and if only the "standard" installation is desired the return key will exit the selection phase and the install can be started. For those with a more adventurous spirit, this discussion will continue with a description of how to select an additional package for installation. This can be returned to after the standard distribution is complete, or be dealt with by using dpkg "by hand". The plus key "+" is used to select a previously unselected package for installa-tion. Note that the minus key "-" is the opposite of the plus key and designates the package for removal. This is not the same as "don't install" and should only be used when a package is really supposed to be removed. With packages for which no action is desired, such as "don't upgrade" the proper key is "H" which puts the package on Hold (no action to be taken with regard to this package). With the highlight bar over the mc package file line in the display, press the '+ ' key. The "Dependency Con ict Resolution Help Screen" will pop up as a consequence of this action. This means that there is a dependency or a con ict that must be resolved before the chosen package can be installed. In this case it is a dependence on libgpm1 that must be satisfied. Pressing the space bar drops the help screen and shows the dependencies necessary for mc. dselect is typically very smart about doing what is necessary to resolve the dependencies or con icts. Only rarely will it set things up contrary to the wishes of the package administrator. The same keys that work in the main selection screen 57 57 Page 58 59 58 Package Management Tools can be used here to force the desired actions by dselect. If dselect still doesn't agree, then the 'Q' key will force acceptance of the configured actions. In the case of Midnight Commander though, dselect makes the correct ad-justments and adds libgpm1 to the list of packages for installation. Thus simply press "enter" to exit the resolution screen. Press enter again to exit the selection screen, or, if you are feeling really brave, look for more packages you might like to install. dselect takes the time to work through the complete list of available packages when doing the install, reporting which packages are being skipped and which are already installed. It is a good idea to do package selection once, so as not to have to wade through the list over and over during each successive installation phase. Several packages that are not found in the standard section, but might be valuable are: joe and vim. Other packages of interest depend on the specific needs of the system being configured and are left up to the person doing the installation to decide. 3. [I] nstall This option will use dpkg to install the packages chosen in the [S] elect section. Often one package or another will fail to install because its dependent packages have not yet been configured. This step should be run over again until all the packages have installed. 4. [C] onfig Use this option to configure any packages that were not configured in the installation phase. It is often useful to select this option between each unsuc-cessful intall attempt, as it will potentially configure packages needed by the next install step, thus speeding up the overall install process. 58 58 Page 59 60 dselect 59 5. [R] emove This option will remove any packages marked for removal or purge in the [S] elect phase. 6. [Q] uit When you are finished with dselect this option will exit the program. This section has covered the basics of package installation using dselect. If the help screens are read every time dselect is used, a slowly growing understanding of the additional features of dselect will be the result. Try something new each time you use it and you will eventually move from being a novice user of dselect to having a well-rounded knowledge of its many powerful features. Just remember to take it slow and be sure that you understand the consequences of your actions before you take them. With care and patience dselect can become one of the formidable weapons in your arsenal of Debian Package Management Tools. 59 59 Page 60 61 60 Package Management Tools Upgrading with dselect Once you have installed a system and have all the necessary packages installed, maintaining such a system with dselect is relatively easy. dselect (actually dpkg) keeps a database detailing the state of the system. What packages are installed, their versions, and additional necessary information are contained in the directory /var/ lib/ dpkg/ info while the status of installed packages are kept in /var/ lib/ dpkg/ status. The file /var/ lib/ dpkg/ available is updated by dselect whenever a new archive is to be installed. This is not automatic, but happens when the [U] pdate item is chosen from the main dselect menu. From the information in these areas, dselect can do an upgrade with little interaction. There are several preparatory tasks that should be done first, to insure dselect's success. There were several incremental upgrades to dpkg during the life of the 1. 2 distribution. At one point upgrading may have "broken" the available file. The transition to actually using a new feature did not go as smoothly as expected. To get past this problem it will be necessary that the available file get removed. This is done by the command: dpkg --clear-avail After executing this command it will be possible to install the following pack-ages using dpkg: ° The new version of ld. so ° The new version of libc5 ° The new version of dpkg These are critical packages and, although dselect can often "do the right thing" when upgrading an installed system, it is advisable to install these by hand. In any case it is often necessary to upgrade dpkg by hand. This package has 60 60 Page 61 62 dselect 61 the newest version of dselect as well as dpkg and often packages in the new release will need features that are only available in the newest version of dpkg. Upgrades from 2. 0 to 2.1, 2. 2, or 2. 3 should have none of these problems. Once this preliminary work has been done, dselect can be run in normal fashion to perform a complete system upgrade. If there are packages that should not be upgraded for one reason or another, they can be placed on hold in the [S] elect screens. To do this, search out the package using the '/ ' and press 'H'. This will put the package on hold and dselect will do nothing with respect to this package. Additional packages of interest can be added at this time as well, so the system can be enhanced by new packages that are of interest. After configuring these details in [S] elect, the upgrade will proceed as ex-pected. 61 61 Page 62 63 apt-get Introduction When the Debian distribution was still somewhat small, dselect and dpkg were adequate tools for package management. As the collection of packages has grown in size and complexity these tools are no longer enough to provide a smooth and easy installation. The Apt project is expected to resolve many of these difficulties by providing a new suite of tools to augment dpkg and provide a better installation tool than is provided by dselect. While a full-screen interface is a part of the design, only the command-line interface apt-get and an apt method for dselect are currently in a useable form. These tools are fully integrated into the current installation process, and have done a lot to improve the installation. In addition to installing packages, apt-get is an excellent tool for upgrading an existing system. Once you have the tool configured properly, you can upgrade your entire system over the Internet with a single command. The following pages describe how to set up this package manager as well as just how to use it to install, upgrade and remove packages. Selecting Archives With dselect the Accept menu option is used to declare the location of the archives. apt-get obtains this information from the configuration file /etc/ apt/ sources. list. When the system installation has been completed from CDROM this file will contain lines like: deb cdrom:[< disk label>]/ unstable contrib main for each of the CDs that were registered during the installation process. While 62 62 62 Page 63 64 apt-get 63 this may be adequate for all you future needs, apt-get can also access archives over the Internet. While your CDs will never change, the FTP archives are always being updated. Even the stable release will be updated with packages that need security fixes, and other serious bugs. Depending upon how much risk you are willing to take, you can even follow the latest "unstable" packages using apt-get, providing the latest packages being produced by the Debian developers. However, immediately following the release of a new "stable" version of Debian, the unstable release tends to be very unstable and is not suitable for the average user. If you choose to take this risk, be advised that this could result in the installation of a broken package that is critical to your system function, making your system unusable. In addition to the stable and unstable labels, each release has a code name that does not change as the release progresses from unstable thru frozen to the stable release. Dwarf recommends that you track stable, by tracking the named release. For the 2.2 release of Debian this name is potato. The 2.3 release is named woody. Tracking potato, instead of unstable, keeps your system stable, even after the new release and gives you the choice of when to upgrade to the new release. In order to set up apt-get to use FTP to retrieve packages from an archive on the net, first comment out the cdrom: lines. (Comments are formed by placing a # as the first character in the line.) Then add the following line: deb ftp:// ftp. debian. org/ debian potato main contrib The ftp:// ftp. debian. org/ debian term names the archives site on the Internet. There are many Debian mirrors available throughout the world. Each mirror will report alternative sites when you log in using an FTP client. Choose one that is "close" to you on the Internet. The potato term identifies the release to use within the archives, and the remaining terms indicate which sections of the archives apt-get will search for packages. 63 63 Page 64 65 64 Package Management Tools For those people who reside inside the United States, several important pack-ages are not available from US servers because of cryptographic laws there. These packages can be legally obtained by US citizens from servers outside the US, so if you want access to these packages you will need to add another line specifying that server and the section you wish to access. Updating Packages Files When the system is installed using CDROMs, the Packages file is read from each CD inserted during the installation process. These files are used to update the apt database so that apt-get will be able to find the packages it is asked to install. For the 2. 2 release this amounted to 4 binary CDs when the complete archives is included, providing over 4000 packages. Under these circumstances you will not need to update the apt-get database again until you are ready to use a new release set of CDs. Then you will use the command apt-get update, and insert the new CDs when requested. This will bring the database up-to-date with the packages on the new CDs. If you use an FTP archives of Debian to maintain your new system in the future, you only need to do an update whenever the archives changes. For the stable release this is quite rare, although it does happen, making it useful to keep track of the latest update release for stable. Running update when the release changes will keep your system up-to-date with the archives. If apt-get's sources. list file references the unstable distribution, you will prob-ably need to run update each time you wish to upgrade your system. Since the unstable distribution changes often, and without notice, this is the only way to keep in sync with the archives. 64 64 Page 65 66 apt-get 65 Installing Packages Installing packages with apt-get is very simple. You only need to know the name of the package. The version numbers and the location in the archives are managed by apt-get without any additional information. So, to install Midnight Commander (mc) simply enter the command: apt-get install mc and apt-get will do the rest. In this case, the dependence on a library is discovered and added to the list of packages to install. Once apt-get has determined all the packages that need to be installed, it will ask permission to proceed with the installation. Once a 'Y' has been entered the installation process continues to completion. Many packages can be installed at one time simply by including their names in the installation list on the command line. So, joe (an editor), zgv (a graphics viewer), and slrn (a news reader), could all be installed at once using the command: apt-get install joe zgv slrn and apt-get will include any dependencies in the list of packages to install. Dwarf says this is the way to install two packages that depend upon each other and must be installed "at the same time". 65 65 Page 66 67 66 Package Management Tools Upgrading Packages Upgrading a package, or a set of packages, is just as simple as installing them when you use apt-get. Once you are ready to upgrade to the new version of Midnight Commander, simply enter the command: apt-get upgrade mc and the package will be upgraded. If you want to upgrade the entire system, leave off any package names: apt-get upgrade will upgrade all of the packages on your system. This command will normally work just fine, but under circumstances where the dependencies have changed on an upgraded package, this command doesn't always do the right thing. To deal with these dependency problems, apt-get provides the dist-upgrade command, which uses a more sophisticated dependency resolution technique. Removing packages There are many reasons to remove a package from your system, and apt-get makes it just as easy to remove a package as it is to install one. To remove Midnight Commander simply enter the command: apt-get remove mc and the package will be removed. Any packages that depend on the package being removed will also be removed to keep the system operational. 66 66 Page 67 68 Chapter 3 Installation Introduction There are several ways to begin the installation of Debian. This section will focus primarily on the CD-ROM method. While using one of the other instal-lation techniques may require different medium the basic process will be the same for each installation method. If the CD-ROM will not boot in the target machine, take a look at the instal-lation instructions in: debian/ dists/ stable/ main/ disks-i386/ install. en. txt Here you will find instruction on how to construct boot oppies, or install files on a DOS-bootable partition that can be used to boot the installation process with a DOS command. Once you have an installation kernel booted using one of these alternative techniques, and the drivers are installed for you CD-ROM drive, you can continue the rest of the installation from the CD-ROM. 67 67 67 Page 68 69 68 Installation The Quick Start section that follows is an outline view of the installation process. The next section will cover the preparation information you will need to begin the installation. The remainder of this chapter is delivered in two major sections: the First Stage, or the Base installation; and the Second Stage, complete package installation. When these two stages are accomplished there will be a complete Debian GNU/ Linux system installed on your PC. 68 68 Page 69 70 Quick Start If the target machine can boot a CD then you will be able to begin the in-stallation by putting the CD in the drive and re-booting the machine. If you don't have that luxury, boot the machine in DOS, either from a "DOS rescue" oppy or from the hard disk. As a last resort you may need to build a boot disk and a drivers disk on another DOS machine to get the installation started. These methods are covered in detail in the docs/ install. en. txt file previously described. What follows next is a simplified, step by step, procedure that will result in the installation of a Standard Debian GNU/ Linux system. ° If the machine will not boot the CD, use one of the alternative methods provided to boot the rescue disk. ° Set color or monochrome at the opening screen, read the intro, and proceed to the Main Menu, then choose Next to configure your keyboard. ° Partition and/ or install a swap partition and, at minimum, a root par-tition. These will be created and mounted at your direction by the installation software when the file system is created. Repeated execu-tion of this step will create whatever other partitions are necessary for the installation. ° Install the Operating System Kernel and Modules from the CD, the hard disk, or oppies, depending on which procedure is being followed. ° After the Modules have been copied into the target partition they can be installed for use during the remainder of the installation. ° Configuring the Network is provided next, so that the base system can be obtained from a remote site if the machine has an Ethernet card installed. This can be a many step configuration process, or, for CD installs to a stand alone machine, simply a matter of choosing the machine's name. 69 69 69 Page 70 71 70 Installation ° Installing the Base System can now be done from a variety of sources. The installation software will offer to search the media you have chosen, declaring the correct path to the base2 2. tgz file. ° Configuring the Base System is simply a matter of choosing the appro-priate time zone information. The rest of the information necessary for proper Base System configuration has already been collected. ° Now the system is made bootable. Even if some other boot method is to be used in the final system, follow that step with "Make Boot Floppy". Make a boot oppy so you can be certain of booting your new system. ° Reboot the system. ° Give root a password; decide whether to add a new user account to the system; several other questions, including whether you wish simple or advanced installation: and the rest of the installation begins when the install script runs either apt-get or dselect depending upon the choice made. ° It is easy to get a standard system using dselect. More complex pack-age management is possible with dselect, but usually not by the novice adventurer. This piece of software should be your first serious candi-date for study once the system installation is complete. Choosing simple presents a list of package groups called tasks which you can select for in-stallation using apt-get. Skip the next dselect items if you use the simple installation method. ° From the dselect main menu, choose the Access option. Here you can choose from the CD-ROM, the Hard Disk, an FTP site, an NFS mount, or, heaven forbid, oppies. Tell dselect where to find the Packages files and it's back to the main menu. 70 70 Page 71 72 Quick Start 71 ° First time in, either for a new install or for an upgrade from a new archives, always choose Update from the menu next. This will update the available file from the Packages files in the archives. ° Enter Select: the standard set of packages have already been pre-selected for you, unless you chose a profile. Now go straight to Install. This process is fairly long and will ask some questions near t he end of the installation period. When this completes with no errors it is time to quit dselect and start using your new system. ° At this point a Standard installation has been achieved. However, you may find packages that are not installed but are desirable and available in this release. To install them, restart dselect (as root) and go back to the Select screens. Now begin to learn about the heart of dselect. Pay close attention to the help screens and don't follow your instincts. ° Now the real fun begins! 71 71 Page 72 73 Before You Begin There is a bit of preparation that may need to be done before the installation can begin. If you are familiar with creating boot oppies, and partitioning the hard drive you may wish to skip this section and move ahead with the installation steps. Boot Media If your PC will boot the installation CD-ROM provided with this book (Disk #1 of the 3 CD set), then you already have all the boot media you will need. If the CD-ROM will not boot on the target machine, see the instructions on creating boot oppies provided in the install. en. txt file located in: debian/ dists/ stable/ main/ disks-i386/ current/ doc/ The rescue disks are a 2 oppy set of a separate boot and root disk. In order to get to your CD-ROM you will most likely need the additional 3 oppy set of disks that hold the various drivers needed by the kernel to access the different kinds of CD-ROM devices that may be installed on the target machine. With these oppies installed, the rest of the installation data can be accessed directly from the CD-ROM. 72 72 72 Page 73 74 Before You Begin 73 Partitioning the Hard Drive Outside of choosing which packages, of the many provided by Debian, that you wish to install on your system, the hardest part of any Linux installation is determining how to partition your hard disk drive. The following discussion is an attempt to simplify the problem for the first time user of Debian. First, what is a partition anyway? Many DOS machines only offer the C: drive as a valid disk device, but many of these machines have D: devices and more! Many times these additional "drives" are actually another physical hard drive connected to the machine, but more often they are not. Many OS installations (and even some Linux distributions) simply consume the physical disk device in one large chunk, called a partition. This single partition gets formatted with the desired file system and then sub-directories and files can be created within that file system. Using partitions it is possible to divide one physical device into several parti-tions, and assign each partition a unique device name. In DOS these would be C:, D:, E:, etc. . . In Linux these are called /dev/ hda1, /dev/ hda2, etc. . . for the first physical IDE device on the system and /dev/ hdb1, /dev/ hdb2, etc. . . for the second physical IDE device. 73 73 Page 74 75 74 Installation The Swap Partition Linux systems typically use a partition as swap space. This is where unused items taking up space in memory are placed until they are needed again so that the memory they are using can be used for something else. Other operating systems use a file on the file system for this purpose, and while Linux can be set up to do the same thing it is typically set up to use a swap partition because it is faster and isolated from the rest of the file systems. You can't have too much swap space. Although excessive swap space may amount to wasted resources, it will not cause the system to exhibit thrashing or otherwise cause operational problems. It simply will not get used unless memory usage escalates. Note: Thrashing -When the operating system spends most of its time paging real memory in and out of the swap space it is said to be "thrashing" and no useful work gets done. This can happen for a variety of reasons. On another operating system, larger than "optimum" swap space would quickly drive the system into thrashing. Deciding the amount of RAM that will be swapped out based on the size of swap space causes "all" pages to be swapped out immediately after they are used and the machine spends all its time moving pages in and out of memory and never gets anything done. (Well, at least it seems like it) The more reasoned approach is to base swapping activity on the age of the unused page and the amount of free memory. As the amount of free memory decreases, pages get swapped at an earlier age. This can still be made to thrash if placed under enough load. With many processes allocating and using many buffers, memory can fill up faster than it can be swapped out. The end result is either machine lockup because of exhausted memory or it begins thrashing when the swap age gets to zero. 74 74 Page 75 76 Before You Begin 75 More real memory does not necessarily mean more swap space. The need for swap is much more dictated by the demands of the processes that consume memory. Thus a swap ratio of 3 to 1 which works fine compiling kernels, as in the 24 MB swap to 8 MB RAM in the above example, fails when given a larger task. But the same ratio on a 16 MB machine gives 48 MB of swap space. This will be adequate for a large task but may still fail under a heavier load. Although large disk drives are dirt cheap, there is not always any dirt available, and you are forced to compromise. Often after parceling out the disk, the left over partition space is not adequate to the swap needs. You are better off to take the space from the root partition and live in cramped disk space than to fall short of swap space. A workstation with 16 MB of memory will be able to do most any relatively complex work, including compilation of a math intensive package, without running out of virtual memory, with only a 48 MB swap partition. More memory in this environment means less swap. Less memory means more swap. The root partitions Now that decisions about swap size are as clear as mud, let's see if Linux partition sizes are any easier to determine. The base system takes slightly less than 20 MB of disk space, while the "standard" installation consumes somewhat more than 200 MB of disk space. A "complete" installation may exceed 400 MB, but doesn't need to go on one partition. Here is where the first decision must be made. Is the whole installation going to go on one partition? Well, if there is one physical drive large enough, what reason would there be to create more than one large partition? (Leaving room for a swap partition, of course.) There are, of course, several. Consider two of the most likely. 75 75 Page 76 77 76 Installation First, control of the user's consumption of disk space. If /home is contained on the root partition the user disk consumption can consume all but 5% of the available disk space choking off all disk use except by the root account. This 5% is set aside for root privilege specifically so this event would not kill system activity. Root can then remove the offending files and return the machine to usefulness. Placing /home on another partition allows that partition to contain only the space you wish to give to user activity, rather than the complete root partition. This means that even when users have exhausted their disk space the rest of the system has plenty to continue servicing other processes needs. The system continues happily along, oblivious of the plight of the poor user. This is, of course, very useful when the same platform is supporting both user activity and serving web pages. Having users plug up the web server is highly undesirable. There are also other solutions to this problem, such as the quota package, found in the admin section but, this is a complete hardware solution requiring no additional software or configuration-management. Second, control over the contents of /usr. Many systems do this by making /usr read-only. The simplest way to accomplish this is to put /usr on its own partition and mount it read-only. When the system administrator wants to add something to /usr the partition gets re-mounted read-write, the changes get made and the partition gets re-mounted read-only. This partition could just as easily be on a CD-ROM which would guarantee the read-only nature of the file system. Of course any changes to /usr would require re-mastering the CD. Similar arguments can be made for placing /var, /tmp, and possibly others on their own partition. Controlling use of these areas by limiting their disk space to a specific partition size is a common way to manage disk resources. Let's see if this can be made clearer with a couple of examples. These examples will all be based on a 2 GB IDE hard disk, but the principles translate to SCSI and other disk devices as well. The first example is very simple, while the second is much more complex. 76 76 Page 77 78 Before You Begin 77 Example #1: Simple partitioning Partition Mount Point Size (MB) /dev/ hda1 / 1000 /dev/ hda2 swap 100 Notice that this example doesn't use all of the available disk. There is still some 900 MB of space left on the disk that can be used to create more partitions at a later time. The swap partition should be adequate to almost any system needs, and the root file system is large enough to accommodate a reasonable installation and still leave room for some user created data files. Example #2: Complex partitioning Partition Mount Point Size (MB) /dev/ hda1 /boot 16 /dev/ hda2 swap 100 /dev/ hda3 / 300 /dev/ hda5 /home 200 /dev/ hda6 /tmp 300 /dev/ hda7 /usr 500 /dev/ hda8 /usr/ local 200 Using a /boot partition keeps the kernel images stored there within the sector requirements for LILO, and gives one partition that can be booted which can then mount some other partition as root. Under the given situation that is /dev/ hda3, but there is still room on this drive for another partition and potentially another root file system. The kernel for that alternate system would also reside on the /boot partition and be configured with LILO to use the alternate root file system. /home, /tmp, /usr, and /usr/ local are on separate partitions so that their growth can be controlled. 77 77 Page 78 79 78 Installation Another interesting note about Example #2 is that the numbers of the partitions skips the number 4. IDE partitions come in two avors: primary, and logical. There can only be 4 primary partitions on any physical IDE device, but many more logical partitions can be created. However, to create logical partitions, at least one of the primary partitions must be turned over for this purpose. Thus, in our example above, the fourth primary partition has been taken over for the logical partitions 5 thru 8. Even if we made partition 3 into a logical partition as well, the logical partition numbers would still begin with 5, leaving the numbers for unused primary partitions completely unassigned. While Example #1 will produce a perfectly useful Linux installation, it is often useful for something a bit more complex. Feel free to choose just those components of the complex partitioning example that fit the specific needs for your system. Networking Information Sources Networking can range from two computers with a direct connection to each other to the many computers at General Motors linked with each other through a variety of methods. Connecting to other computers is wonderful, but even the setup of a simple PPP connection to an Internet Service Provider can be frustrating. In one chapter, all of the aspects of networking with Debian can't be addressed. There are many books available about networking in addition to information on the Internet. The focus here will be to complete a workstation Ethernet and/ or PPP dial-up connection. Linux provides a variety of networking methods such as Ethernet, SLIP, PPP, Arc-net and Apple-talk. The setup of these will be left as a challenging exercise to the reader. In either case there are a host of other sources for information on this subject. Once a standard Debian system has been installed, there is a complete set of FAQs and HOW-TOs in the directory, /usr/ doc. A good start- 78 78 Page 79 80 Before You Begin 79 ing point would be the NET-2-HOWTO. gz file found in /usr/ doc/ HOWTO. This document has a very good bibliography in the beginning, pointing to a wide variety of related HOWTOs that are very useful in understanding the situation. Many of these documents are available in HTML format on the Internet. For instance the Ethernet-HOWTO is available at: http:// sunsite. unc. edu/ mdw/ HOWTO/ Ethernet-HOWTO. html or you can browse the index at: http:// sunsite. unc. edu/ mdw/ HOWTO/ HOWTO-INDEX-3. html The details that can be found there may be helpful in making use of the information that will be discussed in the following section. 79 79 Page 80 81 80 Installation Preliminary Networking Information The Debian installation software provides for the configuration of the network as early as possible in the installation process. This creates the potential for performing the remainder of the installation from a network mounted device. The network installation process is concerned with the construction of three configuration files: /etc/ hosts /etc/ resolv. conf /etc/ init. d/ network It does so by collecting the following information: Host Name Domain Name Full Name IP address Netmask Network Address Broadcast Address Gateway Address Nameserver Addresses The Host Name is the name given to the machine itself. The installation software provides the name debian as the default value. Any "reasonable" string of characters can be used as a host name, but normally this is intended to be readable and should thus be a legitimate name. On some local area networks these names are determined by the network administrator. In this case the name will need to be supplied by the administrator. 80 80 Page 81 82 Before You Begin 81 The Domain Name is typically the name of the network (i. e. planetlinux. com) that the machine is connected to. This will also be supplied by the network administrator. If the machine connects to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) then the domain name is typically the domain of the provider. The Full Name is constructed from the Host Name and the Domain Name. If the machine is named fred and the domain is somewhere. net then the full name becomes: fred. somewhere. net. This is the name that others will use when attempting to contact this machine with telnet or FTP or any other remote login client, so this represents the "complete address" of the machine in question. Typically a "name server" is used to convert this "full name" into an IP address for the site. When a site is not accessible with its full name, but is accessible by its IP address, this indicates that the system being used has no DNS facilities available or the IP address hasn't been registered through the Internic. Declaration of these servers is done in /etc/ resolv. conf and will be discussed in detail later in this section. The IP Address that corresponds to the Full Name is a string made up out of the numbers between 0 and 255 and the dot (.) character. A typical IP address has the form: 192. 64.1.1 and represents the "address" of the target machine. If your ISP can provide "static" IP addresses, you will be able to declare the address that they assign, at installation time. If your connection to the Internet uses dynamic IP addressing, supply the address 0.0. 0.0 as a value to fill the entry. The Netmask is a string of bits used to determine whether a given address is on the local sub-net or outside of it. Debian installation assumes a class C network and provides the default value of 255.255. 255.0. This value is used to compute several other addresses for the system. If the machine belongs to a broader (or more restricted) network the system administrator will know the correct value to provide for the netmask. 81 81 Page 82 83 82 Installation The Network Address, the Broadcast Address, and the Gateway Address are all constructed from the machine IP Address and the Netmask. In our example above, the Netmask of 255. 255. 255.0 "masked" (logical AND) against the IP Address,, gives the Network Address of 192.64. 1.0. To obtain the Broadcast Address, the Netmask is first inverted, to become 0. 0.0.255 and a logical OR performed with the Network Address, yielding a Broadcast Address of 192. 64. 1.255 for our example machine. The address of the machine on the local net that connects to the rest of the Internet is know as the Gateway Address. These machines are known as routers and typically are the first (but sometimes the last) address on the local net. This would imply that our example IP address,, is that of a router. In this case the machine is its own gateway, which is fine depending on your setup. The last set of information involves Name Servers. When you can ping an IP Address but can't ping the equivalent Full Name then there is a name server missing or not configured. If the machine connects to the Internet via an ISP, then they will provide the name server and will be able to declare the correct address. If the machine is connected by Ethernet the local system administra-tor will provide that information. The Debian installation will accept up to 5 name servers for entry into /etc/ resolv. conf to be used for name lookup. The /etc/ hosts file from our example above would look like: localhost fred. somewhere. net While /etc/ resolv. conf might look like: domain somewhere. net search somewhere. net nameserver nameserver 82 82 Page 83 84 Before You Begin 83 and, if there is an Ethernet card in the machine /etc/ init. d/ network might look like: #! /bin/ sh # Configure the loopback device ifconfig lo route add # Configure the Ethernet device ifconfig eth0 192.64.1. 1 route add -net route add -net gw If you still have questions about the correct values for the various addresses and masks that will be requested during the installation ask the local network administrator or your Internet Service Provider, depending on which provides the Internet access for the machine. 83 83 Page 84 85 84 Installation PPP Configuration Information If the target machine gains its Internet access using PPP rather than Ether-net, there will be some configuration necessary before access to the Internet can be established. The Debian Base System, comes with the PPP daemon installed, but not configured. Once configured, a PPP connection can be used to complete the installation, when necessary. Beginning with the 2. 0 release, Debian has provided a PPP configuration utility, which will be offered at the first reboot after the installation of the base system. You should probably still read over the following information. What will be described here is a simple connection to a service provider with no special authentication. This is the most common connection method and should work in most cases. What You Need to Know: From the Internet Service Provider: The dialup phone number The Login Name to use for the PPP connection The account password The IP address of the ISP's Name Server The dialup number is not the same number you use to contact tech support or the front office of your ISP. This is the number that they will provide for connecting to their machine. The ISP will also provide you with a Login Name (possibly of your choosing) and a password to start with. This password should be changed to something else at the first opportunity. 84 84 Page 85 86 Before You Begin 85 The Name Server address will also be provided by the ISP upon request. This address allows the system to convert domain names into IP addresses, so that you will only need to remember something like ftp. debian. org, instead of Debian now provides a utility called pppconfig, which is used during the instal-lation to configure the PPP connection. This program uses the "peer method" of configuring the ppp daemon. This allows the configuration of several PPP connections to satisfy the various ISP or work and school related connections. For each peer you will need the previously discussed information about that connection. pppconfig will let you construct a new peer configuration as well as editing an existing peer. This script constructs a peer based options file linked with a chat script for that peer along with a possible papsecrets file. These files allow the PPP daemon to make a proper connection to the designated peer. In addition to the configuration script there are two scripts, pon and poff pro-vided for starting your various peer connections. To start the ppp connection simply enter the command pon , while poff will shut down the connec-tion when you are finished with it. You should now have all the information you need to begin the installation. 85 85 Page 86 87 Stage One: The Base Installation Once you have chosen a boot media, Stage One of the installation process can begin. In this Stage of the installation the Base System is installed. This is the smallest Debian installation possible that provides all the tools needed to complete the installation of additional packages upon rebooting the system for Stage Two. If you boot from the rescue oppy or from the CD-ROM, the first screen you see will look something like the following: Screen 1: Welcome to Debian 2.2! Pressing enter will begin the boot process. 86 86 86 Page 87 88 Stage One: The Base Installation 87 If everything goes successfully the following Release Notes screen will be pre-sented: Screen 2: The Release Notes. Pressing enter here will present the installation main menu screen: 87 87 Page 88 89 88 Installation Task 1: Configure the Keyboard The first time the Installation Main Menu is presented you will be asked to Configure the Keyboard. A you can see in the screen shot presented below, there is an Alternate option suggesting "Partition the Hard Disk". In ad-dition to Next and Alternate as many of the rest of the menu options are presented as will fit on the screen. Screen 3: Main Menu; Configure the Keyboard. The arrow keys can be used to move the cursor down the selection list. Moving beyond the bottom of the list would present the remaining options: Configure the Network, Install the Base System, Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk, Make a Boot Floppy, Start New System, Reboot the System, View the Partition Table, Execute a Shell, Configure PCMCIA Support, and Restart Installation System. 88 88 Page 89 90 Stage One: The Base Installation 89 If you are doing something special, you can execute any of these options by placing the cursor over the desired option and pressing the return key. For a typical installation, the options offered at the top of the menu are most often the desired one. Every time the script returns to the main menu the installation program will inspect the current state of the machine to determine which step in the instal-lation is supposed to be performed next. It will then present several possible options for the next step in the installation at the top of the menu. The most likely choice is offered first with the highlight bar placed for its selection. Pressing the enter key when the cursor is over the Next option in the previous screen will present the following keyboard configuration screen: Screen 4: Keyboard Configuration Options. Down arrow to see items below the bottom edge of the window and press enter to select an item. 89 89 Page 90 91 90 Installation Task 2: Partition the Hard Disk Once the keyboard is configured, the installation software looks over the system again. If partitions don't already exist on the installed drives, then the menu will look something like the following: Screen 5: Main Menu: Partition a Hard Disk. Note: Even if you are going to operate without a swap partition (not highly recommended) you will need a root partition on which to install your system. If partitions have already been built, the menu will look like the one in the next step and you can proceed to Task 3 now. The opportunity to select which physical drive will be partitioned is presented when the option to Partition a Hard Disk is chosen. Cfdisk is used to partition the specified drive. 90 90 Page 91 92 Stage One: The Base Installation 91 Use this tool to create at least one Linux partition and, unless circumstances get in the way, a swap partition. With a 24 MB swap partition, and 8 MB of RAM, a 486 will compile a kernel without running out of virtual memory. However, when compiling very large packages, 24 MB is nowhere near enough, even on a Pentium, with 16 MB of memory. However, with 16 MB, a 48 MB swap partition becomes quite adequate. From this it can be seen that deciding on the size of the swap partition isn't really a simple formula. Depending on the tasks the system is expected to perform, the formula will be different for each configuration. When Partition a Hard Disk is selected, the following dialogue box is pre-sented: Screen 6: Select Disk Drive. Note that this machine has only one physical drive installed. In this example the choice is trivial, selecting /dev/ hda. 91 91 Page 92 93 92 Installation If this drive has not been partitioned yet, the screen presented will look some-thing like: Screen 7: cfdisk; Empty Partition. Debian Linux uses cfdisk which is a smaller, more trimmed down, partition editor than fdisk, and provides all the functionality necessary for partitioning a new device from scratch. Everything in the installation system has been chosen for its small size and cfdisk is no exception. With no partitions created the obvious choice is New, which will give the options: Primary, Logical, and Cancel Only 4 primary partitions can be created on any one physical drive. Usually this is sufficient. When it isn't, logical partitions are used to extend the number of partitions. Logical partitions, sometimes known as "extended" partitions live inside of a primary partition. To add logical partitions will thus require the removal of one of the 4 possible primary partitions. With only 3 primary 92 92 Page 93 94 Stage One: The Base Installation 93 partitions whatever space that is left on the drive can be divided up into as many logical partitions as needed. The limit on logical partitions is only constrained by the space on the disk. Whether you are constructing a primary, or a logical partition, the total space left on the device will be offered for the new partition. Simply type in a new value to override the displayed size. Pressing enter to accept the value typed will present the options: Beginning, End, and Cancel. The new partition may be placed at either the beginning of the free space, or at the end of it, or its creation can be canceled all together, by choosing the appropriate option. A few suggestions: ° Create the root partition first, and make it a primary partition. ° Create the swap partition second. It too must be a primary partition. ° Create whatever additional primary or logical partitions are desired. Whenever cfdisk creates a partition, it assumes that it will be a Linux partition and creates it so. When creating a swap partition the FS (file system) type is not correct. It should be a Linux Swap FS type. When the highlight bar rests on a partition the options section of the screen looks like: [Bootable] [ Delete ] [ Help ] [Maximize] [ Print ] [ Quit ] [ Type ] [ Units ] [ Write ] While the up/ down arrow keys move from one partition information line to the next, the left/ right arrow keys move the highlight bar from one option to the next/ previous one. In addition the first letter of the option will activate it as well, so pressing the 't' key will allow the FS type to be changed. This will display a list of all the allowed FS types. Typing the number of that FS type will change the partition to the new type when enter is pressed. The correct FS type for a swap partition is number 82, Linux Swap. 93 93 Page 94 95 94 Installation In addition, the first partition should be marked bootable if it is to be the boot partition. This is not necessary for additional drives that get added to the system. In the current example, we need a partition for /boot, a swap partition, a partition for the root file system, a partition for /home, and a partition for /var, with an additional partition for other possibilities (like an archives). The screen would look like the following when these partitions are completed. Screen 8: cfdisk; Partitioning Complete. Once the partitioning is complete you still need to Write the partition infor-mation to the disk. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the write option and press enter. The program will ask if you are sure you wish to write the new partition information. This particular tool demands that the word 'yes' be typed in full. The program is about to wipe out all data currently on this device so it wants to make very sure this is correct. 94 94 Page 95 96 Stage One: The Base Installation 95 Task 3: Swap Partition If the drive is pre-partitioned, or if Task 2 has already been performed, the installation software will now suggest initializing and activating a swap parti-tion. The Main menu will look like: Screen 9: Main Menu: Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition. As we built a swap partition in the last section the Next choice is the correct one to follow. In the above case this will present the following dialogue box: 95 95 Page 96 97 96 Installation Screen 10: Swap Partition Selection Notice that only the partition that was marked 'Linux Swap' is presented as an option for a swap device. Pressing Enter here will present an information box asking if the partition should be checked for bad blocks. Answer yes here and the next question is "Are you sure you want to do this?". Answer yes here and the swap partition begins to be initialized. When the initialization is complete the swap partition is mounted and the program returns to the main menu, after checking out the system to see how far the installation has progressed. 96 96 Page 97 98 Stage One: The Base Installation 97 Task 4: Initializing Linux Partitions Upon returning from setting up the swap partition the menu will look like: Screen 11: Main Menu; Initialize Partitions. If the Linux partitions have not already been initialized then Next is the correct choice at this menu. 97 97 Page 98 99 98 Installation When selected, the following dialogue box will provide the available partitions for initialization: Screen 12: Choose a Partition. After choosing a partition to initialize, the next dialog box asks about 2.2 kernel ext2 features and 2.0 compatibility. Answer yes to continue to the "Are You Sure" screen. If you are sure you picked the correct partition to initialize answer yes to this question as well. When the initialization is complete an inquiry box will ask if this partition should be mounted as the root file system ("/"). The first time through this step should be to create just such a root file system, so the answer should be yes. Additional partitions will be mounted on mount points within this root partition. 98 98 Page 99 100 Stage One: The Base Installation 99 We have planned several separate partitions, so the Initialize a Linux Par-tition menu option should be chosen until all partitions have been initialized and mounted. Each time you initialize a partition, after mounting the root partition, the following screen will offer various mount points available for the partition just initialized. Screen 13: Choose a Mount Point. For the partition on /dev/ hda1 you should choose /boot as the mount point. The other two partitions can be mounted on /home and var. 99 99 Page 100 101 100 Installation Task 5: Install Kernel and Modules After the first initialization step is complete, the main menu will be redrawn like: Screen 14: Main Menu: Install Operating System Kernel and Modules If there are still additional partitions to initialize and mount, as is the case in our example partition, choose the Alternate selection, Initialize a Linux Partition, as many times as is necessary to complete the partition initializa-tion process on all desired partitions. (See the previous step.) Once all of the desired partitions have been initialized and mounted it is time to choose Next, and install the operating system kernel and any modules that will be needed to complete the installation. 100 100 Page 101 102 Stage One: The Base Installation 101 First the installation medium must be chosen from the following dialogue box: Screen 15: Media Selection If the CD-ROM drive is either a SCSI device or an IDE/ ATAPI style interface then the installation can proceed from the CD-ROM device. If the CD-ROM device uses a proprietary interface then the drivers are not currently available to the kernel, and you will not be able to access the drive until they are loaded. You will need a rescue oppy and the three oppies required to hold the drivers. See the install. en. txt file on the CD-ROM for information on creating these oppies. Once you have created these disks, choose "First Floppy Drive" and follow the directions for inserting disks. If the CD-ROM drive is a supported SCSI or IDE/ ATAPI interface, then simply choose cdrom from the Select Installation Medium dialog box. 101 101 Page 102 103 102 Installation Upon selecting cdrom as the installation medium, the next screen asks that you insert the CD-ROM in the drive and press ENTER to continue and the following screen is presented. Screen 16: Select Archive Path For the CD install simply press ENTER and move on to the next screen. Only under extreme circumstances are you going to provide a specific path for these files. Letting the installation program find the files is the normal choice. 102 102 Page 103 104 Stage One: The Base Installation 103 Pressing ENTER presents a screen that lists every path containing the desired files. Screen 17: Available Archive Paths The simplest response to this screen is to press ENTER, just like the previous screen. The path provided has already been checked for the desired contents, and will work just fine. After pressing enter here, the actual process of installing will be detailed in several dialogue boxes. 103 103 Page 104 105 104 Installation Task 6: Configuring Driver Modules Upon successful completion of the kernel and modules installation, the follow-ing main menu is presented: Screen 18: Main Menu: Configure Device Driver Modules Configuring device drivers can be a crucial step in the installation. If the hardware includes either a modem useful for connecting to an Internet Service Provider, or a CD-ROM drive supported by the current kernel but not already installed in the kernel, here is where those drivers are installed. If the con-nection is through an Ethernet card, drivers for that card are installed during this phase as well. Many other specialty devices have their drivers provided here, so look over the list carefully to find your particular needs. Serial and parallel drivers are found in the mis section. 104 104 Page 105 106 Stage One: The Base Installation 105 Even if you do configure all of the necessary modules at this time, it may be desirable to edit /etc/ modules and activate the "auto" line by removing the leading '# ' character. This will allow modules to be loaded as needed and earlier in the boot up process than when kerneld is normally running. Modules explicitly declared after the auto will be loaded at boot-up and never unloaded by kerneld until shutdown. This is useful in maintaining start-up configuration on some drivers, most notably a serial driver with nonstandard interrupts. In addition to the option to configure device drivers, there is an alternate selection that allows the PCMCIA support to be configured as well. This is of primary interest to laptop machines with removable devices like modems, Ethernet cards, and even CD-ROM drives and other SCSI devices. Choosing the PCMCIA configuration option will present the options to config-ure: a PCMCIA controller, Serial, and CD-ROM devices. Configuration now will make the rest of the installation possible via these devices. 105 105 Page 106 107 106 Installation When the modules configuration option is chosen, the following screen will be presented. Screen 19: Additional Modules If you have any modules not provided by the distribution, this is your chance add them to the modules directory on your new system. These modules must be provided on a oppy disk. Normally you will wish to choose No on this screen. 106 106 Page 107 108 Stage One: The Base Installation 107 After this screen has been exited, the program modconf will display the fol-lowing screen: Screen 20: modconf Main Menu Work through the menu selecting and installing those modules that will be useful to the new system, as well as those that may aid in the installation process. Once all necessary modules have been added to the system, choose Exit and return to the main menu. If you have had no trouble getting to the CD, i. e. you don't need a driver for your CD-ROM drive, you can postpone the rest of your module configuration until after the installation process. 107 107 Page 108 109 108 Installation Task 7: Configure the Network If the target machine has no Ethernet card, then configuring the network is not going to provide any real functionality. Under those conditions the Main Menu will look like: Screen 21: Main Menu: Configure the hostname and the only network configuration action allowed will be creating the new system's hostname. 108 108 Page 109 110 Stage One: The Base Installation 109 If there is an Ethernet adapter in the machine, and its driver has been loaded in previous steps, the Main Menu will look like: Screen 22: Main Menu: Configure the Network The option to Configure the Network is presented at this time to provide the possibility of installing the Base System over an Ethernet connection. Even if the base system is to be installed from oppy disk, it is probably a good idea to go through this section anyway, as it creates files that will be of use later if networking is desired. There will be an option to set up a PPP connection in the Second Stage of the installation. 109 109 Page 110 111 110 Installation Pressing ENTER at Configure the Network will present the following: Screen 23: Choose a hostname If you do decide to go ahead with network configuration, here is where you enter the hostname for this machine. If you have no special name to give this machine, then press enter and the default, debian will be used. For this example installation, the hostname alice has been chosen. 110 110 Page 111 112 Stage One: The Base Installation 111 Selecting a hostname will present the following dialogue box: Screen 24: Automatic Network Configuration You only want to say yes to this option if these DHCP or BOOTP servers are available somewhere on the LAN. Otherwise tab over to the No button and press ENTER. 111 111 Page 112 113 112 Installation The next screen will ask for an IP address for the target machine. Screen 25: Choose an IP Address You may need to check with your system administrator to obtain the correct address to insert in place of the example default provided on the screen. This is the address that the target machines Ethernet card is expected to respond to. 112 112 Page 113 114 Stage One: The Base Installation 113 Next you are presented with a choice of network mask. Screen 26: Choose a Network Mask The default value provided is most often correct, so all that is needed here is the press of the return key. If you think this is not correct, check with your system administrator for confirmation. 113 113 Page 114 115 114 Installation Next you will be asked for the gateway address for your LAN. Screen 27: Choose a Gateway Address If there is no gateway simply clear the line and press ENTER. As before, if you have any questions, ask your system administrator for help. 114 114 Page 115 116 Stage One: The Base Installation 115 Now you will be offered the opportunity to provide the domain name for your LAN. Screen 28: Choose a Domain Name This name, appended to your hostname, forms the complete name designa-tion for the target machine. Unlike the hostname, which can not contain the "." (dot) character, the domain name is often broken into several parts using the dot character. 115 115 Page 116 117 116 Installation The following screen provides for the entry of up to 3 Designated Name Servers. Screen 29: Choose a Designated Name Server Enter the IP address of the name servers you wish to use, separated by blanks, onto the line provided in the above dialog box. This completes the network configuration step, although you can always re-select this option from the main menu if you made a mistake and want to change something. 116 116 Page 117 118 Stage One: The Base Installation 117 Task 8: Installing the Base System Upon returning from the network configuration the Main Menu looks like: Screen 30: Main Menu: Install the Base System 117 117 Page 118 119 118 Installation Choosing "Next" will present the previously seen selection screen: Screen 31: Choose Installation Media Note: When you choose cdrom the same two Archive path screens are presented. As with the kernel install, press ENTER at each of these screen. 118 118 Page 119 120 Stage One: The Base Installation 119 Task 9: Configuring the Base System After installing the Base System, the Main Menu will look like: Screen 32: Main Menu: Configure the Base System Time zone configuration is the sole task in this step. 119 119 Page 120 121 120 Installation Choosing the Next option of Configure the Base System will display: Screen 33: Select Time zone The object is to choose the time zone that represents your version of local time. You may either choose a time zone from the list on the right, or choose a geographical area from the list on the left. This can be very misleading at times. For example: If you are in the Eastern time zone in the United States, you would be tempted to choose America which leads to a list of cities, instead of the US section which leads to the Eastern time zone. On the other hand you can choose a reasonable time zone from the list on the right. If you want daylight savings time to take effect at the appropriate time choose EST5EDT, otherwise choose EST to configure Eastern Standard. Whatever you choose at this time can be changed later by running tzconfig. 120 120 Page 121 122 Stage One: The Base Installation 121 After selecting an appropriate time zone the following question will be asked: Screen 34: Select Time zone This question asks "Is your system clock set to GMT?". Unix system clocks are generally set to Greenwich Mean Time, also known as Universal Time, and use time zone files to display the local time. If this machine is to be set up in this fashion then the answer is yes. Most MS-DOS machines set their clocks to "local time" for convenience. If you wish to maintain this compatibility with a DOS or Windows system then the proper answer is "no". 121 121 Page 122 123 122 Installation Task 10: Creating a Bootable System After configuring the time zone, the Main Menu will look like: Screen 35: Main Menu: Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk Even when you choose to make Linux bootable from the hard disk, you should still probably create a boot oppy afterwards to insure a bootable system. LILO is a reliable boot loader when it is configured properly. Depending on various hardware issues, the initial configuration may not work correctly. For this reason a boot oppy is a valuable tool early in the new system's life. 122 122 Page 123 124 Stage One: The Base Installation 123 Choosing Next will present the following screen: Screen 36: Where do we put LILO? As this screen suggests, the first option is the most likely. The only reason you might not want LILO on the Master Boot Record is when the system is set up with another boot manager to be able to boot an operating system other than Linux. 123 123 Page 124 125 124 Installation After installing LILO the Main Menu will look like: Screen 37: Main Menu: Make a Boot Floppy. As suggested earlier it is a good idea to create a boot oppy as a backup boot capability. You may never need it, but it never hurts to have insurance. 124 124 Page 125 126 Stage One: The Base Installation 125 Pressing ENTER presents the next screen: Screen 38: Change Disk You will need to insert a blank oppy into the drive. When you press ENTER the drive will be formatted and a kernel installed and made bootable. On successful completion this will have produced a oppy that can be used to reboot the system. 125 125 Page 126 127 126 Installation Task 11: Finish Stage One After building a boot oppy the only thing left to do for a base install is Reboot The System. The new system can be booted from the hard disk (assuming that LILO installed correctly) or using the new boot oppy. The DOS partition, if there is one, can be rebooted now and a loadlin installation can be set up if that is the desired boot path. No matter which method will be used, the final step in the base installation is "Reboot The System"! Stage One Installation is now complete. Stage Two Installation begins on the next reboot of your newly installed base system. Be sure to remove the CD that you used to install the base system, as you do not wish to reboot from the CD at this time. Dwarf wishes to point out that you can, indeed, use the CD to boot your new system, assuming that your hardware will boot the CD. When you get the boot: prompt, enter linux /dev/< root partition> where is the device where the root file system resides. So, if you set root as hda3 then the command would be: linux /dev/ hda3 This is a useful method for rebooting your system when the kernel is broken. You can also do a normal boot and use the installation system to recover from a more broken system, so this is a good recovery method. However, at this stage we are hoping our newly installed LILO boot process is going to work, so remove the CD before rebooting for Stage Two. 126 126 Page 127 128 Stage Two: Package Installation The base system installation is now complete and the rest of the system can be installed from various sources using a variety of methods. Once the system has been rebooted for the first time, the Second Stage Installation will begin. If, for some reason, this phase is interrupted, it can be restarted with the command: perl -w /usr/ sbin/ dpkg-reconfigure base-config 127 127 127 Page 128 129 128 Installation General Configuration Once this process begins the following screen is presented: Screen 39: MD5 Passwords? The default reply is set to No, so only if you really know what you want and are willing to deal with the NIS problems presented by the use of MD5 Passwords, should you change this to Yes. 128 128 Page 129 130 Stage Two: Package Installation 129 Whatever you choose will present the next screen: Screen 40: Shadow Passwords? As this screen implies, even with the potential NIS problems shadow passwords are a good idea. Because the actual encrypted password is kept separate from the password file, shadow passwords are considered more secure. 129 129 Page 130 131 130 Installation If this is the first time running base-config, then the following screen will appear next: Screen 41: Root Password Information If you have already been through this stage once, then the root password will already be installed, and these screens will not appear during a second pass. Since there is no other choice on the introduction screen than , pressing enter is the only way to proceed with the installation. 130 130 Page 131 132 Stage Two: Package Installation 131 The next screen asks for the password that will be used to access the root account. Screen 42: Enter Root Password When you enter a password for root there will be an additional screen much like this one, asking you to verify this password. 131 131 Page 132 133 132 Installation Screen 43: Verify Previous Password Simply type in the same password again and it will be assigned to the root account. 132 132 Page 133 134 Stage Two: Package Installation 133 The next screen presents some very good reasons for having accounts with less permissions than the root account. Screen 44: Additional user Accounts There are many other good reasons to have a simple user account to use when using your Debian system to do the jobs you need a Linux system to do for you. If you press enter to activate the button you will be offered a screen for entry of the required information. If you don't want to create a user at this time, press the tab key, highlighting the button, and press ENTER. You will not be presented with the add user screen. 133 133 Page 134 135 134 Installation If you pressed the button on the previous screen, the add user screen is presented next. Screen 45: Adding a New User After you enter a user name, the next screen provides an entry for the full name of the user. 134 134 Page 135 136 Stage Two: Package Installation 135 Screen 46: User's Full Name Dwarf usually leaves this field blank. Whatever you decide to enter, the next two screens will ask for the password for this user. 135 135 Page 136 137 136 Installation Screen 47: Password for New User Enter the same password in each screen. 136 136 Page 137 138 Stage Two: Package Installation 137 Screen 48: Verify New User Password The second entry is to verify the password, so they must be identical for it to be accepted. 137 137 Page 138 139 138 Installation Unless the target machine is a laptop, it will most likely not be using pcmcia. If that is the case, the next screen is presented. Screen 49: Remove PCMCIA Packages? If you have no pcmcia hardware simply press enter. If you do have such hardware, tab to the button and press enter. 138 138 Page 139 140 Stage Two: Package Installation 139 PPP Configuration Once the pcmcia software has been removed, the next offer will be to configure a PPP connection to your ISP. This option is offered at this time to enable the rest of the installation to proceed over the Internet. This installation is being done using the CD-ROM, so the connection is not needed yet, but this is as good a time as any to configure PPP. Screen 50: Set Up a PPP Connection? The default option is set to , so tab over to the button and press ENTER if you wish to set up your PPP connections now. If you answer here, then skip ahead to page 156. You can always configure PPP after the installation is complete by executing the script pppconfig. It is this script, used by the installation, that will be described in the next several pages. 139 139 Page 140 141 140 Installation When you answer to the previous screen this script starts with the following screen. Screen 51: PPP Configuration Main Menu This is the main menu. This configuration script creates a set of peer con-nection scripts that the PPP daemon will use to establish the connection with your ISP. This allows for the configuration of more than one ISP connection, which can be useful when you have more than one service provider. Create a connection is the choice to make when creating a new peer con-figuration. If you made a mistake with a previous configuration you may edit it by choosing Change a connection. Remove a peer with the Delete a connection option and quit with Exit this utility. 140 140 Page 141 142 Stage Two: Package Installation 141 Choose Create a connection and the next screen is presented, providing a field to name the peer you are configuring. Screen 52: Name the peer This name will be used to identify this peer configuration. The name provider is supplied as the default. If you don't use this label for your connection (Dwarf prefers home), the installation program will not be able to establish a connection, as it expects the name provider. For the CD-ROM installation method this is not a problem, and you will be able to make the connection using pon with the correct name for the peer that you used during configuration. 141 141 Page 142 143 142 Installation Whatever name you enter here will deliver the next screen. Screen 53: Choose DNS Type This next screen is used to declare which sort of name service you will use with this provider. The default, static, is the most likely. That is, you are always going to use the same Designated Name Servers for this ISP. If you are on a LAN, the system administrator for the LAN will tell you what these numbers should be. 142 142 Page 143 144 Stage Two: Package Installation 143 If you choose Static the next two screens will ask for the IP address of the primary and secondary name servers. Screen 54: First Designated Name Server Place one IP address in the field provided on this screen for your primary name service. 143 143 Page 144 145 144 Installation Screen 55: Second Designated Name Server Place the second IP address in this field for the secondary name service. 144 144 Page 145 146 Stage Two: Package Installation 145 The next screen offers a selection of Authentication Methods to choose from. Screen 56: PPP Autorization Methods The first choice, PAP or Peer Authentication Protocol, is the most likely choice. Unless your Internet Service Provider indicates otherwise, PAP can be expected to work just fine. Depending upon which option you choose here, there will be minor differences in the questions. The following pages will follow the screens for the PAP option. 145 145 Page 146 147 146 Installation This next screen asks for the User Name. This label is the account name provided by your ISP. Screen 57: PPP Login Account Name Delete the contents of this line, and enter the user name provided for this account. When the correct value is supplied on the entry line, you only need to press ENTER to move to the next screen. This can be a bit confusing. Some screens, without either button active, will press OK when the string has been entered. Other screens, such as ones providing multiple options, will require a TAB to the proper button for it to become active. Most of the single line string fields on a screen will activate the when ENTER is pressed. 146 146 Page 147 148 Stage Two: Package Installation 147 The next screen asks for your password. This is also a string provided by your ISP. Screen 58: PPP Account Password Replace the default string with your password and press ENTER to move to the next screen. 147 147 Page 148 149 148 Installation This screen deals with the default speed of the modem, and provides a default value. This value indicates the fastest speed your modem port can use. Screen 59: PPP Default Modem Speed Regardless of the speed of your actual modem, the default value presented is most likely adequate and should not be changed unless you know exactly why it should. Press ENTER to move on to the next screen. 148 148 Page 149 150 Stage Two: Package Installation 149 The following screen presents the choice between Tone dialing and Pulse dial-ing. Screen 60: Phone Dialing Method Unless you are dialing through ancient phone equipment, you will most likely choose Tone. Dwarf is not aware of any place in the world where such equip-ment is being used to connect to the Internet. That doesn't mean that you will never need this option, which is why it is offered. If you find yourself in this circumstance, please contact the author and relieve his ignorance on this issue. TAB followed by ENTER will accept the selected value and move on to the next screen. 149 149 Page 150 151 150 Installation This is a screen asking for the phone number used to connect to your ISP. Screen 61: Dialup Phone Number This is not the number you use to talk to someone in the office of your provider, but rather the number used to dial the modem of your providers dialup ma-chine. Replace the placeholder string with the appropriate phone number, without any dash (-) or space between the numbers. Simply press ENTER when this value is correct. 150 150 Page 151 152 Stage Two: Package Installation 151 The following screen is an introduction to the modem selection process to be used next. Screen 62: Manual or Automatic Modem Selection The modem can be detected by the configuration script by pressing ENTER and selecting . If you know the device name for your modem, you get the chance to enter this by selecting . The simplest choice is . Although this may take a few seconds to probe each serial port, the choice is almost always correct. Even if it turns out to choose the wrong port (you may have two modems), you will still have the chance to change the port in the following screen. Choosing will provide a screen detailing all the modem ports available, with the chance to enter the correct value, and is a bit less informative about the actual state of your hardware. 151 151 Page 152 153 152 Installation Assuming you have pressed on the previous screen, the screen below is presented after each port has been probed. Screen 63: Selected Modem List Use the space bar to mark the entry under the cursor. You can move down the list using the arrow keys, and TAB to the button when the correct value is represented. 152 152 Page 153 154 Stage Two: Package Installation 153 Finally the PPP configuration finishes with the following screen detailing the values you have just entered. Screen 64: PPP Configuration Confirmation Unless you have special needs (like special init strings for you modem) you are finished and only need to arrow key down to the Finished option and press ENTER. One final screen details what the configuration program has created on your system to produce the completed configuration. 153 153 Page 154 155 154 Installation Screen 65: PPP Completion Dialog This completes the PPP configuration and pressing ENTER returns to the PPP Configuration Main Menu. 154 154 Page 155 156 Stage Two: Package Installation 155 Screen 66: PPP Main Menu Use the arrow keys to move the cursor down to the Quit option and the rest of the installation will proceed. You could, of course, configure another peer, or edit the peer configuration you just completed. 155 155 Page 156 157 156 Installation Configuring Apt Whether or not you did a PPP configuration, the next screens will set up Apt for package installation. The first screen in this operation deals with the access method that will be used in the installation. Screen 67: Choose Apt Method This is a description of the CD installation so it will be assumed that you will press ENTER with the cursor on cdrom. Whichever access method you choose, the next screens will be pretty much the same as for the cdrom method. The minor differences should be obvious. Be sure that the first CD is in the reader before you press enter here. 156 156 Page 157 158 Stage Two: Package Installation 157 If there is no CD in the drive, or if the driver /dev/ cdrom is not correct for the CD-ROM drive, then the following screen will be displayed: Screen 68: Unoccupied or Unconfigured CD-ROM Drive If this isn't correct, replace /dev/ cdrom with the name of the device driver for you specific CD-ROM. For instance, if you have a SoundBlaster Pro CD the correct value would be /dev/ sbpcd0. If the CD-ROM is the last IDE drive on the system, then the correct value will be /dev/ hdd. When you have entered the correct driver for your CD-ROM, and the first CD is in the drive, the configuration process will proceed to scan the CD. Various messages about the details of the CD will eventually result in the next screen. 157 157 Page 158 159 158 Installation Here, the first CD has been scanned successfully and the configuration process is ready for another CD. Screen 69: Another CD-ROM to Scan? You may only have one installation CD, but the full distribution now takes 3 to 4 CDs to hold everything. Depending upon how many CDs you have, place the next one into the CD-ROM drive and TAB to the button and press ENTER. Do this for each CD-ROM delivered, until all of them have been scanned by the system, then press ENTER over the button to continue with the configuration process. Be sure to remove the last CD from the drive when you have completed this step. You will be asked for the specific CD when it is needed in the future segments of the installation. 158 158 Page 159 160 Stage Two: Package Installation 159 After all the CDs have been processed, an additional opportunity to add to the source list. Screen 70: Another Apt Source? Under these installations conditions this will not usually be necessary, and pressing ENTER will continue to the next step. 159 159 Page 160 161 160 Installation System Configuration Now it is time to choose between two different installation processes. The following screen provides either the simple or the advanced process. Screen 71: Simple or Advanced Install? Unless you have some pressing reason to use the advanced option, Dwarf highly recommends the simple option. The advanced option provides dselect as the tool for choosing and installing the packages you want. While this lets you choose just those individual packages that you need, and their dependent packages, the process of selection can be tedious and complex. See the section on dselect starting on page 47 for more details. Choosing simple provides a short list of task oriented package groupings that make it easy to get the features you want into the system you are building. Press ENTER here and, after a bit of clicking and whirring the task selection screen is presented. 160 160 Page 161 162 Stage Two: Package Installation 161 The Debian Task Installer This screen lists all of the tasks that are supported by a collection of packages. Screen 72: Task Package Selection Items under the cursor can be selected with the space bar or the enter key. The cursor can be move up and down the list with the arrow keys. All of the entries in the list can not be viewed at once, and a scroll bar is provided on the right edge of the screen to view the remaining elements in the list. These include: Gnome Games, Gnome Net, Imap, Japanese, Laptop, Newbie Help, News Server, Objc Dev, Parallel Computing Dev, Parallel Computing Node, Polish, Python, Python Bundle, Python Dev, Python Web, Samba, Science, Sgml, Sgml Dev, Spanish, Tcltk, Tcltk Dev, Tex, X Window System, and X Window System Core. The only limitations on which of these packages you may choose, are the disk storage limitations of your root partition. If you want to know more about 161 161 Page 162 163 162 Installation a particular task package, simply TAB over to the button and press ENTER. The information about the task package that is currently under the cursor will be displayed. When you have completed selecting the various task packages you wish to have installed, TAB to the button and press ENTER. 162 162 Page 163 164 Stage Two: Package Installation 163 X Configuration using anXious If you choose the X Window System from the task packages, then anXious will be used to try to configure your X packages. Screen 73: Probe X Hardware? This is a new addition to the Debian installation process and it doesn't always get everything correct. You may still need to run xf86Setup or one of the other X configuration programs in order to get a proper configuration file. It is still worth the effort to run through these configuration steps, so you probably want anXious to probe your hardware and try to figure things out. For that reason simply press ENTER here and allow the script to continue. 163 163 Page 164 165 164 Installation If everything goes well, a screen like the following is presented: Screen 74: Hardware Detected If the actual words on the screen don't make a lot of sense and major subject material seems to be missing (like the name of the server) then this step probably failed and there will be more involved in the configuration of X than this simple tool can provide. Whatever the results of this screen, the only option is to press ENTER as there is only the button available to press. 164 164 Page 165 166 Stage Two: Package Installation 165 The next screen presented is the font selection screen. Screen 75: Font Selection Use the arrow keys to move up and down the list, the space bar to toggle the selection of any element under the cursor, and TAB to the button when the selections are correct. 165 165 Page 166 167 166 Installation The next screen provides multiple choices for terminal emulators to use in the X Window System. Screen 76: Terminal Selection More than one emulator may be chosen, and the xterm, although not visible because it is off the bottom of the window, has already been selected. You can scroll down the selection window with the arrow keys or the scroll bar on the left hand side of the screen, but unless you want another terminal emulator in addition to xterm, simply TAB to the button and press ENTER. 166 166 Page 167 168 Stage Two: Package Installation 167 This very similar screen allows for the choice of additional window managers. Screen 77: Window Manager Selection The default selection is twm (visible farther down the list). The other choices not visible in the window are: wm, vwm, vwm1, vwm95, gwm, icewm, icewm-gnome, lwm, olvwm, olwm, qvwm, sawmill, scwm, twm, xtwm, wm2, and wmaker Choose as many as you wish from this extensive list, then TAB to the button to continue on to the next step. 167 167 Page 168 169 168 Installation This next screen offers to install the xdm server manager. Screen 78: Install xdm? Even if you eventually want the services of xdm this install should probably be put off. You can easily install it once you have X working to your satis-faction, and waiting will keep it from getting in the way of debugging your configuration. The default is so unless you really want to install xdm now just press ENTER to move to the next step. 168 168 Page 169 170 Stage Two: Package Installation 169 Here is where you select your mouse type. Screen 79: Mouse Type Selection If you have a standard serial mouse, then choose 2: Microsoft. Any other choice should be specifically shown on the list. Select your mouse type using the arrow keys to move the cursor and the space bar to toggle the selection. When you have the correct type identified in the list, TAB to the button and press ENTER to continue. 169 169 Page 170 171 170 Installation Next you are asked about emulating the third button. Screen 80: Three Buttons? If your mouse only has two buttons then the only way to get some window managers to provide all of their features will be to emulate the third button. If this is the case, simply press ENTER to accept this and move on to the next screen. 170 170 Page 171 172 Stage Two: Package Installation 171 This screen asks that you declare a device for the mouse. Screen 81: Mouse Device Selection This is the device that the X server will use to obtain mouse actions. If you have gpm installed then you will definitely want to enter the mouse as /dev/ gpmdata rather than the actual tty device where the mouse is con-nected. This is because gpm already has access to the physical port so X can't get to the device. PS/ 2 mice get the /dev/ psaux device, and if you are not using gpm the mouse on the first serial port gets /dev/ ttyS0 as its device. Once you have the correct device, press ENTER to accept this value and move on to the next screen. 171 171 Page 172 173 172 Installation Even though you already told the installation program what kind off keyboard you have, anXious wants to know this information again. The following screen asks that you select your keyboard from the list provided. Screen 82: Keyboard Type Selection The other keyboard extensions not visible in the above window are: French, Thai, Swiss/ German, Swiss/ French, US/ International, Brazilian, disable, and none. Arrow up and down the list, or use the slide bar on the left to move the list within the window to see more entries. Press space to select the item under the cursor and TAB to the button when you have made your choice. 172 172 Page 173 174 Stage Two: Package Installation 173 Now we get to the important stuff. This screen presents a selection of monitor horizontal sync ranges for you to choose from. As the screen implies, this is an important decision so have the correct values for your monitor ready when you get to this screen. Screen 83: Monitor Horizontal Sync Again, all the values available are not visible on the screen, but can be viewed by scrolling down the screen using the arrow keys or the provided scroll bar. The additional values available on the list are: 1024x760 60Hz, 800x600 72HZ, 1024x768 70Hz, 1280x1024 60Hz, 1280x1024 74Hz, 1280x1024 76Ha, or cus-tom. custom is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing. Plac-ing an excessive value in the config using the custom option can very easily damage your monitor. Choose a good value then TAB and ENTER to move on. 173 173 Page 174 175 174 Installation This screen expects the value for the vertical sync range of you monitor. Screen 84: Monitor Vertical Sync All of the possible values are visible in the window, so arrow down to the entry that describes your monitor's vertical sync rate, and press the space to select. Then TAB to the button and press ENTER. 174 174 Page 175 176 Stage Two: Package Installation 175 This next screen asks for a string to identify your monitor. Screen 85: Monitor Name Specification This has no technical impact on the configuration of the X server, but will identify the monitor that has been configured. Replace the default string with something that more appropriately identifies your particular monitor. Simply press ENTER to accept the value you have typed. 175 175 Page 176 177 176 Installation The next screen deals with the amount of graphics card memory. Screen 86: Graphics Card Memory Since the card has already been probed, an item has already been selected. This is the amount of memory that the software thinks is available on your card. Unless you have some reason to believe that this is in error, simply TAB to the button and press ENTER. If you must change this value, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the correct item and press space to select that value. Then TAB to the button and press ENTER. 176 176 Page 177 178 Stage Two: Package Installation 177 Next your video card needs a name. Screen 87: Video Card Name Specification Replace the default string with one which identifies the video card being con-figured. Press ENTER to accept this value and move on to the next screen. 177 177 Page 178 179 178 Installation Next is the choice of clockchip. Screen 88: Clock Chip Specification Unless you know specifically that your card has and uses a particular clockchip, the most likely response here is none. Otherwise scroll down to the correct value and press space to select that item. The following items are available in the non-visible portion of the list: ICS5341, S3 GenDac 86C708 or ICS5300, S3 SDAC 86C716, STD 1703, Sierra SC11412, TI 3025, TI 3026, and IBM RGB 51x/ 52x. Whatever your choice, once you have made it, TAB to the button and press ENTER to accept the item chosen and move to the next screen. 178 178 Page 179 180 Stage Two: Package Installation 179 Next is the request to probe for clock information. Screen 89: Probe for Clock Information? Unless you are certain that your graphics card will need this information, accept the default value of by simply pressing ENTER. If you wish to probe for clock information TAB to the button and press ENTER. 179 179 Page 180 181 180 Installation Here we have the color depth selection screen. Screen 90: Color Depth Selection 8bpp is already checked as the default, so unless you need a different color depth, just TAB to the button and press ENTER. All of the values available are visible in the window, so just use the arrow keys to move to the item on the list you desire, and press space to select that item. Then TAB to the button and press ENTER. 180 180 Page 181 182 Stage Two: Package Installation 181 Use this screen to choose the default resolution. Screen 91: Default Resolution Selection Your card may support several different resolutions. Here is where you decide which of these available resolutions will be used upon initial start-up of the X server. In addition to those values visible on the screen the values: 1153x864, 1280x960, and 1600x1200, are also available if you scroll down the window with the arrow keys or the scroll bar on the left. When you have selected the item you desire, by pressing the space bar, press TAB to move to the button and press ENTER to move on to the next screen. 181 181 Page 182 183 182 Installation This screen looks just like the last one! Screen 92: Usable Resolutions Selection While it looks the same, it has a different purpose. Here you can choose as many different items as your monitor and video card will support. Each of these resolutions will then be available from the server. Pressing the ALT key at the same time as the control key, and either the plus or the minus key will cycle through these resolutions modes. Use the arrow keys or the scroll bar on the left of the screen to move up and down the list. Select those resolutions to include by pressing the space bar. When all desired items have been selected, TAB to the button and press ENTER to continue to the next screen. 182 182 Page 183 184 Stage Two: Package Installation 183 Next we may choose the location of the configuration file. Screen 93: Location of Config X servers use this file to configure themselves at start-up. Unless you have some compelling reason to move the file somewhere else, the default value provided in the field is the correct place to put this file. All you need do is press ENTER to accept this value. 183 183 Page 184 185 184 Installation The next screen is an information screen, telling you that the X configuration is complete and giving some additional sources of information about how to configure your X servers. Screen 94: anXious Conclusion You have no choice here but to press . Do so by pressing ENTER and the X configuration is complete. 184 184 Page 185 186 Stage Two: Package Installation 185 Apt Package Installation If you did not choose to install X, then the previous anXious screens never happened. Either way the next activity is the installation of packages. After some clicks and whirs, apt-get will check for dependencies caused by the choices you made from the task selection screen. After assuring itself that all the packages it wants are in the archives it will list the ones it will be installing, followed by a synopsis of the results of its analysis. The list of packages to install may very well run off the top of the screen too fast to be read. Don't worry, dpkg can tell you exactly which package got installed, once the smoke clears. On a typical installation, the synopsis lines might look like: 1 packages upgraded, 342 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0B/ 161MB of archives. After unpacking 408MB will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/ n] Pressing ENTER causes the installation to begin. Since you removed the CDs after you registered them with apt-get there will be no CD to install packages from. apt-get will prompt you to put the correct CD into the drive and press ENTER. Read the label presented here very carefully. While often the first CD is needed first, sometimes, depending on the packages chosen, a different CD will be needed. Load the CD with the corresponding label into the CD-ROM drive and then press ENTER. apt-get will scan the packages on the CD and then, most likely, drop back into configuration mode. Many packages now support the use of debconf, which allows configuration information to be gathered before it is needed by the package installation. Once you have answered all the questions in this phase, you might expect the rest of the installation to proceed without your assistance. Only one example will be presented here. The number of additional configura- 185 185 Page 186 187 186 Installation tion screens you will actually receive depends upon which packages you choose to install. If lynx is being installed you will get the following screen. Screen 95: Lynx Configuration Replace the default string with the URL of your desired home page. This can also be the absolute pathname of an HTML document on your local machine. Either way you want it, after typing the desired string simply press ENTER to accept the value and move on to the next configuration screen. If a configuration screen is presented that you simply do not understand, ei-ther enter blank data, or, when provided, ask for no configuration at this time. All packages can be configured later, once you understand the necessary information required for their proper configuration. Once all the configuration screens have been presented and completed, apt-get will proceed with the installation of the chosen packages. This will take some 186 186 Page 187 188 Stage Two: Package Installation 187 time, and will still require periodic intervention, telling those packages that don't yet use debconf what they need to know to complete their installation. On those rare occasions apt-get will sometimes fail to install all of the pack-ages correctly. This is most likely caused by an inconsequential error in the postinstall script, leaving an error code around for recovery by apt-get. Like dselect this requires an additional pass. When this happens, the offer to re-run the install will be made, so it is a bit more automatic than previous tools. Once all the packages have been installed the following information screen is displayed: Screen 96: Installation Complete Once apt-get completes the installation your new system is ready to use. You can add more packages in the future by using the command: apt-get install and that package will be installed from the proper CD. 187 187 Page 188 189 188 Installation You are now ready to begin using and hopefully enjoying your new Debian GNU/ Linux operating system. 188 188 Page 189 190 Chapter 4 Basic System Administration Introduction By now, if you have followed the directions provided so far, you should have a Debian GNU/ Linux system up and running. The next most obvious question is: What do I do with it now that I have it running? The answer is: First you must decide what the system is going to be used for. In many cases, even a "private" workstation will have more than one user account active on the machine. Even if the machine is not connected to the Internet or any local net, there will be the need for more than one user account on the machine from time to time, so there is good reason to understand how to manage such accounts. 189 189 189 Page 190 191 Managing many accounts Your new Debian system was installed with a root account and possibly one user account of your choice. Even if you are the only one who will ever use the system, you will find that having multiple accounts can be useful at times, if only to help keep different projects separate. If the system is to be used by more than one person, then the following information is of more than passing interest. Adding a user The Debian system provides the adduser program as the primary tool for managing both user and system accounts. The simplest way to add the new user fred, is the command: adduser fred adduser will choose the next available uid (user ID) for fred, create a user and group with that id, create a home directory named fred, copy /etc/ skel into /home/ fred, and then ask for a new password for fred. While there are options that allow these items to be specified on the command line, this simple command is the best way to integrate a new user into the system. If you use the --disabled-password option, the account will be created, but it will be disabled until a password is assigned to fred. In this case, adduser will not request a password at this time, and the passwd program must be used later to activate the account. This allows you to set up all the users in a class, and then assign them passwords as they come to you for them. This keeps the account from being an entry point into the system for someone who finds the "master" list. Once a password has been assigned to the user, they should be encouraged to change their password immediately making the "assigned" password useless to an intruder. 190 190 190 Page 191 192 Managing many accounts 191 Finally, adduser will ask for the information to be presented when this account is "fingered" by someone. finger is a program that searches (even over the net when a different domain is specified) for the account specified, and returns the personal information found for that account. adduser inserts the data into the entry in /etc/ passwd that it creates for fred. So, now if you finger fred you will see something like the following: Login: fred Name: Fred Smith Directory: /home/ fred Shell: /bin/ bash Office: 101, 555-1212 Home Phone: 555-5555 Never logged in. No mail. Removing a user Just as you need to be able to add accounts to the system, it is also useful to be able to remove accounts that are no longer needed on the system. Debian provides the program userdel to remove a user account from /etc/ passwd. With the -r option, userdel will also remove the home directory for the account and all its contents. So, to remove fred from the system and all the files from /home/ fred use the command: userdel -r fred The entry in /etc/ group is not removed, and neither are any files on the system that are owned by the removed account. When the uid gets reassigned to another account, that account will end up owning those files. They should be removed by hand, or have their ownership changed, which will be described later in this chapter. Removing the entry from /etc/ group will require root privilege and the editor of your choice. Simply remove the line containing the account name, in this case fred. 191 191 Page 192 193 192 Basic System Administration Managing passwords People forget things, like their password. It's human nature. So any system that is used by humans must have a way of fixing the problem, but it must work in a secure fashion. On a Linux system, like the Debian system you have installed, passwords are kept in an encrypted form that is not easy to break. The only recourse for the "loss" of a password is to create a new one for the account, and the only account that can do this is the root account. The program that does this is called passwd. Any user account can use this program to change the password for that account, but only root can change the password on another account. To change the password for fred enter the following command as root: passwd fred Unlike when a user executes passwd, when root executes it, there is no request for the old password. This allows the password to be changed when the old password is not known, but it will only work for the root account. passwd will ask for the new password, and then ask for it again to verify correctness. Once the new account has been given a password by root, the individual who will use that account should use that password to log into the system and then use passwd to change the password to something known to no one else. In the case of fred, suppose the initial password #123fred is assigned the account. Fred might then use this password to log into the system. Once the shell prompt appears he only needs to enter: passwd The passwd program first asks for the old password. Fred then enters: #123fred 192 192 Page 193 194 Managing many accounts 193 passwd does not echo the characters typed at the prompt. This would pro-vide several ways to "steal" your password, including just looking over your shoulder as you enter it. Once passwd verifies that the password is correct, the new password is re-quested. When it has been entered the new password will be requested again. If you can type the same password twice, it is assumed that you can type it again whenever you need to. This will fail if the two passwords don't match. This keeps the stray character from becoming part of the password. Some-times when you press the key you wish to press you also press another by mistake. Since these keys are not echoed to the screen, you get no feedback that this has occurred. By asking for the password twice, these mistakes are filtered out. As a result, you may sometimes be asked to try again, even when you thought you got it right. No matter how clumsy you may be, passwd will let you keep trying until you get it right. Once Fred types his new secret password twice correctly, passwd makes the entries that make that password the new one for this account. The password will not change unless Fred, or someone with root privilege, changes it. This makes the security of root privileges very important on a system with many users just like Fred. Each of these users expect their files to be secure and unaltered by another user account, relying on those with root privileges to not abuse those privileges. This trust between the system administrator (usually the only one with root access to the system) and the users is a relationship in which some are very good and some can be overbearing. However, the best administrator can have a password stolen or otherwise compromised. The person who would do this may not worry about the other people's files, making all precautions useless. 193 193 Page 194 195 Managing Root Access Aside from logging in as root, there are two different ways to grant a user account the superuser privileges of the root account. Debian delivers the two programs su and sudo as ways to provide root access for non-root accounts. su The su program changes the effective uid of the account to that of another account. In order to successfully change the uid, the password for that account must be entered. For this reason, in order to use su to gain root access, you must know the password of the root account. This means for each person who needs root access with su, yet another person must know (and remember) the password for the root account. Now, if a user has their account password compromised, only that account is open for illegitimate access. When the root password is compromised, the whole system becomes vulnerable to attack. For this reason it is advisable to take more care with the root password than with anything else. Giving that password out to more than the System Administrator is begging for disaster. So, what good is su? The safe usage of su is to use it to change from one user account to another. You, of course, must know the password of the account you wish to move to. This is sort of like logging into the other account, but with su the environment of the old account is carried over into the new account session. This is very useful if you have your user account set up with particular default environment conditions, and wish to work under an account that is set up different. 194 194 194 Page 195 196 Managing Root Access 195 sudo To allow more control over the privileges available to normal users, Debian provides the sudo command. This utility allows a specified user to execute commands as the root account. The users who may use sudo, and the pro-grams they may have root privilege for, are specified in the file /etc/ sudoers. The amount of access that can be given to a particular user account ranges from ALL, which is equivalent to su, down to allowing only a single command to be executed as root. Beside the finer granularity of the permissions provided, sudo also has the advantage of not requiring the root password. To invoke sudo, the user only supplies their own password, leaving account security in the hands of the person responsible for that account. So, to give fred the ability to shut down the system, the entry in /etc/ sudoers would look like: fred /sbin/ shutdown -[ rh] now In this way, a large variety of capabilities can be given to trusted users without compromising the root password. Since sudo can be used to give a user full root privilege, it is a potential avenue for a security breach if that user account password is compromised. Hence, it is advised that only those commands that absolutely must be provided are entered into /etc/ sudoers, providing maximum functionality, with minimal security risk. Obviously security is of varying importance, depending upon what the system is being used to accomplish. This does not mean that there are times when system security can be ignored. Even a system that is completely disconnected from a network can be subject to a security breach. Most of the security measures of interest have to do with protecting users from making mistakes with files that do not belong to them. This keeps Joe from accidentally deleting any of Fred's files, and both of them from accidentally deleting important system files. 195 195 Page 196 197 File Protection by Owner It has been suggested that the system protects users from interfering with files that aren't theirs. This is done using the permission bits and ownership information that is kept by the system for every file in the file system. These permission bits determine who may read, write, and execute the file. These permissions are divided into owner, group, and others. If only the owner permission bits are set, then only the owner may perform those functions on the file. Debian creates user accounts, each with their own group, and defaults the umask value to 002, which causes all files created, to have default permissions that match the user only, thus protecting any files created by this user account from inadvertent tampering. Only the owner of a file, or root, may change the ownership of a file. This is done with the program chown which modifies the ownership to be that of another user account. If the file is permitted for read by others, then when Joe copies such a file from one of Fred's publicly readable directories, the file copied into Joe's directory will now be owned by Joe's user account. This give Fred the ability to let others use his material without letting them change any of the original files. To prevent such "theft" of a file, for material that is private, the permissions on the file need to be set to restrict read permission for others. The command chmod is used to change the permissions of files in the file system. Only the owner (and root) may change the permissions on a file. If Fred wants to keep the file private. txt from being read by others, he would enter the following command: chmod go-wxr private. txt This removes all permissions from either group or others, to either write, execute, or read the file private. txt. Now only the fred account can read, write, or execute the file private. txt. 196 196 196 Page 197 198 File Protection by Group A second level of security, that allows more than one user account to access a file, is the group permission. As previously pointed out, each user account is assigned their own group, but that is not the only use for group permissions. If there is a group of user accounts, all of which are working on the same document project, it is possible to create a group, such as doc, and assign each user in the project to that group. This new group is added to the /etc/ group file by the adduser program. To add the group doc the command would look like: adduser --group doc While it is also possible to declare a specific ID for this group, it is not generally recommended. adduser will assign the next available ID to the group, and in most cases, this is just what is needed. There are a number of default groups already provided in /etc/ group for those programs that are expecting particular gid (groud ID) numeric values, so there should never be the need for a specific gid to be assigned to any particular group. Once the group has been created, adduser is again used to assign each user in the documentation project to this new group. To add the fred account to this new group, root would execute the following command: adduser fred doc Now any documents that Fred creates may be assigned to the group doc and have its group permission bits set so that others in the documentation group can work on that file as well. To do this for the file private. txt Fred would first issue the command: chown fred: doc private. txt 197 197 197 Page 198 199 198 Basic System Administration and then set the permission bits with the command: chmod g= rwx private. txt Now any member of the group doc can work on this file as well, but all others are still restricted from even looking at the file. Thus the permissions bits, when combined with file ownership and group information, can provide a great deal of exibility while still maintaining a level of security at the same time. 198 198 Page 199 200 Mounting and Unmounting File Systems Everything your Debian system will ever use is found on one file system or another. When the system is first initialized, the kernel uses the file /etc/ fstab to mount any additional file systems needed. The root file system is initially mounted read only by the kernel so it can read /etc/ fstab. One of the things that this system file tells init, is which file systems need to be checked, and in what order. Normally the root file system is checked first, followed by any other file systems that need checking. init uses fsck to check the partitions it finds listed in /etc/ fstab. After the file system check is completed, the kernel re-mounts the root file system read/ write and proceeds to mount the other devices it finds in /etc/ fstab. If you want a device permanently mounted on the system, simply make an entry in /etc/ fstab specifying the mounting parameters and then execute the command: mount -a which causes all of the devices listed in /etc/ fstab to be mounted. Additional devices can be mounted and unmounted as needed using the mount and umount commands. To mount an ATAPI/ IDE CD-ROM on /dev/ hdd use the command: mount -t iso9660 /dev/ cdrom /cdrom The device can be unmounted by either specifying the device (/ dev/ cdrom) or the mount point (/ cdrom). So either of the following commands will unmount the CD-ROM drive: umount /dev/ cdrom umount /cdrom 199 199 199 Page 200 201 Monitoring System Activity One of the advantages of a multiuser, multiprocess, operating system like Linux is the ability to run many programs simultaneously, as well as handling various users, and keep track of both at the same time. Under these circumstances it is necessary to be able to monitor the system for things like runaway programs, and memory hogs, so that these problems can be dealt with effectively. Process Status Executing the command ps returns a list of processes being run by the user account that invokes the command. This list includes the process id, the command that started the process, and the terminal type and number. Any process in the list may be terminated using the kill command with the associated process id obtained from the list generated by ps. To see a list of all processes use the ps -a command. Unless done by the root account, only the listed processes which the user started may be killed by that user. The root account can kill any process on the system with kill -9 . While the ps command includes a field for the status of the process, the only process in a R( un) status is the process ps itself. All other processes are marked S( uspended). Another tool is required to get a real-time picture of what these processes are doing. top CPU Processes The system utility top provides a continuous, real-time look at the system's consumption of memory and CPU resources. It lists the most consumptive process first, so finding that process that is gobbling machine resources is 200 200 200 Page 201 202 Monitoring System Activity 201 relatively easy. top also displays: the total operations time for the system since the last reboot; load averages; process counts for various states; the percentage of CPU time broken down between user, system, nice, and idle; memory and swap space usage; as well as the list of the processes using the largest amount of the machine resources. fuser: Who has it? Sometimes, when an attempt is made to umount a device, it is still in use by another account. umount will report "device busy" under these circumstances. So, "Who has it?", is the question which must be answered before that account can be contacted and asked to relinquish the device. fuser is the answer to this question. Assume that a CD-ROM device has been mounted and now the material has been transferred, or installed, and it is time to unmount the device, but the umount command fails because the device is still busy. Very often the System Administrator has forgotten that some virtual console has the current working path somewhere on the CD. When memory doesn't resolve the issue it is possibly some other process and user account that are still using the device. The command: fuser -muv /cdrom will list each account using the device mounted on /cdrom, along with the PID of the command that is currently executing in that device path. Once the account is identified, a message can be sent to the session indicating the System Administrator's desire to mount something else on that device. 201 201 Page 202 203 202 Basic System Administration Who is logged on? The command who will return a list of all the accounts currently logged into the system, the terminal device being used, and the time of login. With the fuser command we might learn that fred is the account using the /cdrom path. The who command would then tell us fred is logged into terminal ttyS3. You can then send fred a message by typing the following: write fred ttyS3 How long do you need to use the /cdrom mount point? I would like to mount a new CD. When the first line is entered, something like the following is printed at Fred's terminal: Message from root@ your. machine. net on ttyp1 at 14: 52 How long do you need to use the /cdrom mount point? I would like to mount a new CD. Fred may then send a message back telling of his intention to comply. Where is the printer? The user who sends output to the printer may wish to know where the physical printer is located in order to retrieve their output. The System Administrator should be able to point you to the physical printer, if that is the problem. But, how do I actually get my output to the printer? Debian uses lpr to place print jobs in a queue so that the printer daemon lpd can print it when the printer becomes available. The print behavior is defined in /etc/ printcap, and Debian installs this file with the default printer configured as a generic dot-matrix printer. This file declares the port the printer is connected to, among other things, and can be used to send plain ASCII text to most printers. If 202 202 Page 203 204 Monitoring System Activity 203 Fred wishes to see a printed listing of the file private. txt he would enter the command: lpr private. txt If this is a busy system, Fred will not expect his job to print right away. He can look at the position of his job in the queue using lpq to list the jobs waiting in the print queue. This command lists the jobs in the queue, in the order they will be printed. A job number is associated with each entry in the queue. This number can be passed to lprm if it becomes necessary to remove a print job from the queue. Fred can, of course, only remove his own jobs from the queue, while the root account can remove any job found there. If the file to be printed is more complex than simple ASCII text, then a filter will need to be applied in the /etc/ printcap file. Packages like magicfilter provide a wide range of filters for most printers. These filters will allow you to print PostScript files to a non-PostScript printer. In combination with programs like dvips (which converts a dvi file to PostScript output) the output of almost any Linux file format can be converted and sent to the printer. 203 203 Page 204 205 Finding knowledge In much of the above discussion there is only a hint of how some of the useful programs work for you to make using a Linux system possible. The Debian system comes with much "on-line" documentation. It is Debian Policy that every program has a man page. In addition, many packages also provide info pages. How does this help when you may not even know the command name? Linux also provides the apropos command. If you give apropos a word, it will search certain portions of the man pages looking for that word. For instance the command: apropos printer will produce output something like: banner (6) -print large banner on printer lpc (8) -line printer control program lpd (8) -liner printer spooler daemon lprm (1) -remove jobs from the line printer queue pac (8) -printer/ plotter accounting information print (3ncurses) -ship binary data to printer printcap (5) -printer capability data base Thus apropos can lead you to the man page entry for the topic of interest. In the previous list the command lpc looks interesting, and we didn't discuss it when talking about printers. This program is mostly of interest to the System Administrator, but that could be you, so take a look at the man page by entering the command: man lpc The man program will format text to your screen through the pager assigned to that task (the default is more). man recognizes the PAGER environment 204 204 204 Page 205 206 Finding knowledge 205 variable, and will use the pager defined by this variable. Many people prefer less to more as far as pagers are concerned, they think less is better than more. (Dwarf agrees: less is more) If you only wish to set this for your own account, add the following lines to /. bash profile: PAGER= less export PAGER and the next time you login man will use less as the pager. Additional info All GNU software provides its documentation in the info format. This is normally a different format from the man page, and uses a "menu" feature to allow pages of related material to be "linked" together, allowing cross-references to be placed with a page to provide broader discussion of the various topics. The info command will also display the man page if there is no index to the keyword you supply. For instance: info lpc will simply display the man page for the lpc program in much the same way that man did earlier. On the other hand, if the command had been: info diff The format of the info page for diff will be printed to the screen. q will exit info, and the man command with diff as the argument, will display the man page for diff, which you will see is quite different. Some folks like the terse structure found in man pages, while others like the expansive discussion provided by the info pages. Debian provides for both types of individual by providing both whenever possible. 205 205 Page 206 207 Finding packages Say, for example, you just heard about this really cool program, and you are pretty certain that it is provided in the Debian distribution, but a man or info attempt fails to provide any information. When you ask dpkg about the package, it says it isn't installed! So now what do you do? Debian provides two files in its archives which are useful for this purpose: Packages, and Contents. The Packages file is usually located in the binary part of the archives, while the Contents file is usually in the outer directory of the main portion of the distribution. If you know the name of the package, then you can use grep to print its entry in the Packages file. However if you only know the name of a program that you are interested in, like fuser mentioned above, then the command: grep fuser Contents executed in the directory containing the Contents file, will tell us that /bin/ fuser is found in the package base/ psmisc, in other words the psmisc package is located in the section base, so it is most likely already installed on the system (base packages are installed first). Checking with dpkg -s psmisc will indicate the status of the package, and provide information about the maintainer as well as a description of the package. If the package is not in-stalled then the information from dpkg will be quite useless, as it can only tell you that the package is not installed. Once you know the package name, the Packages file can be grepped for the necessary information. So, look for programs in the Contents file, and their packages in the Packages file. 206 206 206 Page 207 208 Finding packages 207 Searching the file system When you work on a program source tree, or even just a collection of doc-uments, the editor you use may well make a backup copy of the file, so you can recover to the last good version if the changes turn out to be really bad. When you are finished with all the edits, it is useful to be able to remove all those backup files. For instance joe adds the character to the end of the file name, so the command: rm 'find ./ -name ''* ''' will search all of the directories in the current path for file with a name that ends in and provide those names as a list of files for the rm command. This is a very useful method of using one command to produce output that is acted upon by another command. In this case the accent character (') is used to bracket the find command, causing it to be executed, with the output from the find command being used as the argument list for the rm command. Thus, each file found to end with the character is removed by the rm command. A simpler use of the find command is to locate a configuration file on the system. Thus, the command: find printcap will list: /etc/ printcap as the location for that file. If you forgot where you saved that important file, find will save the day. For more information on the find command, or any of the other commands discussed above, see your friendly man and info pages. With a little investigation you can learn all about the capabilities of your new Debian GNU/ Linux system. 207 207 Page 208 209 Building a Custom Kernel Hardware The current 2. 0. x Linux Kernels will still run on 386 based Intel PCs, as well as all the subsequent CPUs of the 80x86 family from Intel. There are current, functioning ports of the kernel to Sparc and Alpha machines as well as the m68k port to the Atari and Amiga machines. With a proprietary micro-kernel there is even an m68k version for the MacIntosh machines. A wide range of SCSI, IDE, and special CD-ROM drivers are available with the "stock" kernel. As the kernel is the heart of a Linux system, it is also the fundamental infrastructure of any distribution. Debian is no different in this matter, and many times the aws in the distribution can be traced back to aws in the kernel being used. Debian became a full ELF compliant system with the release of 1. 1 and it has not changed the basic library infrastructure since then. There are a wide range of available kernels that will work. When the stock kernel does not work with the hardware configuration of the target machine, it becomes necessary to rebuild the kernel with a new configuration that better suits the hardware situation. When this can't be done with the current kernel, it is sometimes even useful to move to a newer, or older, version of the kernel. A standard Debian system (all packages with priority of Standard and higher) will have all of the development tools needed to perform the construction and installation of a custom compiled kernel. The less memory the machine has, the more difficult it will be to compile a kernel. With as little as 8MB of memory, it is necessary to have at least a 20MB swap partition/ file, but more memory will always improve this situation. Any error complaining about the exhaustion of virtual memory can be fixed by increasing the size of the swap-space. 208 208 208 Page 209 210 Building a Custom Kernel 209 Note: swap-space -All machines have a finite amount of Ran-dom Access Memory. Without a method for dealing with this limited memory the system would crash whenever avail-able memory is exhausted. To resolve this issue, the kernel "swaps" memory to disk when not in use, to free memory for use by other processes. This requires a disk partition, or a file, that has been specially formatted to deal with memory swapping. Building the Kernel The Debian system provides access to the kernel in several ways. There is a separate Kernel Image package that will allow you to install a "pre-configured" kernel image on the current system. There is also a Kernel Source package that will allow the custom configuration of a kernel and build a Kernel Image package as its output. There are no preconditions in a Debian system that require you to use these packages. The kernel for a Debian system can be built without these packages and will work just as well. A discussion of how to do this will be instructive to more than just the paranoid individual who needs direct control over such important matters as a kernel. The following section will first describe how to construct and install a kernel without using the Debian packages, followed by a description of the differences and advantages of using the Debianized versions. As there are trade-offs for either approach the choice of method will be dictated by local considerations. Non-Debian Kernel Construction Sometime before the advent of the 2.0 kernel the old method of building the kernel was abandoned. What was removed was the requirement that the ker- 209 209 Page 210 211 210 Basic System Administration nel source reside in a particular location in the file system. Every time you installed a new kernel source it was necessary to remove and rebuild several links that pointed gcc and others to the proper header files and assembly rou-tines needed to compile other programs as well as the kernel. At about the time that this practice ended, Debian began to distribute Kernel Headers that were stable and always found at these "predefined" locations. Thus sat-isfying the general need to compile programs with kernel header information. Since the new kernel Make files are now aware of the location of the kernel source tree (by doing a pwd early in the make process) that tree can be located anywhere. Debian follows the standard on file system layout very closely, so you can be assured that anything that you install in /usr/ local will remain undamaged by any actions of the Debian Package System. The following procedure will allow the installation of kernel source; the compilation of that kernel source into an image and modules; and the installation of that image and those modules in the current system. Because the very few packages that depend on a par-ticular kernel must interrogate the system to determine the running kernel, the registration with the packaging system of any given kernel is completely unnecessary. ° Create the directory /usr/ local/ source if not present. ° Create the directory /usr/ local/ source/ kernel-< version> ° Change directory to /usr/ local/ source ° Make a link between linux and kernel-< version>. ° ln -s /usr/ local/ source/ kernel< version> linux ° Copy the linux-< version>. tar. gz file into /usr/ local/ source. ° Untar the linux-< version>. tar. gz file 210 210 Page 211 212 Building a Custom Kernel 211 The steps above will create a kernel source tree in /usr/ local/ source. This can, of course be any other place in the file system that seems appropriate, and need not be /usr/ local/ source. This is only one of several safe places you could put this tree. Creating the target directory and the link to it from the linux directory allows for future kernel source trees to also install here. Setting up the link to the target before untarring the source files makes everything end up where it should, rather than having to rename directories after the fact. The need for all of this stems from the fact that the source tar. gz file unpacks itself into the local directory named "linux". This can also cause problems if there is already a full directory named linux. With the link, there is at least the chance of moving the link to a fresh directory before unpacking new kernel source over the old. If there are no patches to be applied to the source you are ready to build a kernel. Begin by changing to the directory /usr/ local/ source/ linux. What gets done next depends on the state of the source tree and the desires of the builder. If the desire is that the build process should start from the "pristine" source, sometimes referred to as "distribution clean" then the first step is to execute make mrproper. From here the following steps are standard: Configure the features of the kernel via: make config or make menuconfig or make xconfig 211 211 Page 212 213 212 Basic System Administration then: make dep make clean make zImage or if the image is larger than 1MB make bzImage then: make modules make modules install The major caution during the configure phase is: Make sure that devices needed by the kernel, before the root file system is mounted, are always built-in and never made as modules. Any other features declared to be modularized in the configure menu can be built as modules. Once the configuration phase is complete, the rest of the steps should proceed with no errors. Use of make zImage will result in the kernel image being placed in arch/ i386/ boot/ zImage. The normal place for this image is in /boot/ vmlinuz< version>, where it can be accessed using the link from /vmlinuz. The kernel image must be moved to /boot "by hand" and the new link created in /vmlinuz. The system map file, System. map, found in /usr/ local/ source/ linux should also be placed into /boot with the version number appended. Refreshing the link in /System. map to point to this new file will complete the setup. 212 212 Page 213 214 Building a Custom Kernel 213 If you use LILO for loading the kernel there are several steps necessary for safe installation of the new kernel. 1. First copy the old kernel to /boot/ vmlinuz. old 2. Next copy the new kernel to /boot/ vmlinuz 3. Modify the link /vmlinuz to point to the new kernel 4. Modify lilo. conf to provide another tag 5. Run LILO Simply copying the new kernel over the old, will not result in the desired effect. Copying the old kernel to a separate location and copying the new kernel into the old slot also doesn't quite get the desired result, even though this is the correct first step. Once the files have been moved, LILO still needs to be informed of the changes. When lilo is run, it reads its configuration information from the file /etc/ lilo. conf, so, to inform LILO of the change in kernels it is necessary to edit/ create this file. If the file starts out like: # /etc/ lilo. conf --single Linux installation. boot=/ dev/ hda1 root=/ dev/ hda1 compact install=/ boot/ boot. b map=/ boot/ map vga= normal delay= 20 image=/ vmlinux root=/ dev/ hda1 label= Linux read-only 213 213 Page 214 215 214 Basic System Administration then you need only add the following section: image=/ vmlinuz. old root=/ dev/ hda1 label= Old read-only next, run lilo and the new kernel will be installed with access to the old kernel as a fall back. Debian kernels are often built with all the SCSI low level drivers built in. This makes the uncompressed kernel greater than 1 Meg, requiring the use of bzImage instead of zImage. bzImages can sometimes cause problems for some hardware and for some loaders. loadlin has been known to have problems with these kernel images in the past, although most of those difficulties have already been fixed. If loadlin is used as the boot loader, then none of the above actions will make the new kernel available. You must copy the zImage file to the file that is used on the DOS partition as the kernel image file. If you use loadlin to boot the file linux from your DOS partition, then you must copy the new kernel image into the file linux on the DOS partition. Also make sure that make modules install has been run, and you are ready to reboot the new kernel. If you boot from a oppy, then mount the oppy as a DOS disk, and copy the kernel image file from /arc/ i386/ boot/ zImage to the file linux on the oppy. This is the kernel image file on the boot oppy and replacing it with the new kernel image will allow the system to boot under the new kernel. 214 214 Page 215 216 Debian Kernel Construction The kernel for Debian comes prepackaged as a kernel-image-< ver> . deb file. Installing this with dpkg or dselect will deliver a pre-compiled kernel of that version to the system. In many cases this is perfectly adequate and results in a new functional kernel with little effort. When this fails to be adequate to the needs of the system there is a kernel-source package to help resolve the problems. Installing the kernel-source package with either dpkg or dselect will result in the kernel source being unpacked into /usr/ src/ linux via a linux symlink similar to that used in the /usr/ local/ source example to link the linux directory to the correct kernel-source-< version>. There is also the file .linux-versions placed in /usr/ src. This file contains a list of all the kernel source and kernel header packages that have been installed on the system. The reason the version number is embedded into the package name is to allow more than one version of kernel source (or header or image) to reside on the system at the same time. If you have installed all of the tools needed to build a kernel, in addition to the kernel-source package the kernel-package package must also be installed. This package contains the scripts needed to build the kernel and make image, header, and source packages. Once this package is installed the following results can be obtained when make-kpkg is executed from the kernel-source directory: ° make-kpkg build Will build a kernel. ° make-kpkg binary Will make all the kernel packages. ° make-kpkg kernel-image Will make only the kernel-image package. 215 215 215 Page 216 217 216 Basic System Administration If the intent is to construct a "custom" kernel, rather than just rebuild the delivered one, then make config (or one of its varieties) must be executed to re-configure the kernel to the new requirements. Once this has been done: make-kpkg kernel-image will construct a kernel-image package that can be installed using dselect or dpkg. This image package is only an advantage if LILO (or some other boot manager) is used. If loadlin is being used to boot the kernel, then it will be necessary to move the kernel image file by hand to its proper location. Although the benefits may seem limited, use of the packaging system can make life much easier. With the kernel this is not as necessary as it is with other packages, so the decision is left to the System Administrator as to how this issue should be dealt with. 216 216 Page 217 218 Modules Sometime before the 2.0. x kernels, modularized drivers were first introduced into the kernel. This was a pretty shaky interface at first, and some drivers worked very well while others didn't work at all. By the 2. 0 kernel the use of modules was a well understood method. While there are still occasional problems associated with modular drivers, this feature of the Linux kernel have become one of the stable workhorses of the present day operating system. Advantages ° Smaller kernel image ° More versatility in installation environments ° Driver modification/ testing without kernel reboot ° Reduction in memory usage. Almost every driver can be built as a module. If the kernel was built with module support and kerneld enabled, then most modules will not need any special entries in the /etc/ modules file. kerneld will load them when they are needed and unload them when they are not being used. Some modules need to be loaded and initialized by the kernel before kerneld is started by init. There is a line in the provided /etc/ modules file, after the general comments, that has been commented out. This is the "auto" line. Removing the comment (# character) from the "auto" line, will tell the kernel to load those modules automatically, without the aid of kerneld. Some device drivers, like the low level drivers for specific SCSI cards, must be installed explicitly. When a CD is mounted, the system (and kerneld) know that the modules that support the SCSI device must be loaded. The kernel 217 217 217 Page 218 219 218 Basic System Administration has no knowledge of what card the machine has installed. This information is provided to the kernel in the /etc/ modules file. An Adaptec 1542 SCSI controller needs a line added to the modules file (anywhere after the "auto" line) that declares this driver. In this example the /etc/ modules file might look like: # /etc/ modules: kernel modules to load at boot time. # # This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are # to be loaded at boot time, one per line. Comments begin with # a '# ', and everything on the line after them are ignored. # auto aha1542 This file will cause all the necessary modules that support the controller to be loaded by kerneld, while the aha1542 driver is loaded at boot time and left loaded until reboot. The device driver that accesses the root file system must be built into the kernel or the system will be unable to boot. If the device driver is a module, the kernel has no driver to read the root file system, as this is where it expects to find the module for that driver. This Catch 22 is, for instance, why the Debian installation kernel has the MS-DOS FAT driver built into the kernel, rather than available in the modules installation section. Because the rescue disk is an MS-DOS format disk the kernel must have the FAT file system drivers already installed before it can read the root file system from the oppy (minix is also built in because the root. bin image file is a minix file system). Any devices the kernel will need before the root file system has been mounted, in order to get to the point of having a mounted root file system, must be built into the kernel. All other devices can be built as modules. The Debian instal-lation kernel is built in this fashion, making it possible to fit the installation into complex hardware configurations where blanket support causes failures. 218 218 Page 219 220 Modules 219 With the recent growth in the size of the kernel image this configuration al-lows the kernel to stay below the size limitations of some boot loaders and still maintain the highest level of functionality. Many of the configuration problems associated with device drivers involve finding the correct set of options to pass when installing the driver. Without modules each test would require rebooting the system in order to get the newest test options to take effect. With the module utilities supplied with a Debian system, a module can be unloaded with the rmmod command. The module's options can be edited in /etc/ conf. modules to re ect the new test values, and the module reinstalled with insmod, all without rebooting the system! With the use of kerneld, modules can be loaded and unloaded as needed. When no access has been made to the VFAT file systems for awhile, kerneld will unload the module and free up the memory it used. If, by chance, there is the need to read that VFAT file system in the future, the request to the kernel will trigger the loading of the required module by kerneld. In this way the kernel only takes up as much memory as it actually needs to continue with operations while maintaining the capability of accessing a wide variety of devices and systems. Disadvantage ° Broken or missing modules can cripple the system ° Provide opportunities for security violations ° Erratic operation of, and timing problems with, some devices If a driver file in /lib/ modules/< version>/< device-type>/*. o is either cor-rupted or removed, the system can find itself without critical resources. This 219 219 Page 220 221 220 Basic System Administration can be fatal for critical processes and possibly result in a system crash. Recov-ery is not always obvious, but with a rescue disk the system can be rebooted and the state of /etc/ modules and /lib/ modules can be investigated. It is not always obvious that the problem is with the modules. But, having a printed listing of the files in /etc/ modules (along with their file sizes) is a good tool to have in the recovery file folder when you start looking for solutions to problems. Modules also provide a potential security risk. Using the "exploit of the day", a system cracker need only gain root access long enough to copy "his" version of the system PPP module to provide an "undetectable" TCP channel into the target machine with full root access. Any number of other drivers could be subverted in this fashion. This makes security even more important with a modular kernel at the heart of the system. Obviously the security hole is actually in the "exploit of the day" and not in the modules as delivered. Protecting the system from attacks of this nature is no more difficult than protecting from the "exploit of the day". Debian and Linux have a continued focus on security. Security breeches are announced in the appropriate news groups. Patches and their locations are announced as well. Most important of the disadvantages of modular drivers and kerneld has to do with timing problems and unusual hardware configurations. With some devices, under certain load conditions, the time it takes kerneld to install and initialize the driver is long enough for the device to time out, resulting in a failed installation. So, if an FTP client calls for a network connection, and pppd isn't running, kerneld will kick off the appropriate processes and, depending on configuration, dial the number and establish the connection. In the mean time, however, the FTP client has timed out, waiting for the connection. The solution here is to try again with the FTP client. By this time the connection should be established and the connection will go through with no delay. This is not the best example, since the time delays are very large for a diald-type PPP connection even when everything is compiled into the kernel. If, however, this system did not time out the FTP connection without kerneld and modules, 220 220 Page 221 222 Modules 221 it would be likely to do so under some level of system load because of the additional time needed to load the modules from disk. The other point has to do with special hardware configuration. If there is a modem that uses a nonstandard interrupt for the given slot location, the sys-tem will install the driver and configure it properly using setserial. However, if the driver isn't used for several minutes, it will be unloaded. When the driver is next needed, kerneld will load it, but knows nothing of the special configuration needs of the driver. This results in the driver trying to use the wrong interrupt for that device, and failing. The resulting symptom is that if the system establishes a PPP connection within the first several minutes of operation, the connection will be made in the standard fashion and work as expected. If, however, the system is allowed to sit quietly for several minutes after reboot, the PPP connection will never get established. The chat program (if that is how the connection is established) will time out waiting for the first response from the modem because it isn't servicing the proper interrupt. This can be fixed temporarily by issuing another call to setserial with the proper interrupt value for the card. The better fix is to explicitly name the device driver in /etc/ modules. Adding serial to the list of modules in /etc/ modules will cause the module to be loaded by init and, later in the boot process, configured with setserial. It will also have the beneficial side effect of causing kerneld to leave the module alone and never unload it. Thus, the configuration initially provided for this driver remains unaffected and the device continues to work properly. 221 221 Page 222 223 222 Basic System Administration 222 222 Page 223 224 Chapter 5 Appendix The following sections comprise the appendix. Each section will cover one particular topic in some detail, or introduce subjects that are not explicitly covered in the body of this book. Appendix 1 -Gives details on various useful UNIX commands. Appendix 2 -Provides a short introduction to several useful editors. Appendix 3 -Explains the various uses of the loop device. Appendix 4 -A simple solution to some multiple OS installs. Appendix 5 -Shows you to build a Packages file. Appendix 6 -Some hints on how to use Linux as a server on the LAN. Appendix 7 -Lists the options that can be passed to the Linux Kernel. Appendix 8 -Contains the body of the Debian Social Contract/ DFSG. Appendix 9 -Presents the full text of the GNU Free Documentation License. 223 223 223 Page 224 225 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands Introduction This section covers most of the useful commands available on any UNIX oper-ating system. None of the commands are covered in great detail, but enough information is given to be a useful introduction for those not familiar with the various UNIX commands. For more details on these and other commands, there are two standard commands for getting documentation on programs installed on the system: the man command and the info command. If in-formation is desired for command foo, either man foo or info foo will provide the available documentation. Not all packages provide info pages, while many GNU packages don't provide man pages. Depending on the program involved one or the other of these will be available. When the command is unknown but some idea of functionality is known, a key word search can be made of the man pages using the apropos command or man -k. Note: The term program and command have been used inter-changeably in the previous discussion. This is because in UNIX, all executable commands are, in fact, programs that execute to perform their various tasks. Every program, and thus, every command, is documented in some fashion or an-other within the system. In a Debian system each package places its copyright, changelogs, and any additional examples or documents into the directory /usr/ share/ doc/< package name> and is a good place to start after you have exhausted the man and info pages. 224 224 224 Page 225 226 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 225 chgrp This command is used to change the group ownership of a file or files. The form of the command is: chgrp . The will be assigned to the that are specified. As usual wild cards are permitted, allowing multiple files to be specified. Several useful options are: -c describe only the files who's ownerships have actually changed. -f don't print error messages on unchanged files. -R recursively traverse the sub-directories changing group permission on the appropriate files. Example: chgrp -R dwarf /home/ dwarf Will change all of the files in all of the directories below /home/ dwarf to belong to the group dwarf. See also: chmod, chown 225 225 Page 226 227 226 chmod When it is necessary to modify the permissions on a particular file or group of files this command is the one to use. It takes the form: chmod has the form: [ugoa...][[+-=][ rwxXstugo...]...][,...] u the user who owns the file g users in the files group o other users not in the group a all users + causes permissions to be added to those already present for the file. -remove the specified permissions from the file = make those permissions specified as the only permissions defined for the file. r read permission w write permission x executed permission X execute only if the file is a directory or already has per-mission for some user. s set user or group id on execution. t save program text on swap device u set the permission to those of the user who owns the file. 226 226 Page 227 228 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 227 g set the permissions to those of the group. o set the permissions to those other than the group. -c give a verbose reporting of only the files changed. -r recursively change permissions of directories and their contents. -f do not print errors about files that were not changed. Example: chmod g-w ./* Will remove the group write permissions from all the files in the current di-rectory. See also: chown, chgrp 227 227 Page 228 229 228 chown To change the ownership of a file or group of files the chown command is used. This command has the form: chown [user][:.][ group] If only user is supplied, then the ownership of the file is changed to that user. If a : or . is followed by a user name, then the ownership of the file is changed to the specified user and the group is changed to the login group for that user. If user: group or user. group is provided, not only the ownership of the file is changed to user, but also the group assigned to the file is changed to group. Files can be designated with wild cards so that a set of files can be changed at the same time. Several useful options are detailed below. See the man page for complete details: -c describe only those files that have been changed. -f don't print error messages when files can't be changed. -R recursively change files in sub-directories. Example: chown fred ./ document. 1 will change the ownership of document. 1 to user fred. See also: chmod, chgrp 228 228 Page 229 230 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 229 cp This command is used to copy files from one location in the file system to another. The form of the command is: cp Wild cards are permitted in the parameter. If this parameter refers to more than one file, the must be a directory. There are a wide range of options for this command. Several are listed here. -a This option is the same as the -dpR and attempts to retain the permissions and ownerships of the files be-ing copied. This option is the best way to "replicate" a file system on another partition, or to move a sub-tree from one place to another without changing its permis-sion structures. -d Copy symlinks as symlinks rather than the file pointed to and preserve hard link relationships between files in the copies. -p Preserve the owner, group, permissions, and time-stamp found on the original when making the copies. -R Recursively copy all sub-directories and their file con-tents. This will allow a complete limb of a file system to be replicated somewhere else in the file system. Example: cp -a /home /mnt will copy all of the files and directories in /home into the directory /mnt and will maintain the permissions and ownerships of the files during the copy. 229 229 Page 230 231 230 df This command displays file system information for each device mounted on the system. The information displayed includes the size of the partition, the amount used, and the amount available. The device name and mount point are also provided in this display. Example: df Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on /dev/ hdb3 649339 396690 219108 64% / /dev/ hda1 1054176 784352 269824 74% /mnt/ DOS /dev/ hdb1 649307 542629 73139 88% /mnt/ image/ 1 /dev/ hdb7 331767 180711 133922 57% /mnt/ image/ 2 /dev/ hdb5 347375 258195 71240 78% /Debian /dev/ hdb6 347375 303564 25871 92% /home /mnt/ a/ deb. iso 617388 617388 0 100% /mnt/ loop1 /mnt/ image/ 1/ 1.3. iso 540506 540506 0 100% /mnt/ loop2 The order in which the file systems are listed, is the order that they were mounted. Except for the last two entries, the above were all mounted by fstab at boot time. The last two are loop mounted image files. 230 230 Page 231 232 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 231 du The du command reports the disk usage for the specified directory. The value reported for each sub-directory and the total are given in 1024 byte blocks. Example: du /lib 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ fs 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ net 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ scsi 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ block 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ cdrom 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ ipv4 1 /lib/ modules/ 2.1/ misc 8 /lib/ modules/ 2.1 77 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.22/ block 55 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.22/ net 133 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.22/ scsi 321 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.22/ fs 45 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.22/ misc 635 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.22 80 /lib/ modules/ 2.1.5/ block 58 /lib/ modules/ 2.1.5/ net 139 /lib/ modules/ 2.1.5/ scsi 335 /lib/ modules/ 2.1.5/ fs 48 /lib/ modules/ 2.1.5/ misc 664 /lib/ modules/ 2.1.5 477 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.30/ net 974 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.30/ scsi 265 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.30/ fs 245 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.30/ cdrom 228 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.30/ misc 2195 /lib/ modules/ 2.0.30 3503 /lib/ modules 5730 /lib This declares /lib to contain 5730, 1k (1024 byte) blocks. 231 231 Page 232 233 232 ls This command provides information about the contents and permissions of files within the file system. The bare command ls will list the files in the current directory. In addition to the many options that can be used with this command, the last element on the command line can be a file or directory specification. Wild cards are appropriate here, so ls m* will list all files in the current directory that begin with m. There are many options that can be used with the ls command. A few of the more useful are: -l display listing in the "long" format, giving file type, per-missions, the number of hard links, owner and group name, byte size, and the time stamp, by default the mod-ification time. -a display all files, including those that start with the '. ' character. -R give a recursive listing of the contents of all sub-directories. --color-code files according to file type. -S sort by file size. -r reverse the order of whatever sort has been chosen. Example: ls -l /dev/ l  brw-rw----1 root cdrom 24, 0 Jan 17 09: 45 /dev/ lmscd srw-rw-rw-1 root root , 0 Jun 8 23: 49 /dev/ log brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 0 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop0 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 1 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop1 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 2 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop2 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 3 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop3 232 232 Page 233 234 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 233 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 4 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop4 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 5 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop5 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 6 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop6 brw-rw----1 root disk 7, 7 Sep 23 1996 /dev/ loop7 crw-rw----1 root lp 6, 0 Jan 17 09: 45 /dev/ lp0 crw-rw----1 root lp 6, 1 Jan 17 09: 45 /dev/ lp1 lists all the files in /dev that begin with l and lists them in the long format. 233 233 Page 234 235 234 mkdir This command is used to create sub-directories within the file system. The command expects at least a directory specification and has several options. The most useful of which is: -m mode This option allows the specification of permissions on the directory being created Example: mkdir /mnt/ DOS will add the subdirectory DOS to the /mnt directory. See also: rmdir 234 234 Page 235 236 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 235 mv The move command mv, like copy, is of the form: mv . The parameter can contain wild cards, and when referring to more than one file the must be a directory. Several options include: -b make backups of the files to be removed. -i prompt before removing files. -v print the name of the files being moved. Example: mv myfile myfile. old will move the file myfile to the new file namedmyfile. old. 235 235 Page 236 237 236 rm The remove command rm is used to delete files from the file system. After options this command expects a file name. Wild cards are permitted here, so the command can remove more than one file at a time. Several options for this command are: -r recursively remove files from sub-directories. -f never prompt for files to remove and ignore nonexistent files. -i prompt for each file before removing it. Example: rm -r /home/ fred/  will remove all the files in all the directories of /home/ fred. 236 236 Page 237 238 Appendix 1: Common UNIX Commands 237 rmdir This command is the reverse of the mkdir command. It causes the directory specified to be removed. There is only one option for this command: -p removes any parent directories that become empty by removing the specified directory. Example: rmdir /mnt/ DOS will remove the sub-directory DOS from the path /mnt. See also: mkdir 237 237 Page 238 239 Appendix 2: Text Editors Introduction Linux systems provide many different kinds of editors. Debian is no different. From the tiny ae used in the base system, to the gigantic and powerful emacs, there are all the editors you might expect to find in any UNIX, and then some. The following section will give a brief description of four editors found in Debian. Each description section will tell how to start the editor, how to save a file, and how to exit the editor. Some of the primary edit features will also be discussed. For more detailed information see the man pages and other documentation provided with each of the editors. 238 238 238 Page 239 240 Appendix 2: Text Editors 239 ae Anthony's Editor ae is an exceptionally small program (23. 9K) that provides basic edit capability for the rescue disk and the base system. The default condition for the editor is with the help screen visible. This is one of the features that makes this editor so easy to use. The current release of Debian uses slang1 instead of ncurses, because the library is much smaller, allowing other things to go on the boot file system. To accommodate the new library constraints, and to give ae functionality on many terminal types, the key-bindings have been changed to be more like emacs. Most keys are control keys, with some use of the escape key. For those terminals without an escape key, will act as an escape. All of the possible commands available in the editor are displayed on the screen. < ctrl-H> will toggle the help screen off and on to provide more screen area for editing. The standard commands are: ^X I Read a file into the editor. ^X^ S Write the contents of the editor to a file. ^@ Block select to cursor movement. ^W Cut selected block. ^Y Paste a cut block. ^X^ C Exit the editor only if file has been saved. Prompts to save file. ^Q Exit the editor without saving the file first. Discards changes ae is the only editor available in the base system, so until the system is up-graded to "standard" there may not be an editor available that is completely familiar. ae is the compromise between size and familiarity. 239 239 Page 240 241 240 joe Joe's Own Editor joe is a WordStar clone with all the features found in that ancient piece of CP/ M code. The control K sequences are the same as in the original, so anyone familiar with WordStar can just use joe without thinking about learning new commands. For those not familiar with this word processor the following will be a good start: ^K H Toggle the help screen on and off. ^K D Save the current edit session. ^K X Save the current edit session and exit. ^K Z Suspend the editor for the shell. ^C Abort the current edit session. (don't save the file) With the help screen you can find out how to select a block of text, move or copy the block. Word search and replace are also available along with a spell checker. When a file is saved with joe it automatically moves the original file to original-file- name . The makes it easy to identify the backup edit session, but it only re ects the last edit session, so older contents will be lost. 240 240 Page 241 242 Appendix 2: Text Editors 241 vi One of the standard editors found on any UNIX system, vi, is a modal editor that provides many useful features. This section is not spacious enough to do justice to vi's many features, so only the basic commands needed to do simple editing will be covered here. A few of the more useful commands include: :viusage< CR> Show a list of vi commands. :exusage< CR> Show the list of ex commands. :q! Unconditional exit back to the shell. :wq Write the file and quit. i Enter insert mode (characters can only be entered when in input mode). Return to command mode. Modal refers to the way that vi operates in different modes. When first in-voked, vi is in command input mode. The cursor can be moved around the screen, but any other keys typed are expected to be commands. Some of those commands, like the i command, switch the editor into text input mode. For the insert command, the characters typed are inserted to the left of the cursor. The escape key will return to command mode, either from text input mode or to abort a command in the middle. If you type several characters that do not create a command, no other command can be entered until these characters are cleared. The escape key returns to command input mode and clears the partial command. 241 241 Page 242 243 242 emacs emacs is another, larger editor that comes with most standard systems. It has many features not found in other editors, not to mention a built-in LISP interpreter. Because of its many features, many of the emacs commands are multiple control or escape sequences. Some of the more common are listed below: ^X^ C Exit emacs ^H^ T Presents a Tutorial on emacs ^H^ I Displays the GNU Info pages on emacs ^X^ S Save the current buffer to a file emacs can be used to edit several buffers at one time, and provides many different "source" environments helpful to creation of source code. These areas are far too broad to be covered in these few paragraphs. The Tutorial is highly recommended as a good way to get to know the features of emacs. The info pages will give other, useful information not found in the tutorials. Both of these should be enough to give you a good feel for how this editor works, and what it can provide. 242 242 Page 243 244 Appendix 3: The Loop Device The loop device is a device driver that allows an image file to be mounted as though it were a normal block device. The question that immediately jumps to mind is, "So, how do I use this beast". As an example, let's look at mounting, and examining the contents of, the rescue oppy image file. First the CD-ROM, or other device containing this image file needs to be mounted like: mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/ scd0 /cdrom Note: The -r option declares the device to be read only. Also /dev/ scd0 assumes the drive is the first SCSI device. If the machine uses a SoundBlaster Pro/ Creative Labs combo for the cdrom this device would be /dev/ sbpcd0 instead. The other possibilities depend on the particular interface being used. If this is an "Official CD" that was mounted, the file of interest is found as: /cdrom/ debian/ hamm/ main/ disks-i386/ current/ resc1440. bin So the mount command using the loop device will look like: mount -t msdos -o loop /../../ resc1440. bin /mnt After this an ls of /mnt will show all the files that will appear on the oppy disk when this image file is transferred to it. This is a "live" file system. That is, it can be modified just like any other read/ write file system mounted as a block device. The changes made to the file system while mounted become part of the image file and will be re ected on the oppy constructed from that image. Of course, in our example the file image resides on a read-only medium so changes aren't possible, but when the image file resides on a writable medium, like the hard disk, then those kinds of changes become possible. 243 243 243 Page 244 245 244 OK. We can mount such file systems, but how are they constructed in the first place? This, of course requires a *nix environment. The tools are dd and losetup, and the process goes something like this: First it is necessary to create an empty file of the desired size. This is done with dd and the zero device in a command like: dd if=/ dev/ zero of=/../ image. file bs= 1k count= 100000 This will create a file with 100 MB of space. Note that the file size is equivalent to the partition size when creating partitions on a block device like the hard disk. This file will thus hold a file system that can reach 100 MB in size before "device full" errors occur. Before a file system can be created on this image file and mounted, it needs to be made to look like a block device. This is done with the losetup program in the following fashion: losetup /dev/ loop0 /../ image. file There are 8 loop devices to choose from, so you may need to check to see if a particular device is already in use. losetup /dev/ loopN, where N ranges between 0 and 7, will return the status of the Nth loop device if it is mounted and will return an error message if it is not. Now that /dev/ loop0 is a legitimate block device, mke2fs (or any of the other file system creation utilities) can be used to create a file system on the looped image file with a command like: mke2fs -c /dev/ loop() 100000 The -c option checks the device for bad blocks and the value on the end specifies how many blocks are on the file system. These two options can be left off the command line and results will be seen faster, but there is no guarantee that the resultant file system will be useful. Take the time to check for bad blocks. It is time you will not spend looking for the cause of problems 244 244 Page 245 246 Appendix 3: The Loop Device 245 later. Once the file system has been created, and a loop device associated with file, it can be mounted using the following command line: mount -t ext2 /dev/ loop0 /mnt When this is later unmounted make sure to release the device with the com-mand losetup -d /dev/ loop1. Another alternative is to release the loop device as soon as the file system creation is complete, and mount the file as in the previous example with a command like: mount -t ext2 -o loop=/../ image. file /mnt In either case this produces a "file system" mounted on /mnt that has 100 MB of storage space. Whatever this file system is intended to contain can now be copied, or untarred, or otherwise created on the new file system. It should be evident that loop devices are very useful critters. The instal-lation software makes use of one to perform several sets in the installation by mounting image files from the CD, instead of requiring a oppy disk to mount. This is not only faster, but physically easier than the oppy installa-tion method. 245 245 Page 246 247 Appendix 4: Multiple OS Installation There are different ways that more than one Operating System can reside on the same machine. DOS and Windows can easily reside on the same machine with Linux, and each can be booted at the choice of the operator. Win-dows 95/ 98 is a little bit trickier since it demands its own boot manager. Installing Windows 95/ 98 after installing Linux will result in LILO getting "bumped off" the system. Installing Linux AFTER Windows 95/ 98 will work. You will need to configure your Linux system to be able to boot Windows 95/ 98 with LILO however. LILO can be used as long as there is a Linux partition on the first physical drive. With a modified boot record and LILO, the system can be made to boot either Linux or DOS/ Windows 95/ 98. There are other boot loaders available for Intel machines. Most of these can be used to boot a variety of operating systems. The more versatile method of installation uses the DOS program loadlin. exe. This software can boot a kernel image from a DOS partition and mount any partition on the system as the root partition for that kernel. For automatic operation, the best method is to use the config. sys menu system in DOS to offer the choices of the different OS available on the machine. Then autoexec. bat can determine whether to go ahead and boot DOS or run loadlin and boot Linux. The following example should clarify this process: config. sys: [Menu] menuitem= NewLinux, Linux 2.0.30 menuitem= OldLinux, Linux 2.0.27 menuitem= DOS [DOS] DEVICE= C: \ DOS \ SETVER. EXE DEVICE= C: \ DOS \ HIMEM. SYS 246 246 246 Page 247 248 Appendix 4: Multiple OS Installation 247 DOS= HIGH FILES= 30 STACKS= 9,256 [NewLinux] [OldLinux] autoexec. bat: cd \ boot \ linux goto %config% :DOS cd \ C: \ DOS \ SMARTDRV. EXE @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$ g PATH C: \ WINDOWS; C: \ DOS SET TEMP= C: \ DOS goto End :NewLinux loadlinx vmlinuz2 root=/ dev/ hdb3 goto End :OldLinux loadlinx vmlinuz root=/ dev/ hdb3 goto End :End Note: This system allows the root file system to reside on another area besides the first device on the machine. This process will work for Windows 95/ 98 as well as DOS/ Windows and OS/ 2. 247 247 Page 248 249 Appendix 5: Building Packages Files Files with the extension .deb contain the packages managed by dpkg. For information on how these packages are built, the programmer. html/ and pol-icy. html/ directories will provide much useful information. These files are found on a Debian system in the /usr/ doc/ dpkg. What you need to build a Packages file: 1. Debian GNU/ Linux system with dpkg-dev installed. 2. A collection of .deb package files. 3. The override file for the distribution involved. The Debian package dpkg-dev provides the script dpkg-scanpackages which is used to produce Packages files. With this tool an arbitrary collection of Debian binary packages can be converted into a "distribution". Normally the Debian distribution resides in the sub-directories of the directory binary-i386. Many times however, even with a "standard" archives of this distribu-tion, the Packages file is not in sync with the archive, and a new Packages file will be required. The proper operation of dselect depends on an accurate and up-to-date Packages file. Another reason for building a Packages file relates to the construction of a "custom" installation. Collecting a specific subset of the Debian distribution for installation using dselect will require a Packages file for this subset. Once these packages are collected into a sub-tree, a Packages file can be created. dpkg-scanpackages has two required parameters, and sends its output to stdout. The first parameter is the path to the archives while the second points to the override file for the release being used. The 1. 3 release is code named bo, while the previous release was rex and the next one was hamm 248 248 248 Page 249 250 Appendix 5: Building Packages Files 249 (all characters from the movie dgbToy Story). These override files are found in the indices/ directory of any Debian mirror with the name override. bo or override. rex or override. hamm depending on which distribution the pack-ages came from. The command line would look something like: dpkg-scanpackage ./ bo/ binary-i386 ./ indices/ override. bo >Packages and will run for quite some time. Upon completion the script will print infor-mation about any differences found between packages and information found in the override file. This is typically caused by the fact that the maintainer changed and the override file does not re ect the new maintainer. These errors are never a problem to the correct operation of the Packages file, but are informative only. The final information provided by the script gives the total number of packages added to the Packages file. A copy of this file along with a gzipped copy should be placed in the outer directory of the distribution tree. For the standard distribution the Packages file goes into ../ binary-i386. When a group of packages are collected into one directory that is the directory where the Packages and Packages. gz files should be placed as well. Once this has been accomplished the distribution is ready to be installed using dselect. 249 249 Page 250 251 Appendix 6: Linux as a Server One of the many versatile features of Linux is its ability to act as a server in various network environments. Linux, and therefore Debian, provides features that allow it to act as a server for Windows and Windows 95/ 98 machines. It can also act as a server for an AppleTalk network, or even a Novell network. SAMBA is the name of the software that provides the tools for serving Win-dows machines. A very comprehensive discussion of this tool can be found at: http:// lake. canberra. edu. au/ pub/ samba There is also a HOWTO that can be found at: http:// www. interweft. com. au/ other/ samba/ smb se. html as well as a FAQ that can be found at: http:// sunse. jinr. dubna. su/ local/ samba/ samba. faq. html AppleTalk, the Macintosh network protocol, can be supported by the kernel if the proper appletalk. o module is provided, or compiled into the kernel. This network is also called netatalk and a HOWTO can be found at: http:// www. anders. com/ projects/ netatalk/ Linux can also be run directly on a Mac with the product called MKLinux. Information on how to set up netatalk on MKLinux can be found at: http:// www. primate. wisc. edu/ people/ dubois/ mklinux/ netatalk-setup. html 250 250 250 Page 251 252 Appendix 6: Linux as a Server 251 Linux can even act as a server on a Novell network. The kernel needs to have IPX support compiled in, or as a module. For more information see: http:// electron. phys. dal. ealmini/ HTTP+ Netware or http:// www. inet. co. th/ cyberclub/ karnedp/ http-4. html The IPX module is also discussed in the Modules HOWTO which can be found at: http:// linuxwww. db. erau. edu/ ldp/ HOWTO/ Module-HOWTO-s. html or at most mirrors of the Linux Documentation Project. All of the above sites were found using one of the many search engines that the Internet provides. If you point your browser at: http:// altavista. digital. com/ cgi-bin/ query? pg= aq the first blank line on the screen that comes up is for a list of keywords with logical operators that define the way they are selected. The real power of this page is the second field for Result Ranking Criterion. Key words in this list are used to bring more likely hits to the top of the list. This is very useful when your keywords return 2,000 hits. There are many other search engines available on the net. Using the above site and the keyword "search engine" produces 500,000 hits, so choices for Result Ranking Criterion can be very useful. 251 251 Page 252 253 Appendix 7: Arguments The kernel accepts arguments of the following form: no387= This argument tells the kernel not to use the math co-processor, even when present. The kernel must, of course, be compiled with math emulation support for this to work. root= Tells the kernel which partition to use as the root device. This value can be entered as a text string, like /dev/ hda4, or as the major/ minor number for the device, which for hda4 is "0x304" for major 3 and minor 4, fsck has been run. This argument can be set with rdev. debug= Under normal circumstances the kernel logs only those messages of debug level 7 or below to the console. Using this argument will send all debug messages to the console. klogd also has options that it will accept to modify what debug level will get logged. See the man page for details. reserve= Protects various i/ o ports from being probed. It takes the form: reserve= iobase, extent[, iobase, extent]... and will keep one device driver from probing sensitive ports on another card. Since that card will eventually need to be initialized by its own driver, this command is usually used in conjunction with another. If the device foo is caused to lock up by a probe from another device, the 252 252 252 Page 253 254 Appendix 7: Arguments 253 argument list would look like: reserve= 0x300,32 foo= 0x300 This will keep all other device drivers from probing 0x300 while allowing the drive that uses that port to be properly initialized. ramdisk= This argument tells the kernel how big a ramdisk to cre-ate. To put a file system from a oppy into a ramdisk would require an argument like: ramdisk= 1440. Note that the units of size for this argument is kilobytes. This is one of the few parameters that can be set in the kernel using rdev. mem= Since the BIOS of most PCs can only report 64 MB there are times when the kernel needs to be told that there is more memory than this. This argument should be used with great care, since, if you lie to the kernel and tell it that it has more address space than it actually has, the system will crash miserably at some time in the near future. Also make sure that your system does not use the highest memory for caching the BIOS code, as use of this memory by the kernel will ultimately crash the system as well. The value given after the equal sign should be the highest ram address available to the kernel, so a 96 MB system would get an argument like 'mem= 0x6000000'. 253 253 Page 254 255 254 SCSI device arguments General Notation iobase The first I/ O port that the SCSI device occupies, nor-mally between the values: 0x200 and 0x3ff irq The hardware interrupt that the SCSI card is configured to use. scsi-id The host adapter's ID on the SCSI bus. Some adapters allow this value to be changed but most don't. Many adapters use ID of seven, however, the Seagate and dg-bFuture Domain TMC-950 cards used ID of six. parity Specifying a 1 tells the card to expect the SCSI devices to report parity. Setting this to 0 has the opposite effect. As with the scsi-id not all adapters accept this argument. 254 254 Page 255 256 Appendix 7: Arguments 255 SCSI argument list max scsi luns Some SCSI devices are poorly designed and will lock up when probed for LUNs (Logical Unit Numbers) other than zero. As the kernels now default to only probe LUN 0, this argument allows for the probing of other LUNs as well. st= This is used to configure SCSI tape devices and has the form: st= buf size[, write threshold[, max bufs]]. buf size: The value is given in units of kilobytes with the default value of 32 and a max value of 16384. write threshold: Is the size of the buffer that will commit a write to tape and defaults to 30 kilobytes. max bufs: Normally defaults to 2 but the proper number depends on how many devices are present. aha152x= iobase[, irq[, scsi-id[, reconnect[, parity]]]] These values are as described earlier and are order depen-dent, so to specify parity, the rest of the parameters must appear on the line. If the reconnect value is non-zero the device will be allowed to disconnect/ reconnect. 255 255 Page 256 257 256 aha1542= iobase[, buson, busof[, dmaspeed]] The iobase for this card is usually, 0x130, 0x134, 0x230, 0x234, 0x330, and 0x334. Some clone cards provide other addresses as well. buson and busof specify the time the card spends on and off the buss. Default values are 11µs on and 4µs off so that other cards get a chance at the ISA buss. dmaspeed refers to the rate at which the DMA transfers proceed. The default value is 5 MB/ s, although some cards allow setting up to 10 MB/ s, but care should be taken to make sure that the machine is up to the task. aic7xxx= extended, no reset A nonzero value for extended enables extended transla-tion for large disks. A nonzero value for no reset tells the card not to reset the card at boot up. buslogic= The only parameter that this argument accepts is the iobase. The expected values are: 0x130, 0x134, 0x230, 0x234, 0x330, and 0x334. tmc8xx= mem base, irq The probe code for these Future Domain cards looks for a BIOS on the card. If one is not found, or the signature is not recognized, this card will go unrecog-nized. Specifying the mem base address and the irq in this argument will force recognition of the card. The mem base address specifies the memory mapped I/ O region of the card and expects values: 0xc8000, 0xcc000, 0xce000, 0xdc000, 0xde000. 256 256 Page 257 258 Appendix 7: Arguments 257 pas16= iobase, irq This card uses the NC5380 SCSI chip and usually ex-pects the iobase to be 0x388. If the irq value is given as 255, then the card will operate without interrupts, at a reduced capability. st0x= mem base, irq This probe code also expects to find a bios and will not find the card if there is no BIOS. This argument will force detection of the card. mem base is the memory mapped I/ O region of the card and uses values: 0xc8000, 0xca000, 0xcc000, 0xce000, 0xdc000, 0xde000. t128= mem base, irq These cards also use the NC5380 SCSI chip and expects the following values for mem base: 0xc8000, 0xcc000, 0xd8000, 0xdc000. The following cards do not accept arguments: Always IN2000 Adaptec aha1740 EATA-DMA EATA-PIO Future Domain 16xx NCR5380 (generic) NCR53c7xx to NCR53c8xx Qlogic Ultrastor Western Digital wd7000 257 257 Page 258 259 258 Hard Disk Arguments The hard disk arguments are used to do special setup on IDE devices. This includes a number of CD-ROM devices as well as the normal hard drives. Drive-specific options have the form: hda=, hdb=, hdc=, hdd=. Non drive-specific options have the form: hd=. This option can be used to specify the next drive in the a, b, c, d order. Drive specific options can be used in place of non-specific ones with the expected result. In the following discussion the hd= will be used exclusively and can be replaced by any drive specific option that applies. hd= cyls, heads, sects[, wpcom[, irq]] This option is used to specify the physical geometry of the disk. Only the first three parameters are required. The wpcom (write pre-compensation) parameter is ignored by IDE devices. The irq value is the irq of the controller of the device and as such is not strictly a drive parameter. hd= serialize Many of the older kernels had a broken CMD-640 chip driver design which resulted in corrupted data when the second controller was operated at the same time as the first. This option forces the driver to do sequential accesses rather than simultaneous activity. You will only need to use this option if you have a drive installed on the second IDE controller. 258 258 Page 259 260 Appendix 7: Arguments 259 hd= dtc2278 If you have a DTC2278D IDE interface this option causes the driver to attempt to enable the second controller as well as faster transfer options. hd= noprobe If the machine has an old IDE drive that suffers from being probed this option will keep that disaster from happening. For example, if the drive is hdb then the following will allow the drive to not be probed but also provide the drive information for proper identification of the drive: hdb= noprobe hdb= 1166,7,17 will do the trick. hd= nowerr As some drives appear to have the WRERR STAT bit permanently stuck, this option allows the drive to work anyway. hd= cdrom If there is an ATAPI compatible CD-ROM installed on one of the IDE controllers and it is not recognized by the kernel, this option will allow the kernel to recognize the drive. xd= type, irq, iobase, dma chan If the system has an old 8 bit xt card, the driver probes the card for a BIOS. If none is found, or the sig-nature is not recognized, then the drive will not be recognized. This option will allow the recognition to occur. type specifies the card manufacturer and has the values: 0= generic; 1= DTC; 2, 3,4= Western Digital; 5,6, 7= Seagate; 8= OMTI. irq, iobase and dma chan are all required parameters, so don't leave any of them unspecified. 259 259 Page 260 261 260 Other CD-ROMS This section contains options for CD-ROM devices that are neither SCSI or IDE/ ATAPI devices. aztcd= iobase[, magic number] The Aztech interface uses these options. If the magic number is set to 0x79 the driver will continue to try to function even when the firmware version is unknown. Any other magic number will be ignored by the driver. cdu31a= iobase[, irq[, is pas card]] This argument is used to configure the Pro Audio Spectrum cards as well as some Sony supplied interface cards. Passing an irq value of 0 tells the driver that the card does not support interrupts. If the card does support them you are encouraged to use the interrupt, as it will ease the CPU load. If the card is a Pro Audio Spectrum then the is pas card parameter should be PAS. sonycd535= iobase[, irq] Used by the Sony CDU-535 interface card, the iobase passed as 0 to act as a placeholder when an irq needs to be specified. gscd= iobase Used by the GoldStar interface. mcd= iobase[, irq[, wait value]] Used by Mitsumi Standard interface cards, the wait value is for devices that are having trouble with time-outs, but should be used with care as some implementations of the driver don't support this option. Whether or not it is implemented depends on a compile time DEFINE. mcdx= For the Mitsumi XA/ Multisession interface experi-mental. 260 260 Page 261 262 Appendix 7: Arguments 261 optcd= iobase The Optics Storage interface uses this argument. cm206=[ iobase][, irq] Used by the Philips CM206 interface, this driver ex-pects irq values between 3 and 11 and iobase values between 0x300 and 0x370, so these can be supplied in any order, with either value missing. There is also the cm206= auto which tells the driver to auto probe for the information. sjcd= iobase[, irq[, dma channel]] This argument is used by the Sanyo interface card. sbpcd= iobase, type Used by the Soundblaster Pro interface card, the value of type can be: 0 for LaserMate, 1 for SoundBlaster, 2 for SoundScape, and 3 for Teac16bit. The iobase is the base for the CD interface and not the sound card. 261 261 Page 262 263 262 Floppy Drive Arguments All of the information in this section can be found in README. fd in linux/ drivers/ block. The following information is taken directly from this file. Several points of interest include: ° Using oppy= arguments on the command line as well as in the LILO config file will result in the two arguments being concatenated. ° The oppy= argument can be used with insmod, however the syntax is slightly different. ° For insmod the oppy= is only entered once with the parameters fol-lowing it in quotes as, oppy" daring two fdc". ° oppy= mask, allowed drive mask and oppy= all drives are obso-lete and should be replaced by: oppy=< drive>,< type>, cmos Specifying a drive is mandatory when using more than 2 oppy drives, and sets the CMOS type for to , where the CMOS types are: 0 -Use the value found in the physical CMOS 1 -5 1/ 4 DD 2 -5 1/ 4 HD 3 -3 1/ 2 DD 4 -3 1/ 2 HD 5 -3 1/ 2 ED 6 -3 1/ 2 ED 16 -unknown or not installed Note: Type 5 is for use with AMI oppy drives. Under other cir-cumstances this type was intended for use by oppy "tapes". 262 262 Page 263 264 Appendix 7: Arguments 263 oppy= asus pci Sets the bitmask to allow only devices 0 and 1. This is the default. oppy= daring Indicates a "well-behaved" oppy controller, which al-lows the driver to provide more efficient and smoother operation and will speed up certain operations. However this may cause failures on some controllers. oppy= one fdc Tells the driver that you have only one controller. This is the default. oppy=[ address,] two fdc Indicates to the driver that there are two oppy disk controllers and that the second controller resides at address. If address is not entered then 0x370 is assumed. oppy= thinkpad Informs the driver that this is a Thinkpad and will deal with the inverted disk change line used by these machines. oppy= 0,thinkpad Tells the driver that this is not a Thinkpad. 263 263 Page 264 265 264 oppy= omnibook and oppy= nodma As the HP Omnibook has no workable DMA channel and other hardware deliver "Unable to allocate DMA memory" error, this argument tells the driver not to use DMA transfers with the drive. The machine must be at least a 486 to use nodma, and the FIFO threshold should be set to 10 or lower to limit the number of data transfer interrupts. oppy= dma Allows the driver to use DMA and is the default. oppy= nofifo Used to disable the FIFO entirely. If the Ethernet card or other device declares "Bus master arbitration error" while using the oppy, you will need to use this argument to disable the FIFO. oppy= fifo Enables the FIFO and is the default. oppy= threshold, fifo depth This argument is relevant in DMA mode and sets the FIFO threshold. A higher value allows the oppy driver to tolerate more interrupt latency, while generating more interrupts. A lower value should lower the interrupt latency and produces fewer interrupts. This threshold can be tuned using the oppy control -- messages and then later looking for Over/ underrun -retrying messages when accessing the oppy drive. If there are a huge amount of these messages then the threshold is set too low. Set the threshold value higher 264 264 Page 265 266 Appendix 7: Arguments 265 until you only see an occasional error message. Building the kernel with the oppy driver as a module will allow you to remove the driver and reinstall it with a different threshold value without the need to reboot the machine. Remember to reissue the oppycontrol --messages com-mand after each reload of the driver. Usually this "tun-ing" will not be necessary, as the default value of 0xa is a reasonable value in most cases. oppy= unexpected interrupts This argument causes a warning message to be printed whenever an unexpected interrupt is received from the oppy. This is the default behavior. oppy= no unexpected interrupts and oppy= L40SX These arguments causes no message to be printed when an unexpected interrupt in received. The IBM L40SX laptops have an interaction between certain video modes and the oppy controller that result in unexpected interrupts. These interrupts only effect performance and can be safely ignored. fdutils and mtools provide additional run-time configuration capabilities for the oppy drive, including reading high capacity disks. 265 265 Page 266 267 266 Other Device Drivers Any drivers not falling into the above categories will be found here. ether= irq, iobase[, param1[, param2....[, param8]]], name For configuring Ethernet cards. The various cards have differing parameters, but they all require an irq and iobase address. The first non-numeric value is taken to be the name of the device. This argument is typically used to force the detection of a second Ethernet card, and, for that purpose, would look like: ether= 0,0, eth1. Note that 0 is again used as a place holder for this argument. sound= device1[, device2.....[, device11]] Provide a means to override the compiled in values. This is somewhat complex and should be avoided if possible. The deviceN parameters are of the form 0xTaaaId where the bytes are used as follows: T device type: 1= FM, 2= SB, 3= PAS, 4= GUS, 5= MPU401, 6= SB16, 7= SB16-MPU401 aaa I/ O address in hex I Interrupt in hex d DMA channel Using a 'sound= 0' disables the sound card all together. busmouse= irq Used by the busmouse driver. 266 266 Page 267 268 Appendix 8: What is Free Software The following definition of Free Software is copyright c 1997 "Software in the Public Interest" and is printed here with the author's permission. The project participants overwhelmingly voted to adopt this declaration on the 4th of July, 1997. What follows is the entire document. DEBIAN'S "SOCIAL CONTRACT" WITH THE FREE SOFTWARE COM-MUNITY We are Software In The Public Interest, producers of the Debian GNU/ Linux system. This is the social contract we offer to the free software community. 1. Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software We promise to keep the Debian GNU/ Linux distribution entirely free soft-ware. As there are many definitions of free software, we include the guidelines we use to determine if software is "free" below. We will support our users who develop and run non-free software on Debian, but we will never make the system depend on an item of non-free software. 2. We Will Give Back to the Free Software Community When we write new components of the Debian system, we will license them as free software. We will make the best system we can, so that free software will be widely distributed and used. We will feed back bug-fixes, improvements, user requests, etc. to the "upstream" authors of software included in our system. 3. We Won't Hide Problems We will keep our entire bug-report database open for public view at all times. Reports that users file on-line will immediately become visible to others. 267 267 267 Page 268 269 268 4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software We will be guided by the needs of our users and the free-software community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. We will support the needs of our users for operation in many different kinds of computing environment. We won't object to commercial software that is intended to run on Debian systems, and we'll allow others to create value-added distributions containing both Debian and commercial software, without any fee from us. To support these goals, we will provide an integrated system of high-quality, 100 5. Programs That Don't Meet Our Free-Software Standards We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of programs that don't conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have created "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our FTP archive for this software. The software in these directories is not part of the Debian system, although it has been con-figured for use with Debian. We encourage CD manufacturers to read the licenses of software packages in these directories and determine if they can distribute that software on their CDs. Thus, although non-free software isn't a part of Debian, we support its use, and we provide infrastructure (such as our bug-tracking system and mailing lists) for non-free software packages. THE DEBIAN FREE SOFTWARE GUIDELINES 1. Free Redistribution The license of a Debian component may not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribu-tion containing programs from several different sources. The license may not require a royalty or other fee for such sale. 2. Source Code The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form. 268 268 Page 269 270 Appendix 8: What is Free Software 269 3. Derived Works The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software. 4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the license allows the distribution of "patch files" with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. The license must explicitly permit distribution of software built from modified source code. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from the original software. (This is a compromise. The Debian group encourages all authors to not restrict any files, source or binary, from being modified.) 5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons. 6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research. 7. Distribution of License The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties. 8. License Must Not Be Specific to Debian The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being part of a Debian system. If the program is extracted from Debian and used or distributed without Debian but otherwise within the terms of the program's 269 269 Page 270 271 270 license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the Debian system. 9. License Must Not Contaminate Other Software The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be free software. 10. Example Licenses The "GPL", "BSD", and "Artistic" licenses are examples of licenses that we consider "free". The concept of a Linux distribution stating its "social contract with the free software community" was suggested to me by Ean Schussler. I composed a draft, and then it was refined by the Debian developers in e-mail conference during most of June. They then voted to approve it as our publicly stated policy. We hope that other software projects, including other Linux distribu-tions, will use this document as a model. We will gladly grant permission for any such use. Respectfully Submitted Bruce Perens Debian Project Leader 270 270 Page 271 272 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License What follows is the verbatim text of the GNU Free Documentation Li-cense. This is the license under which this book has been released. GNU Free Documentation License Version 1. 1, March 2000 Copyright c 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective free-dom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commer-cially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, 271 271 271 Page 272 273 272 regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. Applicability and Definitions This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the Docu-ment or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/ or translated into another language. A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall sub-ject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them. The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are des-ignated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. 272 272 Page 273 274 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License 273 A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, repre-sented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque". Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII with-out markup, Texinfo input format, L A T E X input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/ or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word proces-sors for output purposes only. The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text. Verbatim Copying You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commer-cially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are repro-duced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those 273 273 Page 274 275 274 of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies. Copying in Quantity If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects. If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably 274 274 Page 275 276 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License 275 prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. Modifications You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: ° Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. ° List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities re-sponsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less than five). ° State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. 275 275 Page 276 277 276 ° Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. ° Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. ° Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. ° Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. ° Include an unaltered copy of this License. ° Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. ° Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. ° In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/ or dedications given therein. 276 276 Page 277 278 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License 277 ° Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not con-sidered part of the section titles. ° Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. ° Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to con ict in title with any Invariant Section. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Doc-ument, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties | for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organiza-tion as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author( s) and publisher( s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorse-ment of any Modified Version. 277 277 Page 278 279 278 Combining Documents You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections entitled "Endorsements". Collections of Documents You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 278 278 Page 279 280 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License 279 Aggregation With Independent Works A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate. Translation Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute trans-lations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may in-clude a translation of this License provided that you also include the original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement between the trans-lation and the original English version of this License, the original English version will prevail. 279 279 Page 280 281 280 Termination You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. Future Revisions of This License The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http:// www. gnu. org/ copyleft/. Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. 280 280 Page 281 282 Appendix 9: GNU Free Documentation License 281 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright c YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/ or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1. 1 or any later ver-sion published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invari-ant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software. 281 281 Page 282 283 Index --audit, 44 --avail, 37 --clear-avail, 37, 60 --configure, 34, 44 --disabled-password, 190 --force, 45 --help, 46 --install, 33, 34 --license, 46 --list, 42 --listfiles, 41 --merge-avail, 38, 54 --no-force, 45 --pending, 35, 36 --print-architecture, 46 --print-avail, 39 --print-gnu-build-architecture, 46 --print-installation-architecture, 46 --purge, 36 --recursive, 34 --refuse, 45 --remove, 35, 36 --search, 43 --status, 39, 40 --unpack, 34 --update-avail, 38 --version, 46 .deb, 27, 52, 54 .dpkg-dist, 35 .dpkg-old, 35 /boot, 77, 94, 99, 212 /dev, 49 /dev/ gpmdata, 171 /dev/ psaux, 171 /dev/ ttyS0, 171 /erc/ init. d/ network, 83 /etc/ conf. modules, 219 /etc/ fstab, 199 /etc/ group, 191, 197 /etc/ hosts, 82 /etc/ lilo. conf, 213 /etc/ modules, 105, 217, 220, 221 /etc/ passwd, 191 /etc/ pintcap, 202 /etc/ sudoers, 195 /home, 76, 94, 99 /lib/ modules, 220 /tmp, 76 282 282 282 Page 283 284 INDEX 283 /usr, 76 /usr/ local, 77, 210 /usr/ src/ linux, 215 /var, 76, 94, 99 /vmlinuz, 212 [A] ccess, 48 [A] ccess cdrom, 49 [A] ccess oppy, 52 [A] ccess ftp, 53 [A] ccess harddisk, 51 [A] ccess mounted, 51 [A] ccess nfs, 50 [C] onfig, 58 [I] nstall, 58 [Q] uit, 59 [R] emove, 58 [S] elect, 54 [U] pdate, 54 add user, 133, 190 adduser, 190, 191, 197 advanced install, 160 ae, 239 Anthony'w Editor, 239 anXious, 163{ 184 appletalk, 250 apropos, 204 apt-get, 28, 62{ 66, 185{ 187 apt-get install, 65 apt-get remove, 66 apt-get upgrade, 66 autoexec. bat, 246 available file, 37 base system, 18, 86, 117 Base System Installation, 117 binary-i386, 38, 49, 248 boot oppy, 124 bootable, 94 broadcast address, 82 Bruce Perens, 18 bug tracking, 19 bzImage, 214 CD-ROM arguments, 260{ 261 cfdisk, 92 chat script, 85, 221 chgrp command, 225 chmod command, 226 chown command, 196, 228 clock chip, 178 color depth, 180 conffiles, 34{ 36 configure modules, 104, 107 Configure the Keyboard, 88 Contents files, 206 contrib, 21, 38 cp command, 229 dd command, 244 debconf, 185, 187 Debian's Social Contract, 267 debian/ dists, 49 283 283 Page 284 285 284 INDEX default resolution, 181 Designated Name Servers, 116, 142 df command, 230 dialup, 84 diff, 205 disk quotas, 76 DNS, 116, 142 domain name, 81, 115 dpkg, 27, 30{ 46, 206, 215 dpkg-scanpackages, 248 drivers, 72, 217, 221 dselect, 28, 36, 47{ 61, 160, 187, 215, 248 du command, 231 dvips, 203 emacs, 242 fdisk, 92 find command, 207 finger command, 191 oppy drive arguments, 262{ 265 font selection, 165 Force Options, 45 Free Software, 267 Free Software Foundation, 271 FS type, 93 fsck, 199 FTP, 81 full name, 81 fuser, 201, 202 Gateway Address, 114 gcc, 210 gid, 197 GNU Free Documentation License, 271 gpm, 171 graphics card, 176 grep, 206 group, 197 hard disk arguments, 258{ 259 harddisk boot, 122 horizontal sync, 173 host name, 80, 108 HOWTO, 79 Ian Murdock, iv, 17, 18 image files, 243, 244 indices/, 249 info, 205, 224 info page, 204 init, 199, 217, 221 install. en. txt, 67, 72 installation, 67{ 187 Installation Main Menu Options, 88 installation media, 101 IP address, 81, 112 joe, 65, 207, 240 kernel, 100, 209, 215 kernel arguments, 252{ 266 284 284 Page 285 286 INDEX 285 kernel headers, 210 kernel source, 215 kernel-image, 216 kernel-package, 215 kernel-source, 215 kerneld, 105, 217, 220 keyboard extensions, 172 kill command, 200 less command, 205 LILO, 122, 126, 213, 216, 246 Linux Swap FS type, 93, 96 loadlin, 214, 216, 246 logical partitions, 78, 92 loop device, 243{ 245 losetup, 244 lpc, 204 lpd, 202 lpq, 203 lpr command, 202 lprm, 203 ls command, 232 lynx, 186 magicfilter, 203 make-kpkg, 215 man, 224 man page, 204 Master Boot Record, 123 MBR, 123 mc -Midnight Commander, 39{ 41, 43, 56 MD5 passwords, 128 minix, 218 mkdir command, 234 MKLinux, 250 modules, 100, 210, 212, 217, 219 monitor, 175 monitor resolution, 181 more command, 204 mount, 199 mouse type, 169 Murdock, Ian, iv, 17, 18 mv command, 235 name servers, 82, 85 netatalk, 250 netmask, 81, 113 NetWare, 251 network address, 82 network configuration, 108{ 116 networking, 78 non-free, 21, 38 other arguments, 266 override file, 248 Packages files, 36{ 38, 48, 53, 64, 206, 248 pager, 204 PAP, 145 partitions, 76, 77, 90, 97 passwd, 35, 190, 192, 193 PCMCIA, 105, 138 285 285 Page 286 287 286 INDEX Peer Authentication Protocol, 145 Perens, Bruce, 18 poff, 85 pon, 85 ports, 151 PostScript, 203 PPP, 84, 220 PPP configuration, 139{ 155 PPP modem selection, 151 PPP peers, 85, 140 pppconfig, 85, 139 pppd, 220 primary partitions, 78, 92 printer, 202 process status, 200 ps command, 200 PS/ 2 mouse, 171 psmisc, 206 rebooting, 126 rescue disks, 72, 86, 220 resolution, 181 resolv. conf, 81, 82 rm command, 207, 236 rmdir command, 237 rmmod, 219 root, 192, 194, 195, 220 root access, 32 root partition, 98, 161 root password, 130, 131 root privilege, 191, 193 root. bin, 218 samba, 250 SCSI device arguments, 254{ 257 search engines, 251 setserial, 221 shadow passwords, 129 simple install, 160 slrn, 65 sources. list, 62, 64 Stage One Installation, 86{ 126 Stage Two Installation, 127{ 187 status file, 36 Status: field, 36 su, 32, 194 sudo, 32, 195 swap space, 74, 90, 95, 208 System. map, 212 tasks, 161 telnet, 81 time zone, 120 top, 200 twm, 167 tzconfig, 120 umask, 196 umount, 199 user accounts, 133 userdel, 191 vertical sync, 174 286 286 Page 287 INDEX 287 vi, 241 Virtual Console, 54 VMware, iv whereis, 43 who, 202 window managers, 167 X Window System, 166 xdm, 168 xf86Setup, 163 xterm, 166 zgv, 65 zImage, 214 287